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ELSA SUPPORT ADVENT CALENDAR 2019. 12. Click the number and then do the activity. 2. 22. 13. 9. 6. 21. 16. 7. 3. 4. 23. 11. 1. 14. 17. 18. 15. 24. 8. 5. 20. 10. 19.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. ELSA SUPPORTADVENT CALENDAR 2019 www.elsa-support.co.uk

  2. 12 Click the number and then do the activity 2 22 13 9 6 21 16 7 3 4 23 11 1 14 17 18 15 24 8 5 20 10 19 www.elsa-support.co.uk

  3. Group activity - Today you are going to make a paper chain for advent. You will need 25 paper chain links. Share them amongst yourselves. On each paper chain link write your name and something you love about Christmas. Each day one link will be taken from the chain. You will see the chain getting smaller and smaller as Christmas gets nearer and nearer. One to one activity – Share between you and the person who is working with you. Each person in turn adds a paper chain link. You must be able to say something that you love about Christmas for every link you add. When it is complete you can remove one link each day so you can see how soon Christmas will be here. 1 Click to return to the tree www.elsa-support.co.uk

  4. 2 Group activity – You will need a massive sheet of paper. Draw the outline of your tree. You can do it like me by drawing large triangles. Everyone to make baubles to stick to the tree with family members name on it. One to one activity – Use an A4 sheet of paper and draw a Christmas tree. Draw 3 triangles like I have. Make some baubles with all your families names on. Stick them to the tree. mum Nanna Grandad Dad www.elsa-support.co.uk

  5. 3 Everyone – Give everyone you meet today a great big smile Group activity – Try smiling at each other. Work in pairs to draw each other’s smiles. Ask each other to share ‘What makes them smile?’ One to one activity – Smile at each other and then draw a picture of each other. Discuss what makes people smile and why it is a happy and friendly thing to do. www.elsa-support.co.uk

  6. 4 Everyone – Kindness is today’s theme. Make a list of 3 people and then make a plan of how you can be kind to them this week. Tick them off when you have done your kind deed. Kindness Mum Make my bed Dad Wash the pots Steven Read a bedtime story ✓ ✓ www.elsa-support.co.uk

  7. 5 Everyone – Today you are going to sing a song. Learn the words to Rudolph the red nosed reindeer. What do you think of the words? Have you ever been bullied? How and why was Rudolph bullied? Make a handprint reindeer but make yours different. Make it stand out! Write on it, decorate it any way that you choose. Embrace difference, embrace individuality! www.elsa-support.co.uk

  8. 6 Everyone – Today you are going to make some snowflakes. Cut a circle out of paper Fold in half Fold in half again Fold in half again Cut out some shapes Open up your snowflake Are all the snowflakes different? Are all the snowflakes unique? Snowflakes are like people. No two are the same. How are you different to other people? Celebrate your uniqueness! www.elsa-support.co.uk

  9. 7 Everyone – Today you are going to think about emotions at Christmas. How do you feel about Christmas? You might be excited? Happy? Sad? Worried? Or any other feeling. Draw some snow people. Give each snow person a different expression. Think of a reason why they might be feeling the way they do www.elsa-support.co.uk

  10. 8 Everyone – What are your Christmas wishes? Draw some stars and write your wishes inside of them. www.elsa-support.co.uk

  11. 9 Everyone – What is Christmas day like in your house? Draw a comic strip of your Christmas. Who is at your house? What do you do? What time do you wake up? How do you feel? Take an A3 piece of paper and fold up to make 6 or 8 sections (your adult will help you with this). Draw your day. Don’t forget speech bubbles and thinking bubbles. 5:00am He’s been! www.elsa-support.co.uk

  12. 10 Everyone – Today is letter writing day. You are going to write a letter to Santa. Think about all the things you would like. Write your letter but don’t forget manners. Choose 3 things that you would like. www.elsa-support.co.uk

