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Kazakhstan Is My Country: The Leader of the XXIst Century

Join the competition with rounds like Baiga, Poliglot, Doda, and Kokpar to showcase knowledge about Kazakhstan's geography, history, music, culture, and politics. Test participants on national identity and facts while exploring the country's richness. Good luck!

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Kazakhstan Is My Country: The Leader of the XXIst Century

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Presentation Transcript

  1. The Leader Of The XXIst Century “KAZAKHSTAN IS MY COUNTRY”

  2. Steps of the competition: • Presentation (таныстыру) • 1 st round is Baiga • 2nd round is Poliglot • 3rd round is Doda • 4th round is Kokpar

  3. Steps of the competition: 1. Presentation (таныстыру)

  4. «First round is Baiga"

  5. The 1 st round of our competition is Baiga. You must answerthe questions as quick as possible & who answer first wiil get 10 points. The pupils who gets less points than other will quit the game. Good luck!

  6. Where is the Republic of Kazakhstan is situated? • How many people are there in our country? • What is the official language of the country? • Name the main rivers of the country. • Name the biggest lakes. • Who is the head of our country? • What is the oldest name of the capital of Kazakhstan? • What bird is used in Kazakh national hunting? • What part of the country do you live in? • Which holiday do people celebrate on the 16th of December?

  7. “Second round is Poliglot"

  8. Poliglot Give the translation of these words into Kazakh and Russian.

  9. Independence • Achievement • Prosperity • Customs and traditions • Anthem

  10. : • Solar system • Population • Agriculture • Environment • State

  11. Right answer • Independence – тәуелсіздік - независимость • Achievement – жетістік - достижение • Prosperity – гүлдену - процветание • Customs and traditions – әдет-ғұрып, обычай, традиции • Anthem – әнұран, гимн

  12. Right answer • Solar system – күн жүйесі, Солнечная система • Population – халық, народ • Agriculture – ауыл шаруашылығы, сельское хозяйство • Environment – қоршаған орта- мир, окружение • State – мемлекет - государство

  13. “Third round is Doda"

  14. DODA

  15. 20 geography • How many lakes are there in Kazakhstan?

  16. 30 geography • How many regions are there in Kazakhstan?

  17. 40 geography • When did Kazakhstan become an Independent State?

  18. 20 History • When is Kazakh New Year celebrated?

  19. 30 History • When was the first President of the Republic elected?

  20. 40 History • When do people of Kazakhstan celebrate the day of Constitution?

  21. 20 Music • Name any Kazakh National instrument.

  22. 30 Music • Who is the author of the poem «Мен қазақпын»?

  23. 40 Music Who are the authors of the new Anthem of the Republic?

  24. The 4 th round is KOKPAR

  25. Task of the 4th round The task is to answer the questions as quickly as you can.

  26. Task of the 4th round • 1. Is Kazakhstan a multinational State? • 2. At what age do people vote in Kazakhstan? • 3. When is the Capital City Day? • 4. What is the Abai Kunanbayev? • 5. What chambers does Kazakhstan parliament consist of?

  27. Right answers • 1.Is Kazakhstan a multinational State? – yes • 2.At what age do people vote in Kazakhstan?(18) • 3.When is the Capital City Day? (6 July) • 4.What is the Abai Kunanbayev? (A poet, composer) • 5.What chambers does Kazakhstan parliament consist of? (the Senate, the Majilies)

  28. Task of the 4th round • 6. What is the State language of Kazakhstan? • 7. What is the highest mountain peak in KZ? • 8. What is the Symbol of freedom in KZ? • 9. When was the Declaration of Independence Proclaimed? • 10. What month is Kazakh new year celebrated?

  29. Right answers • 6. What is the State language of Kazakhstan? (Kazakh) • 7. What is the highest mountain peak in KZ? (The Khan Tengri) • 8.What is the Symbol of freedom in KZ? (an Eagle) • 9.When was the Declaration of Independence Proclaimed? (16 December 1991) • 10. What month is Kazakh new year celebrated? (in March)

  30. Let’s see our capital

  31. ASTANA attractions

  32. ASTANA attractions

  33. Baiterek - symbol of ASTANA

  34. center mosquenur - ASTANA

  35. the president of the republic of kazakhstan Culture centre

  36. duman center

  37. monument of kenesary khan

  38. Sightseeing in ASTANA

  39. ministry of transport and communications

  40. the esil river in ASTANA

  41. akorda

  42. the ministry of finance

  43. ethno park

  44. kazmunaigaz

  45. circus

  46. triumph of ASTANA

  47. Palace of peace andreconciliation

  48. Sightseeing in ASTANA

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