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Farm Bill 2002: What’s in it for you?. Farm Bill 2002: What’s in it for you?. 2002 Farm Bill: What’s in it for you?. soil water wildlife. conserving croplands. improving water quality. managing for wildlife. 2002 Farm Bill: What’s in it for you?. matching practices.
2002 Farm Bill: What’s in it for you? soil water wildlife conserving croplands improving water quality managing for wildlife
2002 Farm Bill: What’s in it for you? matching practices.. terracenpondncompostingn crop rotationncontouring n contourbufferstripsnfish passagenwindbreak npasture and hay plantingn grassed waterway ntree plantingnriparian forestbuffern fencing nspring ndevelopmentn sediment basinn wetland nstreambank protectionn nutrient management nstream crossingn wildlife habitat management nrange plantingn residue managementn access road
2002 Farm Bill: What’s in it for you? ...with programs Major farm bill conservation programs include: • Conservation Reserve Program • Wetlands Reserve Program • Grassland Reserve Program • Wildlife Habitat Incentives Program • Environmental Quality Incentives Program • Conservation Security Program • Forest Land Enhancement Program
Farm Bill 2002: part of the answer for you? Resource concern Practice(s) Program(s) • Conservation Reserve • Environmental Quality Incentives • Conservation Security
2002 Farm Bill: What’s in it for you? Financial incentives-- depending on the program: • Annual payments • One-time up front payments • Cost-share for practice install costs
2002 Farm Bill: What’s in it for you? Technical help: • USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service • Technical Service Providers • Conservation partners
conserving croplands curb water erosion grassed waterways-buffers-field borders-terraces Look at: CRP, EQIP, CSP 2002 Farm Bill: What’s in it for you?
conserving croplands curb wind damage crop residues-windbreaks-field stripcropping-shelterbelts Look at: CRP, EQIP, CSP 2002 Farm Bill: What’s in it for you?
conserving croplands improve soil & water water, nutrient, pest management-cover crops-buffers Look at: CRP, EQIP, CSP 2002 Farm Bill: What’s in it for you?
improving water quality stabilize streams Riparian buffers-filterstrips-livestock exclusion-stream crossings-watering facilities Look at: CRP, WHIP, EQIP, CSP 2002 Farm Bill: What’s in it for you?
improving water quality manage manure waste storage structures-compost facilities-manure spreading Look at: EQIP, CSP 2002 Farm Bill: What’s in it for you?
improving water quality manage grassland prescribed grazing-fire, pest mgt.-fencing-brush management Look at: EQIP, WHIP, CRP, GRP 2002 Farm Bill: What’s in it for you?
managing for wildlife establish wildlife habitat rotational grazing-restore wetlands-restore grassland-buffers-stream habitat improvement Look at: WHIP, CRP, WRP, GRP, EQIP, CSP 2002 Farm Bill: What’s in it for you?
managing for production, wildlife manage forest lands Tree planting-forest stand improvement-thinning-control invasive plants-prescribed burning Look at: FLEP, WHIP, CRP, EQIP 2002 Farm Bill: What’s in it for you?
Program Eligible land Agreement length Rental payment Easements Cost-share $$ Annual, based on agreement length Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) Highly erodible cropland planted 4 of last 6 years; marginal pastureland 10- 15 years $$ 50% $$ Up to 100% Wetlands Reserve Program (WRP) Private wetlands converted to agricultural use before 1985-- must be restorable, suitable for wildlife benefits 10 or 30 years; permanent $$ One-time, up front payment Grassland Reserve Program (GRP) Private grassland, shrubland, land with forbs-- and land that historically contained those features 10, 15, 20 or 30 years; permanent $$ Annual, based on agreement length $$ One-time, up front payment $$ Up to 90% $$ Up to 75% Wildlife Habitat Incentives Program (WHIP) All private land that is not currently enrolled in CRP,WRP or similar USDA program 5- 15 years All private land in ag production-- includes cropland, grassland, pastureland, non-industrial private forestland Environmental Quality Incentives Program (EQIP) 1- 10 years $$ Annual, based on agreement length $$ Up to 75% Conservation Security Program (CSP) All private land in agriculture and forest that is an incidental part of an agricultural operation 5- 10 years $$ Annual, based on agreement length $$ Up to 75%
Farm Bill 2002: What’s in it for you? • Landowner commitment for USDA conservation programs: • In most cases, agree to follow a plan to achieve mutual conservation goals • Furnish landowner share of cost-share • Maintain conservation practices 2002 Farm Bill: What’s in it for you? 2002 Farm Bill: What’s in it for you?
To get a copy, call 1-888-LANDCARE On the web at www.whmi.nrcs.usda.gov More detailed information on farm bill conservation programs on the web at: www.usda.gov/farmbill USDA is an equal opportunity provider and employer.
Presentation initiated by Wildlife Management Institute technical help from Wildlife Habitat Management Institute, Natural Resources Conservation Service supported by: other assistance from: Presentation initiated by the Wildlife Management Institute, with technical help from the Wildlife Habitat Management Institute of the Natural Resources Conservation Service supported by: