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Beamline Controls with Epics and Python. Practical Uses of Python and Epics for Mortals. Matt Newville, CARS, Univ of Chicago. Why Python is worth learning and using for both experts and occasional programmers and scientists:. Clean Syntax easy to learn and remember.
Beamline Controls with Epics and Python Practical Uses of Python and Epics for Mortals Matt Newville, CARS, Univ of Chicago Why Python is worth learning and using for both experts and occasional programmers and scientists: Clean Syntax easy to learn and remember. High Level Language no pointers!! automatic typing of variables. Interpreted Language no compile step: code runs directly from source. Cross Platform works on Unix, Windows, Mac: code is portable. Free (both senses) good documentation and books (at bookstores!). Object Oriented or not – your choice. Also: good ‘Name Spaces’ Extensible with C, C++, Fortran, Java, COM for example, Epics Channel Access Many libraries included or easily downloaded and installed: Numeric (array math), Image Processing, Email, Databases (MySQL), Web, CGI. GUI toolkits: Tk, WxWindows, Qt, Gnome,….
Epics Channel Access: Why Python?? IDL and Ezca give a very easy-to-use interface to Epics Channel Access: ~>idl IDL Version 5.5 (linux x86). (c) 2001, Research Systems, Inc. IDL> .run ezcaIDL IDL> caInit IDL> status = caget('13IDC:m15.VAL',x) IDL> print, x 76.349005 What Can Python do that IDL cannot? Send Email CGI Programs Connect to SQL databases(??) Create programs you can give to someone without an IDL license. ~>python Python 2.2.1 (#1, Aug 30 2002, 12:15:30) >>> from Ezca import Ezca >>> ezca = Ezca() >>> print ezca.caget('13IDC:m15.VAL') 76.349005127
Python Example 1: send email for alarms ## send email when we run out of Helium import Ezca, smtplib ezca = Ezca.Ezca() pv = "13IDA:eps_mbbi68" mail_to = "newville@cars.uchicago.edu" mail_from = mail_to mail_msg ="""From: newville@cars.uchicago.edu Subject: Out of Helium Time to change the helium bottle... """ value = ezca.caget(pv) if (value == 0): s =smtplib.SMTP('millenia.cars.aps.anl.gov') s.sendmail(mail_from,mail_to, mail_msg) s.quit() smtplib module: create and send email messages from your program. Format the email text Check the PVs value Send mail If the value means the gauge is low. Run this as a cron job, but may want to add a check that mail hasn’t already been sent…. Can also add checking status of many other PVs.
Python Example 2: web form for beamline status This form gives us access to beamline status information without needing to run MEDM (at home, offsite,….). It uses the Python Ezca module to fetch the PV Values and the CGI module to generate and display the HTML when you access on the form. It also ties into an mySQL Database of archived PV data – similar to the Epics Channel Archiver Clicking on a link gives…
Python Example 2: web form for archived data … a plot of this PV over the past 24 hours. ~1000 PVs are logged into an SQL database (mysql) when the value changes, with a polling rate of 1 minute (was 10min). Data goes back to 2001. Plots made by the Python Gnuplot module. All of this (archiving, database interaction, web form generation) is in python, and with a regular apache web server. No C code. No undocumented data formats. Epics, Python, Apache, and mySQL are each used for their appropriate functions.
Beamline Controls: XYZ microscope with video camera What Can Python do better than IDL? Both have GUIs for motor controls that are better than MEDM forms. Python can also fetch and display images from a Web Camera. I think the Python/Tkinter toolkit is better than IDL’s GUIs too. For the GSECARS microprobe, we mount samples on a motorized XYZ stage, and view the same with a video camera fed to a video web server. This is a key user control. When the user enters motor positions in this form (Tkinter, Pmw): - don’t need to keep the cursor in the box. - non-numeric values are silently ignored. - values outside the motor soft limits are shown highlighted (right), and will not be entered.
Beamline Controls: XYZ microscope with video camera Motors can be moved with button controls, with step sizes from an editable drop-down list. Configuration is kept in a window-style INI file, read with python’s ConfigParser module. Positions can be stored by name, and returned to by pressing one button. Entering a position also automatically saves the video image, and writes the X,Y,Z positions to an HTML log file. Clicking on the camera icon will ‘snap’ the current sample image, and prompt the user for a filename to save the JPEG image.
XYZ microscope, web video-camera capture The HTML log file: The x-ray beam on the YAG phosphor Typical Sample Image
Data Viewer for Data from Scan Record We’re still collecting much of the x-ray microprobe data with IDL (python version in slow progress), but the users take home a Python program to view their data. Doesn’t use Epics, but is important beamline program. Uses BltPlot for 2D plots, Image module to show map images, and Mark’s MED module to read XRF spectra. (May add spec data file support soon). Uses py2exe to make stand-alone executable from python source, so user does not even need python. Distributed as a setup.exe installer.
