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Presentation Transcript

  1. At vero Aeneas aspectuobmutuitamens,But indeed Aeneas stood speechless, frenzied by the sight,280 arrectaequehorrorecomae, et voxfaucibushaesit.and his hair stood on end from the horror, and his voice stuck in his throat(s)/jawsArdetabirefugadulcisquerelinquereterras,He is eager to go away in flight and to leave behind sweet lands,

  2. attonitustantomonituimperioquedeorum.astonished by so great a warning and (such) an order from the gods.Heu quid agat?QuonuncreginamambirefurentemAlas what should he do? With what address should he dare to conciliate the raging queen?audeatadfatu? Quae prima exordia sumat?What beginnings should he take first?

  3. 285 Atqueanimumnunchuccelerem, nuncdividitilluc,And so now his swift mind here, now there he divides,in partisquerapitvariasperqueomniaversat.And takes (it) in different directions and revolves it through all things.Haecalternantipotiorsententia visa est:This opinion seemed preferable to him wavering (while/as he wavered)

  4. MnestheaSergestumquevocatfortemqueSerestum,and he calls M. and S. and brave Serestus,classemaptenttacitisociosque ad litoracogant,that they should, silent, make ready the fleet and drive their companions to the shores,290 arma parent, et quae rebus sit causanovandisprepare the weapons, and conceal what the reason is for doing things anew;dissimulent; seseinterea, quandooptuma Didomeanwhile himself (will test approaches), since excellent Dido

  5. nesciat et tantosrumpi non speretamores,does not know and does not expect such loves to be broken (he will test approaches)temptaturumaditus, et quae mollissimafandiand what times for speaking (will be) easiest,tempora, quis rebus dexter modus. Ociusomneswhat way is right for things/the situation(s). Swifter, all295imperiolaeti parent ac iussafacessunt.Happy obey his order and fulfill his orders.

  6. At reginadolos—quisfallerepossitamantem?But the queen suspects tricks—who could deceive a lover?— praesensit, motusqueexcepit prima futuros,and she first caught the movements about to comeomniatutatimens. EademimpiaFamafurentifearing all things, even safe (ones). The same disloyal Rumor detulitarmariclassemcursumqueparari.reported to her raving that the fleet was being armed and a course prepared .

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