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Learn how to leverage left brain logical thinking and right brain creativity to boost memory, understanding, and learning efficiency. Discover mnemonic tricks, multi-sensory techniques, and personalized study strategies for optimal academic performance. Make studying enjoyable and effective with visual, auditory, and physical engagement methods. Understand your learning style and combine different approaches for optimal results. Take notes, teach others, and engage in spaced repetition to enhance retention and comprehension. Maximize your learning potential with diverse learning strategies!
Left Brain Right Brain
& brain control different kinds of learning. RIGHT Left
LEFT brain learns: 1492 1864 1776 • Facts-Figures-Dates • Order - Discipline • Rote Memory • Math & Science • Abstract, Isolated Ideas • L O G I C
RIGHT BRAIN works with:: Color Pictures Art Music Poetry
LEFT brain memorizes facts by repeating. Let right brain help! Use: Color Melody Rhythm + Rhyme HUMOR
Don’t label people! Nobody’sall left brain or all rightbrain. We all use 2 sides, but one is stronger. Some folks draw from 2 sides easily.
FemininewordspinkMasculineblue la casa el chico la tarde el día la noche el drama la mano el problema la ciudad el color la habitación el avión Buenas tardes Buenos días If left brain forgets, rightbrain “sees” the color. COLOR:
Set facts tocatchy tune & rhythm No. Carolina–Raleigh……So. Carolina-Colombia Georgia – Atlanta………..Florida – Tallahassee Alabama– Montgomery…Tennessee–Nashville Mississippi–Jackson……..Louisiana–Baton Rogue Arkansas–Little Rock……Oklahoma–Ok. City Texas–Austin…………… These are the Southern States! NC SC GA FLA
Use memory tricks (mnemonics) • Acronyms: arrange facts to spell out words • The 5 Great Lakes spell out HOMES: • Huron • Ontario • Michigan • Erie • Superior Better: Also fit them into rhythm-rhyme-song-dance. The more senses we use, the faster we learn.
First read your facts to get the meaning. • Then rearrange into a • Beat 1-2-3, 1-2-3 • rhyme moon-June-spoon • catchy tune • Repeat often, while moving or dancing
Make up a silly pun/joke about the words: Cleopatra tries to behave Cause she knows that Julius Caesar.
DATES and NUMBERS: Make clues: St. Lucy Filippiniwasbornin1672; her parents died young. Clue: 1+6=7 and she lost 2 parents. Bible has72 books: 45 Old Testament + 27 New 45 4 + 5=9 +27 2 + 7=9 72 7 + 2=9
LEFTBRAINLEARNERS • Analyze • Like realistic stories • Show little emotion • Read for facts & details • More intellectual than creative • Need outlines-system-details • Problem-solving: serious + logical
RIGHT BRAIN Learner • Reads for main idea • Prefers open-ended task • Strong emotional response • More creative than intellectual • Solving: playful, uses hunches • Likes fantasy-poetry-metaphor-humor
Work SMARTER, not HARDER! How? Multi-sensory learning! More senses, more memory! Read lesson silently: you remember 20%. Read aloud, explain to yourself: you remember 50%
If you see-talk-hear-DO: you remember 90% DOmeans act it out, make movies in your head Teach it aloud to a “class” Draw clues/cartoons in your notes Chant or sing in rhythm & rhyme.
VISUALlearners: need books, pictures,diagrams, outlines. AUDITORY learners: Must hear it spoken Must say it aloud Must record their voices + replay Must sing in a jingle or a rhyme.
learners need ACTIVITY PHYSICAL highlight, Write notes • Doodle • Walk while studying Act out the lesson. Make a model.
AUDITORY + PHYSICAL learners should study out loud. Be dramatic! Say it in a foreign accent. Act it out like a movie star. Why? We remember dramatic-funny-silly stuff.
Water in French is l’eau[pron. LO] • Q. Why are there no floods in France? • The water is always l’eau. Oneegg in French is un oeuf [un-uff] Q. Why don’t Frenchmen eat 2 eggs? A. One egg isun oeuf.
Some of us need to study with friends, teach & quiz each other. Teaching organizes it in your mind. Talking with others reinforces it. Others study best alone.
Know YOUR learning style. Combine styles. Then study and restudy to absorb.
Spaced repetition is better than all-in-a-lump study. Better to study 1 hour for 6 nights, than 6 hours in 1 night Better to eat 3 meals a day, than starve for a week & eat 21 meals at once.
Some learn in a way GLOBAL They want to see the WHOLE picture at once. Then they go back to study the details. They will read the whole story in one sitting, then go back to make notes, diagrams, flashcards, etc.
Most lessons are set up in a linear way. • You must seek GLOBAL idea. How? • 1st Skim whole lesson to get OVERview. 2nd Sit back & reflect on whole lesson. • 3rd Go back for details; take notes.
TAKE NOTES! Paying attention in class is half the battle. To remember, youmust take notes. Then Re-READ them to remember.
Don’t say, “I’ll just listen. Notetaking distracts me. FALSE! Writing prevents daydreaming & sleeping. You’ll forget a lecture unless you take notes AND re-read them later.
Cornell’s Experiment 10 people with good memories heard a lecture. 5 did NOT take notes. A test was given 2 weeks later. Both groups recalled only20%. Even brilliant people must re-read notes often to remember. 5 did, but their notes were taken away.
Experiment 2: BOTH GROUPS took notes Group 1 was allowed to read them right after class. Group 2 was not. Group 1remembered twice as much. Most retaining takes place AFTER class. Later…you must re-read 7 more times. You need at least8 spaced repetitions to master it for life.
Don’t say, “I’ll write fast & sloppy, and recopy at home. You won’t get time. Write fast & legibly in class; make a shorthand system Don’t copy every word. Omit “a, and, the.” Use abbreviations, first syllable of words. If teacher talks fast, write what you can w/o stopping. Leave blanks to fill in later from friends, text, teacher.
GET A HEAD START! PRE-READ your book before class. The teacher’s words will then be familiar to you.
If you don’t take notes or re-read them, you forget 80% in 2 weeks. Before each new class, read yesterday’s notes to connect them with the lesson coming up. If you review notes right after class, plus 7 more times you remember 90-100% ofthe lesson, for a LONGTIME.
The human mind is always forgetting! The first free time after class: READ all notes. Make scribbles legible. Quickly re-tell yourself the lesson. Star the main ideas.
A good memorizer must repeat 8 times to master a topic. If memory’s not so good, Warning: Learn it right the first time. you can still learn, with more repetitions. It takes 20 repetitions to UNlearnan error.