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Interactive resources made easy with Teachit Languages

Interactive resources made easy with Teachit Languages. Sarah Wilkinson (Languages editor, Teachit Languages) Lucy Palmer (ELT editor, Teachitworld) Clare Seccombe (modern languages teacher and consultant). As a Teachit Languages member, you can make your own interactive materials

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Interactive resources made easy with Teachit Languages

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Interactive resources made easy with Teachit Languages • Sarah Wilkinson (Languages editor, Teachit Languages) • Lucy Palmer (ELT editor, Teachitworld) • Clare Seccombe (modern languages teacher and consultant)

  2. As a Teachit Languages member, you can make your own interactive materials with our Magnet tool.

  3. We’re going to make a noughts and crosses game. First, go to the Whizzy tools menuand launch our Magnet tool.

  4. Type in your noughts or some random textand click on ‘Create tiles’. You can change all the settings later.

  5. Click on the landscape button and browse the foldersto add a noughts and crosses background.

  6. Drag your random text tile to the bin. Click on the plus button to add a tile.

  7. Browse our folders or your computer to add an image. Choose a background colour for your tile.

  8. Click on the plus button to add a side. Type a nought and set the font size to 40.

  9. Add another side, with a cross on it. You can now flip your tile by double-clicking on it.

  10. Drag the tile into place on the grid. Click on the rectangles button to resize it.

  11. Click on the C button to copy your tile. Click on the pencil button to edit each copy.

  12. Drag your tiles into position on the grid. Click on the arrow/plus button to select all the tiles. Click on the keyhole button to lock them in place.

  13. Save your activity. Find it againin My Magnet activities, in My Teachit Languages.

  14. As a department member, you can even shareyour activities with students and colleagues.

  15. Become a contributor and submit your activities. If we publish them, you get free membershipand royalty payments.

  16. Find out more about membership www.teachitlanguages.co.uk/join Contact us membership@teachitlanguages.co.uk support@teachit.co.uk 00 44 (0) 1225 788854 Sarah Wilkinson (Languages editor): sarahw@teachit.co.uk Lucy Palmer (ELT editor): lucyp@teachit.co.uk Clare Seccombe (modern languages teacher and consultant): clare.seccombe@gmail.com

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