  13. 11 Everyone – Let’s play a game today – Have you played charades before. Everyone needs a slip of paper to begin with. You need to write a simple activity that you do at Christmas. No more than 3 words. Ideas could be ‘opening a present’, ‘drinking hot chocolate’, ‘giving a present’, ‘singing carols’, ‘decorating the tree’. Once you have all written at least 2 or 3 then put them all in a pile. Each player chooses one and has to act out what is written on the paper. Don’t let anyone see yours. Can the others guess what you are doing? www.elsa-support.co.uk

  14. 12 Everyone – Your name is special. Today write your name in lights. Draw Christmas lights and in each light write a letter from your name. You can copy the shapes below to make your lights. Make them colourful. A L E X www.elsa-support.co.uk

  15. 13 Everyone – A story for you today Have you ever done something really kind? www.elsa-support.co.uk

  16. 14 Everyone – Today you are going to make a Christmas tree using handprints. This will be your ‘thankful’ tree. You can make a small one just yourself or together as a class or group you can make one together. Draw around your hand onto green paper. Write something you are thankful for onto the green hand. Stick all the hands together in a tree shape like the picture below. www.elsa-support.co.uk

  17. 15 Everyone – Today you are going to make up a story. You can either tell it, write it or act it out. You need a die to roll so you can choose a character, setting, time, prop and problem/plot. Click the picture to download your game www.elsa-support.co.uk

  18. 16 Everyone – Let’s make a Christmas decoration to make your room smell lovely. Make an orange pomander. This is an orange with cloves. Make little holes in the orange skin with a cocktail stick and then stick the clove in. The smells are amazing. Really take in the smell and let it remind you of all the fun and excitement of Christmas. Make patterns with your cloves. www.elsa-support.co.uk

  19. 17 Everyone – Today is ‘Christmas card’ day. You are going to make a lovely card for someone special. Think about who you would like your card to go to. Think about the message you will put into your card. Be creative and make a special and unique card. www.elsa-support.co.uk

  20. 18 Everyone – Today think about memories – happy memories. Think back to a Christmas that was very special. Draw or paint a picture of that Christmas. What made it special? www.elsa-support.co.uk

  21. 19 Everyone – If you could give your most special person a gift what would you give them? Draw or write about your gift. Why did you choose this gift? How would they feel if they received it? Remember it doesn’t have to be something that costs money. It could be something you could do for someone. www.elsa-support.co.uk

  22. 20 Everyone – Donkeys are amazing at carrying things. They are such strong animals. They can take all your worries away. Draw a donkey using this image as a guide and write all your worries onto the donkey. The donkey will carry them away. Let me carry your worries away… www.elsa-support.co.uk

  23. 21 Everyone – Things are probably getting very exciting now. Only a few days until Christmas. It is time to start practising your calming techniques. Imagine there is an icy window in front of you. You are looking through the window at the snowy scene in front of you. It is brilliant white and the snow is sparkling in the winter sunlight. Breath onto the window with your warm breath and watch the ice melt. Repeat this 5 times, nice and slowly. www.elsa-support.co.uk

  24. 22 Everyone – You can design and bake Gingerbread people today. If you don’t have cooking facilities at school then design your Gingerbread person at school and take your recipe home and ask someone to help you bake them. Click the picture to download the recipe and the Gingerbread person template. www.elsa-support.co.uk

  25. 23 Everyone – Make some snowman soup – hot chocolate mix, mini marshmallows and a candy cane to stir. Pop into a cellophane, cone shaped bag and write out this lovely poem on a label. www.elsa-support.co.uk

  26. 24 Tomorrow is Christmas! Tidy your room, be as helpful as you can to your family. Remember to keep calm by using your breathing activity. Read a Christmas story. Watch a Christmas movie. Try some mindful colouring sheets. Enjoy the day with your loved ones! MERRY CHRISTMAS! www.elsa-support.co.uk

  27. ELSA Support uses some Clipart from these very talented artists. www.elsa-support.co.uk

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