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Fast Food Nation Book Summary

Early in Fast Food Nation, respected investigative journalist Eric Schlosser confesses, u201cDuring the two years spent researching this book, I ate an enormous amount of fast food. Most of it tasted pretty good.u201d

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Fast Food Nation Book Summary

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  1. Fast Food Nation Book Summary Early in nutriment Nation, respected investigative journalist Eric Schlosser confesses, “During the two years spent researching this book, I ate an enormous amount of nutriment . Most of it tasted pretty good.” Knowing what he now knows, he might regret every bite of every burger or french fry. Fast Food Nation covers everything from the founding stories of some leading nutriment chains to the health, economic and environmental threats the meat packing industry behind them has wrought upon our world. Its damning assessment of the industry highlights a glaring conflict. Yes, “industrialized” animal-based food is cheap — but only because meat packers cut their food and labor safety measures to the bone. As Eric writes, “Much like french fry factories, beef slaughterhouses often operate at profit margins as low as a few of pennies a pound.”• Read Full Content: Fast Food Nation Book Summary

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