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Mastering Fraction and Decimal Conversion

Learn how to convert between fractions and decimals, including simplifying fractions and identifying terminating or repeating decimals. Practice exercises included.

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Mastering Fraction and Decimal Conversion

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Converting Fractions and Decimals Objective: Learn to convert fractions and decimals.

  2. Fractions and decimals are different ways of writing the same quantity. • To convert from a decimal to a fraction, think of the place value the last number holds. • For example: 0.7 reads seven tenths. Ex. 1: 0.7 = 7 seven 10 tenths • After converting a decimal to a fraction, you have to write it in simplest form if possible. Ex.2: 0.48= 48= 24 = 12100 50 25

  3. For Example: • 0.5 = • 0.23 = • 2. 66 =

  4. To convert a fraction to a decimal… • To convert from a fraction to a decimal, you have to divide the numerator by the denominator. • The decimal you obtain will terminate or repeat. A terminating decimal ends. A repeating decimal will never end. It repeats a pattern of digits. • For example: 3 = 8 8 3

  5. Anexample of a repeating decimal is: 3 11 11 3 You can use bar notation to indicate that a number pattern repeats indefinitely. A bar is written only over the digits that repeat.

  6. Your example: Convert the fractions to a decimal. Then say if they are terminating or repeating. • 3 4 25 9 • 6 1 = 6 + 1 = 6 + 0.5 = 6.5 2 2

  7. Homework: Write each decimal as a fraction in simplest form. 0.2 0.9 0.55 0.34 0. 66 Write each fraction or mixed number as a decimal. Write if it is terminating or repeating. Use bar notation if the decimal is repeating. 6. 45 1 5 3 7. 2 5 8. 5 16 9 . 8 11 10. 5 6 Extra Credit

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