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P hotogr aphy : through the disto rted lens of Nikki Six x

P hotogr aphy : through the disto rted lens of Nikki Six x. By K itti B owen. Index. Art style Art piece one Art piece two Art piece three Conclusion Ideas… Sources. Nikkis ’ Work. Nikki was addicted to heroin, o.ding several times.

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P hotogr aphy : through the disto rted lens of Nikki Six x

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Photography: through the distorted lens of Nikki Sixx By KittiBowen

  2. Index • Art style • Art piece one • Art piece two • Art piece three • Conclusion • Ideas… • Sources

  3. Nikkis’ Work • Nikki was addicted to heroin, o.ding several times. • When he finally sobered up, he became addicted to his camera. • Nikkis’ work is really random, he has a professional studio, but mainly takes pictures on the road. Most are shot in black in white but some have color. Nikki loves to show that real beauty is on the inside and that nobody’s ugly.

  4. Hotel maid • The story stood out more than the picture itself. Nikki asked if he could take her picture. She said no, that she was ugly. Nikki told her that she was beautiful and that he could show her. • The picture was taken on the road and is in black and white, one form Nikki uses a lot.

  5. Beached • The colors are just astounding in this one with the beach matching his tattoos. • This picture was a self portrait Nikki took on vacation in Mexico and is in color. Nikki doesn’t take many photos in color and when he does it almost always perfect. On the other hand, Nikki does commonly do self portraits.

  6. Birdcage • Nikki captured the birdcage in just the right light, to make you feel lonely and maybe trapped. • Object images don’t normally happen around Nikki. This photograph was taken from his studio the Funny Farm, in color which is unusual for a Funny Farm picture.

  7. Conclusion • I have always loved Nikki Sixx, after hearing the song “Life Is Beautiful” by his band Sixx; A.M and began to gain interest in his life story after hearing about his death. • I learned that not all art is going to be pretty and some relay hard facts. • Nikkis’ work is amazing to me and I love the truths that it tells.

  8. Ideas • I want to represent Nikkis’ ideas, and go after the whole ugly is actually beautiful thing. • I also am planning on taking a camera with me everywhere I go and take pictures of things on the street.

  9. Sources • http://nsixxfoto.tumblr.com/page/2 • http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nikki_Sixx#Other_work • This is Gonna Hurt: Music, Photography, and Life Threw the Distorted Lens of Nikki Sixx~ By Nikki Sixx • The Heroin Diaries: A Year in the Life of a Shattered Rock Star. ~ By Nikki Sixx

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