Data Viewer: more screenshots Cursor options in BltPlot: one fixed crosshair, The other follows the mouse and keeps a live update of x,y position. For 2D map data (X-Y scans), map images can be shown (below), and two element Correlations can be plotted (lower left).
Ezca Python Implementation: History Coming from ezcaIDL, I first made an Ezca extension for Perl, and then Python using the wonderful SWIG program. I never cared much about the difference between Ezca and “Real” Channel Access. An easy-to-use “caget” and “caput” was (and is!!) most important. But: I recently got convinced to want faster CA calls, and to rely on Monitors. So the EpicsCA PV class wraps CA with SWIG 1.3, similar to what Geoff Savage had done, but way easier to implement (at least for me!) and not as much like CA in C as like Ezca: Both p.value and p.get() will get the latest value. Channel Access Monitors are used so that repeated get()s will only really fetch a new value when it has changed. ~>python Python 2.2.1 (#1, Aug 30 2002, 12:15:30) >>> from EpicsCA import PV >>> p = PV('13IDC:m15.VAL') >>> print p.value 76.449
EpicsCA PV Class Features of EpicsCA.PV class: -Can get or assign using pv.value as well as pv.get(), pv.put() >>> p = PV('13IDC:m15.VAL') >>> print p.value 76.449 >>> p.value = 76.3 -Can get information about connection, PV type: >>> p1 = PV('13IDC:m15.VAL') # double >>> p2 = PV('13IDC:m15.DIR') # enum >>> print p1 <PV=13IDC:m15.VAL, status=connected, count=1, type=double, read/write> >>> print p2 <PV=13IDC:m15.DIR, status=connected, count=1, type=enum, read/write> >>> print p1.host_name ‘ioc13idc.cars.aps.anl.gov:5064’ -Can get string representation of variables: >>> print p1.value, p1.char_value 76.449 76.4490 # char_value reflects precision >>> print p2.value, p2.char_value 0 Pos # char_value is Enum String
EpicsCA PV Class (continued) - put() can wait for record to finish (might take a while!!): >>> p.put(72.0, wait=1) • Will use Numeric arrays for array data, if Numeric is installed. >>> p3 = PV(’13IDC:scan1.P1PA’) >>> print p3 <PV=13IDC:scan1.P1PA, status=connected, count=1000, type=double,read/write> >>> print p3.char_value, p3.use_numeric, type(p3.value) <array(1000)> 1 <type ‘array’> • Can get a list of all Enum Strings for enum data types: >>> print p2.get_enum_strings() [‘Pos’,’Neg’] -Can handle string waveform data (strings longer than 40 characters!). >>> p4 = EpicsCA.PV('13IDC:EDB:dir') >>> p4.value '/cars5/Data/gpd_user/Mar03/templeton/basalts'
EpicsCA PV Class (continued) -Supports Monitor Callbacks: user-defined python function to run when a monitor occurs. This is most useful when updating values in GUIs. Example: the callback function is defined with all keyword arguments. The default values may be reset with set_monitor(), or even check_monitor(). import EpicsCA, time, sys def my_callback(pv=None, a=2, **kw): if (pv==None): return print “my_callback:”, pv.pvname, “ = “,\ pv.char_value, 'user var a = ', a pv = EpicsCA.PV('13IDC:m15.VAL') pv.set_monitor(callback=my_callback,kw={'pv':pv,'a':4}) # simple event timer loop while 1: try: if (pv.check_monitor() == 1): print time.ctime(), pv.pvname, pv.char_value time.sleep(0.2) except KeyboardInterrupt: sys.exit(1) Define callback function Set callback function and optional kw arguments with set_monitor() Note: an instance of the pv is passed to the callback function check_monitor()=1 only when the value changes. check_monitor() will execute the callback.
Ezca and EpicsCA Ezca.py is now implemented simply as holding a list of EpicsCA.PVs. That means the PV values are really cached, and only retrieved from the IOC when needed. But the same Ezca interface and all the code based on it still works too. The whole set of Epics/Python codes (EpicsCA, Ezca, and CaChannel) installs with the ‘normal’ python distribution utilities: ~> python setup.py install Only need to have an environmental variable EPICS_BASE pointing to the epics source base. Binary installer available for Windows. http://cars.uchicago.edu/~newville/Epics/Python For source, binaries and documentation.
Work in Progress / Future Work - Scanning Program in Python: using Epics for most Record interface, but not using the Epics Scan Record, as it is too restrictive and does not support enough detector types. Will scan from a workstation, not IOC, but use Epics Database as central location for scan commands (requires long strings). - Improved XYZ stage control to use and manipulate captured image for defining maps. - Viewing spec files from DataViewer.