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Afghanistan Journey: Exploring Culture and Traditions

Embark on an intricate adventure through Afghan culture with this guide covering wardrobe, language, and traditions. Discover the land's allure and resolve to cherish its beauty.

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Afghanistan Journey: Exploring Culture and Traditions

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  1. The Breadwinner / Vocabulary

  2. cease - to stop dol.gov

  3. blunt – speaking very directly Kickoff.com

  4. burqa- a long dress that the Taliban said women would wear whenever they went outside http://www.usaid.gov

  5. chador- a piece of cloth worn by females to cover their hair • http://www.usaid.gov

  6. pakul- gray or brown hat worn by men and boys http://www.ebay.com/itm/Afghanistan-Tribal-Warn-Winter-Wool-Hat-Pakol-Top-Pakul-

  7. collide - To come together, to crash Soxteaching.com

  8. derision – to make fun of vocabulry.wordpress.com

  9. embedded - enclosed in something humboldt.edu

  10. embroidered – pretty sewing on fabric done with needle and thread sewsweetness.com

  11. hover – floating in the air wikipedia.org

  12. intricate – very fancy or complicated sacredsites.com

  13. labyrinth - system of paths where it is easy to get lost maxkade.iupui.edu kidsprintablescoloringpages.com

  14. landmine - explosive device meant to hurt people and equipment ftp.info.usaid.gov

  15. militia - an army composed of ordinary citizens rather than professional soldiers english.peopledaily.com.cn

  16. nan- bread www.usaid.gov

  17. resolve - end wsurf.org

  18. shalwar kameez- pajama like clothing worn by men and women http://en.wikipedia.org

  19. snippet - a small piece Oswego.edu

  20. Dari – one of the two main languages spoken in Afghanistan wordpress.com

  21. EID - A Muslim holiday bhmf.org.uk

  22. Prayer during EID • http://www/fotosearch.com

  23. Ramadan, the month of fasting english.cntv.cn

  24. karachi- a cart on wheels, pushed by hand, used to sell things in the market www.mansfieldct.org/.../glossary.htm

  25. kabob - pieces of meat on a skewer cooked over a fire. • www.transchool.eustis.army.milhttp://sandia.gov/medis/images/jpg

  26. Taliban – until recently, army in control of Afghanistan guardian.co.uk

  27. toshak - a narrow mattress used in many Afghan homes instead of chairs or beds takrah.com

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