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PURIFICATION OF SOUL: GOALS AND METHODS تزکيۃ النفس : اھداف و طريقے. Syed Hasanuddin Ahmad Aurora, Illinois. Importance of Purification. بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم The First Goal: كمآ ارسلنا فيكم رسولا منكم يتلوا عليكم آياتنا ويزكيكم---- (البقره 151) And the Last Goal:
PURIFICATION OF SOUL: GOALS AND METHODSتزکيۃ النفس : اھداف و طريقے Syed Hasanuddin Ahmad Aurora, Illinois
Importance of Purification بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم The First Goal: كمآ ارسلنا فيكم رسولا منكم يتلوا عليكم آياتنا ويزكيكم---- (البقره 151) And the Last Goal: --- ويزكيهم إنك أنت العزيز الحكيم (البقره 129) The Ultimate Goal: فقل هل لك إلى ان تزكى (النازعات 18) Syed Hasanuddin Ahmad
What does Purification (Tazkiyyah) mean? It means cleaning, pruning, and improvement: To turn the direction of soul from evil way to righteous one, and help achieve a high level of contentment (our knowledge of Allah should be on strong belief so that we remain satisfied with him in every condition of life-becoming a model of good conduct). Syed Hasanuddin Ahmad
…Continued It covers all open or hidden aspects of this worldly life. It leads us from Iman (Belief) to Ihsan (Benevolence) through Islam (Submission- in action). Syed Hasanuddin Ahmad
Purification Consists of: 1. Improvement in Knowledge: تزكية العلم Who am I? What is my origin? What is my Destination? Am I free or bound? Am I a planned creation? If yes, who is my creator? What does my creator want? Syed Hasanuddin Ahmad
Purification… 2. Improvement in Action: تزكية العمل Incentives of Action: Natural Urge- hunger, sex … Desires- Competition, More … Emotions- Anger, Happiness … Spiritual (Super-Natural)- Reward Syed Hasanuddin Ahmad
…Continued 3. Improvement in Relationship: تزكية فى المعاملات Rights of Creatorحقوق الله Creation- Self, حقوق النفس Others.حقوق العباد Syed Hasanuddin Ahmad
1. Knowledge Improvement: Knowledge of God? عرفان- معرفت إلهى 1.There is one God 2. Qualities of God 3. His likes and dislikes 4. Laws of Nature are his laws 5. His treatment after Death. Syed Hasanuddin Ahmad
Knowledge… Talking of seeing God in this World is not only rude but utter insult: قال لن ترانى --- Allah said, “You can never see Me!” (7:143) فقالوا أرنا الله جهرتاً فأخذ تهم الصآعقة بظلمهم For they said, “Show us Allah in public,” but they were dazed for their presumption, by thunder and lightening (4:153) Syed Hasanuddin Ahmad
…knowledge • “His noor has curtain. If removed, the entire creation which falls under his noor will get burnt” (Muslim). Syed Hasanuddin Ahmad
Knowledge… Through the Qur’an and Sunnah: Some Etiquette of Study: 1. Belief in Qur’an as God’s Word: أفلا يتدبرون القرآن ولو كان من عند غيرالله لوجدوا فيه اختلافا كثيرا (النسآء 82) Do they not consider the Qur’an? Had it been from other than Allah, they would surely have found therein much discrepancy (4:82) Syed Hasanuddin Ahmad
Knowledge… 2. Purification of Intention: To learn 3. Determination to Change Life 4. Contemplation & Meditation: أفلا يتدبرون القرآن ام على قلوب أقفالها (محمد ) Do they not then earnestly seek to understand the Qur’an, or are their hearts locked up by them? (47: 24) Syed Hasanuddin Ahmad
Knowledge … Prophet (s) was a Teacher & Model: 1. Belief in his Prophet-hood and Finality: ذاق طعم الإيمان من رضى بالله ربا وبالإسلام دينا و بمحمد رسولا (مسلم) He did taste food of Belief who professed Allah as his Lord, Islam as his Deen, and Muhammad as a Messenger. Syed Hasanuddin Ahmad
Knowledge… 2. Obedience: أطيعوا الله وأطيعواالرسول و أولى الأمر منكم Obey Allah and obey the Prophet and leader from among you (4: 59) 3. Following: قل إن كنتم تحبون الله فاتبعونى Say, “If you do love Allah, follow me.” (3: 31). Syed Hasanuddin Ahmad
Knowledge… • 4. Love: لا يؤمن أحدكم حتى أكون أحب إليه من والده و ولده والناس أجمعين (متفق عليه ) None of you has Faith until I become more beloved to him than his parents, his children, and all people in general (Agreed Upon). Syed Hasanuddin Ahmad
2. Purification of Actions (Character) True knowledge or good words must be supported by good deeds to be acceptable to Allah: إليه يصعدُ الكلِمَُ الطًّيِّبُ والعمل الصَّالح يرفَعُهُ (فاطر10) To him mount up all words of purity, and it is he who exalts each deed of righteousness (35: 10). Syed Hasanuddin Ahmad
