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IFES is a non-profit educational foundation dedicated to vocational and continuing professional training. Learn about our courses, research projects, and activities. Join us to enhance your professional skills and qualifications.
INSTITUTO DE FORMACIÓN YESTUDIOS SOCIALES I F E S The Institute for Training and Social Studies – IFES, is a non profit educational foundation, promoted by the Trade Union UGT and established aiming to be a technical instrument for the development of activities in the field of Vocational and Continuing Professional Training. Since 1986, IFES has been meeting the training demands of workers due to technological innovations and the changes associated to them, the qualification needs and professional competencies.
INSTITUTO DE FORMACIÓN YESTUDIOS SOCIALES STRUCTURE IFES has a nation-wide structure able to develop its activities all over the country, profiting a close research of the evolution and training trends by productive sectors and geographical area. There are 17 local offices at autonomic level, and a central office co-ordinating all the support services.
INSTITUTO DE FORMACIÓN YESTUDIOS SOCIALES ACTIVITIES IFES carries out different activities related to professional training and qualification. Among them, we could point out the following: Training needs analysis Training activities design with its own methodology Development of didactic resources for training activities Implementation of training courses in a vast range of subjects covering every productive sector Training schemes evaluation Research projects and studies in the fields of training and professional qualification Training and didactic resources consulting Management, control and follow-up of training schemes
INSTITUTO DE FORMACIÓN YESTUDIOS SOCIALES Training Activities 2008 PROGRAMMES Vocational Training Continuing Training TOTAL COURSES 1.459 5.750 7.209 TRAINEES 27.176 87.782 114.958 HOURS 6.167.237 4.334.920 10.502.157
INSTITUTO DE FORMACIÓN YESTUDIOS SOCIALES Vocational Training Training the unemployed has always been one of IFES’ main objectives. We are deeply convinced that training is the best way to accede to the labour market, acquiring the professional qualification that provides better chances for work insertion.
INSTITUTO DE FORMACIÓN YESTUDIOS SOCIALES Continuing Training IFES collaborates with the signatory institutions of the III Continuing Training National Agreement (Employers Associations and Trade Unions, with the financial support of the Spanish Government), carrying out a wide and varied range of training courses aimed at the workers’ qualification and their adaptation to the technological and organizational innovations.
INSTITUTO DE FORMACIÓN YESTUDIOS SOCIALES Training Areas IFES offers training in nearly all the productive sectors: .
INSTITUTO DE FORMACIÓN YESTUDIOS SOCIALES National Programmes The call for Complementary measures to support Training developed by the Spanish Foundation for Continuing Training, aims at the adaptation of enterprises and workers to the structural changes produced by the internationalization of production and the introduction of technological, productive and organizational innovations. These objectives are carried out through different activities: researches and studies, data bases, professional observation systems, experiences exchanges, innovative methodologies in products or didactic resources, etc.
INSTITUTO DE FORMACIÓN YESTUDIOS SOCIALES European Community Programmes 2008 Everyday gathers more strength the Community dimension of the Professional Training Policies. The development of pilot experiences on training, competencies and professional qualifications between the different institutions and enterprises in the European Union, points at the generation of a genuine European Citizenship Spirit strengthening the links to collaborate and exchange experiences, cultures and languages, to ensure the integration of the European society.
INSTITUTO DE FORMACIÓN YESTUDIOS SOCIALES European Community Programmes 2008 IFES has participated in multitude of European Programmes: . Equal Social Dialogue (B3) Innovative Meassures (B2-1630) Programe 19 Integra Etc. Leonardo da Vinci Adapt Now YouthStart Horizon Grundtvig