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Insights into a new computing model for the week of July 11th, 2016
Deep Learning is transforming every industry. It is the fastest-growing field in artificial intelligence. 2
Here’s the “Top Five” stories from this week illustrating Deep Learning’s increasing impact. 3
Pinterest Introduces Automatic Object Detection Visual search is one of the many fields transformed in recent years by the advances in deep learning. In the same way auto-complete improves the experience of text search, automatic object detection makes visual search a more seamless experience. READ MORE Pinterest Engineering Blog Wall Street Journal 4
A Smart Sprinkler System that Deters Animal Intruders Engineer Robert Bond is using deep learning to recognize neighborhood cats and turn on his home’s sprinkler system to shoo them away. READ MORE Forbes Tech Column NVIDIA Blog READ MORE 5
Business Intelligence Queries are Now up to 100x Faster MapD’s database intelligently partitions, compresses and caches data across all GPUs, providing users with up to 100x faster database queries — no indexing or optimizations required. READ MORE NVIDIA Blog TweetMap Demo Visualization of transit activity at JFK airport. 6
Facebook Reveals its AI Brain READ MORE It’s called Big Sur, and it’s a hardware system for training software to improve itself over time. It uses enormous amounts of data, funneled in from all over the world, and taps into the building’s extraordinary computing power to accelerate a process that once took months down to a matter of hours. PC Magazine With Big Sur, Facebook is able to train AI processes that power board-game-playing programs and help software “read” photos and explain their contents back to people. The Verge Facebook's Kevin Lee shows off a Big Sur system, featuring NVIDIA hardware, at Facebook Prineville. 7
170 Teraflops of “Insane” Computing Power The story behind DGX-1 is the tale of a race — fueled by blood, duct tape and software — by interconnected teams of engineers to finish each piece of a radical new deep learning system the moment the next team would need it. READ MORE NVIDIA Blog Engadget 8
How can Deep Learning Impact your Business? www.nvidia.com/deep-learning 9