… Character عمل سے زندگی بنتی ھے جنت بھی جہنم بھی يہ خاکی اپنی فطرت پہ نہ نوری ہے نہ ناری ہے It is action that makes life of Paradise or Hell This man of clay is by nature neither of light nor of fire What are then some of the good qualities needed in our actions that strengthen relationship with Allah, Self, and others? Syed Hasanuddin Ahmad
3.Qualities 1. Worship: يآ عائشةُ – أفلا أكون عبداً شكوراً (مسلم) O’ Aisha! Should not I be a grateful Servant? (Muslim) 2. Fear of Allah: إنما يخشى الله من عباده العلمآء Indeed from among his servants, the learned have fear of Allah (35: 38) Syed Hasanuddin Ahmad
…Qualities 3. Patience: إنما يؤفى الصابرون اجرهم بغير حساب Indeed patient people will be rewarded without count (39: 10) 4. Gratitude: After Iman, all actions in obedience to Allah are manifest of Gratitude. Syed Hasanuddin Ahmad
Qualities… 5. Sincerity: مخلصين له الدين حنفآء (البينه) 6. Trust: First tie the animal then trust… Syed Hasanuddin Ahmad
Spoilers of Relationship(Curtains): Because of following our uncontrolled desires, we encounter three types of curtains between us and Allah. These curtains in turn give rise to despised traits in our character. We must cleanse these out from our actions for self-improvement. Syed Hasanuddin Ahmad
ِSome despised traits … 1. Arrogance: تكبر أبى واستكبر و كان من الكافرين (البقره) He refused and was haughty, and he was of those who reject Faith (2: 34) الكبريآئى ردآئى Greatness is my shawl بطر الحق و غمط الناس To hide Truth and demean people Syed Hasanuddin Ahmad
…despised traits 2. Partisanship: عصبية 3. Envy:حسد 4. Innovation: بدعة Syed Hasanuddin Ahmad
Three Types of Curtains: 1. Love of this world: حب الدنيا إن هآأُؤلآءِ يحبون العاجلة و يذرون ورآءهم يوما ثقيلا (الإنسان) As to these, they love the fleeting life, and put away behind them a day that will be hard (76: 27) 2. Negligence/Carelessness غفلة Syed Hasanuddin Ahmad
…Curtains 3. Following Desires: فلا تتبعوا الهوآء ان تعد لوا وإن تلوا أو تعرضوا فَإِنَّ الله كانَ بِمَا تَعمَلُونَ خبَِيرًا Follow not the lusts of your hearts, lest you swerve, and if you distort justice or decline to do it, verily Allah is well-acquainted with all that you do (4: 135) Syed Hasanuddin Ahmad
How to Raise these Curtains? EXAMPLE: Salat is one of the required deeds. It is Remembrance of Allah. Allah says: أقم الصلاة لذكرى (طه) Establish Salat for celebrating my praise (20: 14) Syed Hasanuddin Ahmad
…Raising Curtains Salat not only raises the curtain of negligence by bringing back Allah’s servants five times a day to pay His rights, but helps teach many other good traits to them as well. Syed Hasanuddin Ahmad
Good Traits Developed: 1. Only one Direction One Alignment, Assignment 2. Body and Soul Cleaning Five times bath in a river… 3. Punctuality and Regularity إن الصلاة كانت على المؤمنين كتابا موقوتا(النسآء) Forregular prayers are enjoined on believers at stated times (4: 104) Syed Hasanuddin Ahmad
…Good Traits 4. Response to Call of Organization The Prophet (S) used to leave… 5. Obedience to Leader Follow the Imam Syed Hasanuddin Ahmad
Good Traits… 6. Ehtesab If Imam makes a mistake, warn him by saying ‘Subhan Allah’ 7. Equality among men ايك هى صف ميں کھڑے ہو گئے محمود و اياز نہ کوئ بندہ رہا اور نہ کوئ بندہ نواز 8. Late Comers have to complete their time and duty. Syed Hasanuddin Ahmad
Factors Spoiling Salat and Cures: 1. Slackness or Laziness و إذا قاموا إلى الصلوة قاموا كسالى (النسآء) Cure: Respond to Call of Azan… 2. Wandering Thoughts Cure: Pay attention, Recite to hear Syed Hasanuddin Ahmad
Spoilers and Cures… 3.Carelessness There is no humility and imploring Cure: Try to understand, and meditate. 4. Theft Indeed you have stolen لقد طففت--- Cure: Try to pray calmly and complete all actions during Salat. Syed Hasanuddin Ahmad
Spoilers and Cures… 5. Show Off Praying or prolonging prayer to show others that you are a Namazi Cure: Offer your obligatory prayer in time wherever you are. Try to pray extras (Nawafil) at your residence. Syed Hasanuddin Ahmad
… Cures Develop habit of Tahajjud. أفضل الصلوة بعد الفريضة صلاة اليل (ترمذى) After obligatory prayer, the most preferred salat is that of night (Tahajjud) Syed Hasanuddin Ahmad
وآخر دعوانا ان الحمد لله رب العالمين والصلوة والسلام على خاتم النبين وسآئرالمسلمين والمسلمات THANK YOU! Syed Hasanuddin Ahmad