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Explore the major events and reforms that shaped America at the turn of the 20th century, including imperialism, new inventions, muckraking journalism, and the women's suffrage movement.
Imperialism 36 Maine and Yellow Journalism Source: http://www.homeofheroes.com/wallofhonor/spanish_am/images/02_maine_explosion.jpg Source: http://visualhistory.freewebpages.org/TurnofCentury.html Spanish American War Source: http://memory.loc.gov/ammem/ndlpedu/features/election/images/rriders.jpg The building of a new modern navy to compete with world powers Some territories like Alaska were negotiated purchases TR and the Rough Riders at San Juan Hill Artist rendition of the Maine Explosion Cartoon showing our new Imperialist policies Yellow Journalism cartoon after the “Maine” Remington painting of the Battle for San Juan Hill
Panama Canal 37 Source: http://visualhistory.freewebpages.org/TurnofCentury.html Big Stick Policies Source: http://www.theodore-roosevelt.com/judge10.jpg From Isolation to Imperialism Source: http://visualhistory.freewebpages.org/TurnofCentury.html Part of the Modern” Great White Fleet” send on a world tour Roosevelt made it clear that we were the major power on our side of the world Roosevelt is depicted as the World’s Policeman Some leaders such as Andrew Carnegie disagreed with Imperialistic policies Scene of the digging of the Panama Canal The U.S. helped a “revolution” in the area of Panama in order to insure the building of the Panama Canal
New Inventions 38 Source: http://www.simtechflightdesign.com/History/WRIGHT-01/1903_First_Flight.JPG Turn of Century Sports Source: http://www.trufanboxing.com/Sullivan.jpg Leisure Activities Source: http://www.mada.org.il/website/html/pesah12.gif Wright Brothers are successful at flight in 1903 Businessman Richard Sears starts a catalog empire Boxing becomes a fan favorite NY’s Central Park Catalog Retailers became widely popular for rural customers Bust street scene in NY, 1900 Baseball becomes America’s sport Bicycles became a popular craze
Booker T. Washington 39 Source: http://www.npg.si.edu/edu/brush/guide/unit2/images/booker.jpg W.E.B. DuBois Source: http://www.math.buffalo.edu/~sww/0history/dubois.jpg Racial Discrimination and Violence Source: http://www.pbs.org/itvs/fromswastikatojimcrow/photos/bjrelations_lynching.jpg Lynchings were all too common throughout many areas of the country. Booker T. Washington helped found the Tuskegee Institute and encouraged an industrial education for African Americans so they could gain economic equality. W.E. B. DuBois was the first black graduate of Harvard and advocated immediate equality for blacks. He helped to found the NAACP One of the nations first real motion pictures was “The Birth of a Nation” which depicted the KKK as a savior of the south.
Muckrakers 40 Source: http://home.earthlink.net/~gfeldmeth/muck.gif The Jungle and Consumer Reform Source: http://sshl.ucsd.edu/staffpicks/jungle.jpg Radical Reform Groups Source: http://www.chicagohs.org/AOTM/nov98/graphics/socpart.jpg Henry George became a popular figure with his ideas about “Progress and Poverty” Edward Bellamy wrote about a possible Socialist future Ida Tarbell helped to expose the business practices of Rockefeller Young Upton Sinclair shocked the nation with “The Jungle” Ida Tarbell’s expose on Standard Oil helped bring the public opinion on the side of regulation of trusts Many Progressive reforms were reactions to fears of Socialist Revolution. Lincoln Steffins exposed corrupt practices in city gov’t McClure’s was the leading muckraking magazine
Robert LaFollette 41 Source: http://www.etsu.edu/cas/history/resources/Private/Faculty/Fac_From1877ChapterDoc/ChapterImages/Ch20RobertLaFollette.jpg Women’s Reforms Source: http://iberia.vassar.edu/1896/anthony.gif Women’s Suffrage Source: http://historywired.si.edu/images/objects/545a.jpg Patent Medicines were mostly frauds filled with alcohol Women organizing for a suffrage march Children worked in many dangerous situations Many Progressive Reforms were aimed at the most helpless people in society, the young and the poor. Women supporting unions and condemning child labor Suffragist Susan B. Anthony Wisconsin reform Governor Robert La Follette
Theodore Roosevelt 42 Source: http://www.grannyd.com/tr.gif Meat Inspection Act Source: http://visualhistory.freewebpages.org/TurnofCentury.html Roosevelt and John Muir Source: http://www.nceas.ucsb.edu/~alroy/lefa/RooseveltMuir.jpg Roosevelt and Naturalist John Muir Roosevelt’s Big Stick politics Assassination of William McKinley Theodore Roosevelt Conservation of Resources became very important to Roosevelt Unsanitary Conditions at a meat factory which were described in the “Jungle” Clamping down on the Trusts TR as the Giant Killer
William Howard Taft 43 Source: http://www.umkc.edu/lib/spec-col/Truman/PresSpeeches/taft.jpg New Nationalism v. New Freedom Source: http://www.charitynet.org/~grangeald/woodrow.jpg Election of 1912 Source: http://home.att.net/~coachbb/Bullmoose.JPG Taft and Roosevelt fight over the 1912 Republican nomination for President Democrats and Republicans try to lead Progressive voters to their party. Roosevelt left office with Taft following his policies William Howard Taft Although Roosevelt is known as the trust buster, Taft broke twice as many in half the time as President Woodrow Wilson ran for the Democrats in 1912 and won due to the Taft/Roosevelt split 1912 Math shows the split between the Republicans and the Progressives equaling a Democratic victory
Wilson’s Presidential Program 44 Source: http://www.charitynet.org/~grangeald/woodrow.jpg Addressing Congress Source: http://www.cia.gov/csi/monograph/firstln/955pres9.gif 19th Amendment Source: http://academic.brooklyn.cuny.edu/history/core/pics/0254/img0028.jpg Cartoon of Wilson reading the new Federal Reserve Act to the Banking trusts Wilson used the “bully pulpit” to address Congress several times. Wilson building a fence to protect small businesses from monopolies Suffragists marching in 1913 Government Seal of the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) which regulated business practices Wilson’s Federal Reserve System set up a National Banking system controlled by the government Progressive reforms often overlooked African Americans President Woodrow Wilson