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Context writing. Warning –this is not a text response!.
Context writing Warning –this is not a text response!
CriteriaUnderstanding and effective exploration of the ideas, and/or arguments relevant to the promptEffective use of detail and ideas drawn from the selected text as appropriate to the taskDevelopment in the writing of a coherent and effective structure in response to the task, Controlled use of language appropriate to the purpose, form and audience. ContextDraw on ideas suggested by the context Write for a nominated audience and purpose. Draw directly from at least one text Base on ideas in the prompt Expository, persuasive or imaginative style One third of the total assessment = one hour To be completed in silver script book.
The key • Examine the ideas that arise from the text. • Use broad/general statements rather than examining only the world of the text • Focus on the topic throughout • Avoid close text analysis – examine what the writer is saying or reflecting about the topic • Use the text that is most relevant • Main problems • Prepared answers/ideas • Over reliance on text(s) • Irrelevant outside examples - forced • Informative style • Lack of complexity of thinking • Overuse/repetition of terms from topic • Superficial personal anecdotes
Preparing ideas • THINK! CONSIDER, EVALUATE…...THINK! • Ideas need to come from the text but reflect broader ideas and issues • What does the text suggest about conflict? • Avoid straight text analysis and summary • Extrapolate from the text – not just character/plot? • Practise writing broad statements that offer insight into human nature or society or the nature of conflict • Try to write an essay without referring to the textthen go back and insert examples from the text that support your exploration of the prompt
Expository response Essentially – an opinionative piece of writing – but contention is broader/more conceptual and evidence is more discursive. ASSERTION Don’t need to mention the text but the idea you will expand upon will come out of the text(s) Eg: Conflict is.. society reflects… BIG IDEAS THAT DEVELOP ASSERTION A discussion and extension– text used to support the idea rather than as the basis for the paragraph So this is what we can say about encountering conflict and the ideas suggested by the text • INTRO • Respond to the big idea in the question • Contention • BODY • Big idea • Outside elaboration • Text Link • Relevance to topic • CONC • Reiteration in light of discussion
ParadiseRoad • What ideas about human nature does this film suggest? • What ideas about the way that culture/society shapes our beliefs, values and actions does this film suggest? • What ideas about the nature of conflict does this film suggest? • What is assumptions about all of the above does the prompt include?
Example of planning for essay ASSERTION: PROMPT Everyone is changed as a result of conflict. • Big idea: When the status quo is overthrown it is often the innocent who suffer. • Extrapolate: Those who question the status quo often become martyrs, most casualties of conflict are the innocent who become collateral damage. • A link to the text/Universal Example: Political/military injustice/cultural and racial discrimination/prisoner’s of war/indigenous people who have been invaded • Topic relevance: often initiators of conflict rise to great power while others suffer
Conflict is never justified because it dehumanizes everyone involved Aspect/WITQRA? • Does initiating conflict or fighting the initiators of conflict always lead to negative consequences? • Insight? Broad overview Types of conflict? Ideological/military/c cultural/personal Reasons for conflict? Changes as a result of conflict? Without conflict there can be no questioning of what may be terrible injustices
Aspect/WITQRA? What is this question really asking? • Who is destroyed by conflict? • Insight? • Broad overview It would be lovely to think that those who initiate conflict end up destroyed, sadly in life they are often the ones who rise to power. Are they destroyed in other ways? Must examine idea of destroyed: physically? morally? Emotionally? Spiritually?