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Professional Development Presentation to Digital Instructional Materials Workgroup

Professional Development Presentation to Digital Instructional Materials Workgroup. September 25, 2012. Provisions for professional development related to technology and digital resources for teachers and principals are addressed in the following:.

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Professional Development Presentation to Digital Instructional Materials Workgroup

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  1. Professional Development Presentation to Digital Instructional Materials Workgroup September 25, 2012

  2. Provisions for professional development related to technology and digital resources for teachers and principals are addressed in the following: • Florida Educator Accomplished Practices (FEAPs) • Florida Principal Leadership Standards (FPLS) • Section 1012.98, F.S., School Community Professional Development Act • Florida’s Professional Development System Evaluation Protocol

  3. Florida Educator Accomplished Practices (FEAPs) • Source: State Board Rule 6A-5.065: The Educator Accomplished Practices • The Educator Accomplished Practices are Florida’s core standards for effective educators. They are the foundation for • teacher preparation programs for preservice teachers • educator certification requirements • school district instructional personnel evaluation systems

  4. Florida Educator Accomplished Practices, continued • Each effective educator applies the foundational principles through six Educator Accomplished Practices • Three of the Educator Accomplished Practices address use of technology: • 2. The Learning Environment. To maintain a student-centered learning environment that is safe, organized, equitable, flexible, inclusive, and collaborative, the effective educator consistently: g. Integrates current information and communication technologies i. Utilizes current and emerging assistive technologies that enable students to participate in high-quality communication interactions and achieve their educational goals • 3. Instructional Delivery and Facilitation. The effective educator consistently utilizes a deep and comprehensive knowledge of the subject taught to: g. Apply varied instructional strategies and resources, including appropriate technology, to provide comprehensible instruction, and to teach for student understanding • 4. Assessment. The effective educator consistently: f. Applies technology to organize and integrate assessment information

  5. Florida Principal Leadership Standards (FPLS) • Revised in 2011 to address the principal’s expanded role in faculty development and continuing technology growth needed in the schools • Source: State Board Rule 6A-5.080: Florida Principal Leadership Standards • The Florida Principal Leadership Standards are Florida’s core expectations for effective school administrators. They form the foundation for: • school leader personnel evaluations and professional development • school leadership preparation programs • school leader educator certification requirements

  6. Florida Principal Leadership Standards (FPLS), continued • There are ten standards grouped into domains of effective leadership. Each standard includes descriptors. • Two of the standards address use of technology: • Domain 2: Instructional Leadership: • Standard 4: Faculty Development. Effective school leaders recruit, retain and develop an effective and diverse faculty and staff. The leader: d. Identifies faculty instructional proficiency needs, including standards-based content, research-based pedagogy, data analysis for instructional planning and improvement, and the use of instructional technology • Domain 3: Organizational Leadership: • Standard 6: Decision Making. Effective school leaders employ and monitor a decision-making process that is based on vision, mission and improvement priorities using facts and data. The leader: e. Uses effective technology integration to enhance decision making and efficiency throughout the school

  7. School Community Professional Development Act • Source: Section 1012.98, Florida Statutes • Requires each school district to develop a professional development system • Inservice activities for instructional personnel must focus on: • analysis of student achievement data • ongoing formal and informal assessments of student achievement • identification and use of enhanced and differentiated instructional strategies that emphasize rigor, relevance, and reading in the content areas • enhancement of subject content expertise • integrated use of classroom technology that enhances teaching and learning • classroom management • parent involvement • school safety • District professional development systems must providefor delivery of professional development by distance learning and other technology-based delivery systems

  8. Florida’s Professional Development System Evaluation Protocol 2010 • Adopted by reference in State Board Rule 6A-5.071: Master Inservice Plan Requirements • Districts align their professional development systems with state standards as directed in Statute 1012.98 • Set of 65 standards adopted by state organized into district, school, and educator levels • State conducts district reviews on a 4-year cycle to determine compliance with state standards through document reviews and interviews at district, school, and educator levels

  9. Florida’s Professional Development System Evaluation Protocol, continued • Six standards specifically address use of technology in professional learning for educators • Technology standards: • Use of Technology (Standards 1.2.5, 2.2.5, and 3.2.5) • Web-based Resources and Assistance (Standards 1.3.3, 2.3.3, and 3.3.3)

  10. Use of Technology Standards • “Technology, including distance learning, supports and enhances professional learning as appropriate and the application and assessment of that learning as appropriate.” (1.2.5, 2.2.5, 3.2.5) • Addresses instructional methods used in professional learning for educators • Standard appears at all three levels to emphasize importance of embedding technology use at all levels of professional learning • Includes use of relevant technology in face to face professional learning and distance learning such as webinars or online courses • Not limited to professional development on use of instructional technology in the classroom

  11. Web-based Resources and Assistance Standards • “The district supports the implementation of professional learning through district and school web-based resources and facilitates educator awareness of and access to district web-based resources.” (3.3.3) • Focus of standard is on resources provided by district to support professional learning and dissemination of information to schools and educators • “The school supports the implementation of professional learning through school and district web-based resources and facilitates educator awareness of and access to district web-based resources.” (2.3.3) • Focus of standard is on school leaders’ support of educator use of web-based resources • “The districtprovides educators with web-based resources and assistance to support implementation of professional learning.” (1.3.3) • Focus of standard is on educators’ use of the resources provided

  12. Contact Information Abigail Letcher, Program Specialist Bureau of Educator Recruitment, Development, and Retention Email: abigail.letcher@fldoe.org Phone: (850) 245-0548 Dr. John Moore, Program Director, Educator Retention Bureau of Educator Recruitment, Development, and Retention Email: john.moore@fldoe.org Phone: (850) 245-0546 Full version of Protocol Standards document and Reviewer’s Guide are available online: http://www.fldoe.org/profdev/pdstandards.asp

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