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Causes of toothache or tooth pain that you must know

<br>The patient needs to visit the best dentist inRed Lion Road like http://nusmiledentaloffice.com/ in order to identify the cause of the toothache. The dentist will help in relieving the pain by giving proper treatment.<br><br>

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Causes of toothache or tooth pain that you must know

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  1. Ca Causes of toothache or tooth pain that you uses of toothache or tooth pain that you must know must know Toothache is a nightmare for anyone and everyone. It is very difficult to ignore tooth pain irrespective of its severity. A toothache or tooth pain is nothing but a pain that is felt around the tooth. It is generally a sign that is something is wrong with the tooth or the surrounding gums. The severity of tooth pain may range from mildly annoying to excruciatingly painful. Sometimes the pain may be referred pain due to other causes. The causes of toothache or tooth pain may be dental or non-dental. It is better contacting a dentist in red lion road to know the cause.

  2. Dental causes of toothache Tooth decay Tooth decay may cause toothache whose severity can range from mild to severe. The cavities may penetrate the enamel and the underlying dentin of the tooth leading to tooth pain. In more severe cases, the infection reaches the pulp of the tooth causing abscess formation and excruciating pain. Tooth damage One of the most common causes of toothache is damage to the tooth structure. A tooth that is chippedor broken due to trauma may lead to tooth pain. In some cases, broken or damaged filling, dental implant, etc. may also cause toothache. Gum disease Gum disease may cause redness and swelling of gums that may contribute to tooth pain and gum pain. Dental pain can be caused due to gingivitis where there is plaque build-up. This leads to red and swollen gums. If remain untreated, it may cause periodontitis, and the inner layer of the gums pulls away from the teeth. Make sure to get the same day appointment for such case. Non-Dental causes of toothache In some cases, the tooth pain is not related to the tooth and there can be some non- dental causes that cannot be ruled out. Cluster headache The pressure caused by cluster headache is found to be associated with tooth pain. Nerve disease A neurotic condition known as trigeminal neuralgia is known to cause sharp pain on one side of the face. Sinus pain infection The pressure of fluid-filled sinuses creates pain in the back corners of the mouth leading to tooth pain. If an individual suffers from sinus infection regularly, then it may lead to tooth pain near the sinus cavities. Vitamin deficiency Inadequate vitamin B12 is also known to be associated with tooth pain. The patient needs to visit the best dentist inRed Lion Road like http://nusmiledentaloffice.com/ in order to identify the cause of the toothache. The dentist will help in relieving the pain by giving proper treatment.

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