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C-Programming. Part I: basics prep. for Lab 8. Why C?. See http://www.tiobe.com/tpci.htm. C How it Stacks Up. As U can C, the C language (and its extensions/derivatives ) dominates the software community Java also a strong showing Python worth a peek Advantages of C:
C-Programming Part I: basics prep. for Lab 8
UCSD: Physics 121; 2012 Why C? • See http://www.tiobe.com/tpci.htm
UCSD: Physics 121; 2012 C How it Stacks Up • As U can C, the C language (and its extensions/derivatives) dominates the software community • Java also a strong showing • Python worth a peek • Advantages of C: • compiled code runs FAST • allows low-level device control • a foundation of the programming world • Disadvantages of C: • strings are a pain in the @$$ • awkward conventions (pointers can be difficult to learn) • requires a compiler
UCSD: Physics 121; 2012 What we will and won’t do • We will learn: • to write simple programs • basic interface • control flow, math, printing • data types • enough to be dangerous • We won’t learn: • advanced pointer operations • large projects (linking separate programs) • distinctions between public, private, external variables • enough to be really dangerous
UCSD: Physics 121; 2012 C File Types • Source Code • the stuff you type in: has .c extension • Compiled “Executable” • the ready-to-run product: usually no extension in Unix, .exe in DOS • Header Files • contain definitions of useful functions, constants: .h extension • Object Files • a pre-linked compiled tidbit: .o in Unix, .obj in DOS • only if you’re building in pieces and linking later
UCSD: Physics 121; 2012 A typical (short) program #include <stdio.h> int main(void) { int i=53; printf(“The illustrious variable, i, is %d\n”,i); return 0; } • Notes: • first include is so we have access to printf (standard I/O) • define the main program (must be called main) to take no arguments (thus void) and return an integer • braces surround the program • print value of integer, i, in formatted line • return zero (common return value for successful program)
UCSD: Physics 121; 2012 More on program #include <stdio.h> int main(void) { int i=53; printf(“The illustrious variable, i, is %d\n”,i); return 0; } • semicolons end each line within program • spacing is not required, but makes for easier reading • all variables must be declared before they are used • could have simply said: int i; then declared later that i=53; • the \n is a newline; the %d formats as decimal integer
UCSD: Physics 121; 2012 Alternate form #include <stdio.h> int main(void) { int i; i=53; printf(“i = %04d\n”,i); return 0; } • semicolons delimit separate statements, but this program, while compact, is harder on the eyes • this time, we defined and assigned the variable in separate steps (more commonly done) • we shortened the print statement fluff • the format is now 4 characters wide, forcing leading zeros • output will be: i = 0053 • could compactify even more, if sadistic
UCSD: Physics 121; 2012 Variable types #include <stdio.h> int main(void) { char c; // single byte int i; // typical integer long j; // long integer float x; // floating point (single precision) double y; // double precision c = 'A'; i = 356; j = 230948935; x = 3.14159265358979; y = 3.14159265358979; printf("c = %d = 0x%02x, i = %d, j = %ld, x = %f, y = %lf\n",c,c,i,j,x,y); c = i; i = 9259852835; printf("c = %d, i = %d, x = %.14f, y = %.14lf\n",c,i,x,y); return 0; }
UCSD: Physics 121; 2012 Output of previous program • Output looks like: • Notes: • c “wrapped” around 256 when assigned to be 356 • i couldn’t handle the large value, and also wrapped • int is actually the same as long on this machine • The float can’t handle the full precision set out • broke printf line: spacing irrelevant: semicolons do the work • The d, x, ld, f, and lf format codes correspond to decimal, hex, long decimal, float, and long float, respectively c = 65 = 0x41, i = 356, j = 230948935, x = 3.141593, y = 3.141593 c = 100, i = 669918243, x = 3.14159274101257, y = 3.14159265358979
UCSD: Physics 121; 2012 Feeding data to the program • Command line arguments allow the same program to be run repeatedly with different inputs (very handy) • How to do it: • main() now takes arguments: traditionally argc and argv[] • argc is the number of command line arguments • minimum is one: the command itself • argv[] is an array of strings (words) • one for each of the space-separated blocks of text following the command on the command line • C arrays are numbered starting at zero • The command line entry: one_ray -10.0 1.0 0.0 has: • argc = 4 • argv[0] = one_ray; argv[1] = -10.0; etc.
UCSD: Physics 121; 2012 #include <stdio.h> // for printf(),sscanf() #include <stdlib.h> // for exit() int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { int int_val; double dbl_val; if (argc > 2) { sscanf(argv[1],"%lf",&dbl_val); sscanf(argv[2],"%d",&int_val); } else { printf("usage: %s double_val int_val\n",argv[0]); exit(-1); } printf("Got double_val = %f; int_val = %d\n",dbl_val,int_val); return 0; }
UCSD: Physics 121; 2012 Result • If I run simply prog_name, without arguments, I get: • usage: prog_name double_val int_val • normally, these would be given more descriptive names, like initial_x_position and number_of_trials • If I run prog_name 3.14 8, I get: • Got double_val = 3.140000; int_val = 8 • Note that: • we needed a new header file for exit() • we are using sscanf() to scan a value into a variable • the & symbol before the variable name points to that variable’s memory address so sscanf knows where to put the value • printf (and sprintf, fprintf, etc.) is forgiving about %f vs %lf, etc., but not so with scan functions (scanf, sscanf, fscanf, etc.)
UCSD: Physics 121; 2012 For Loops int k,count; count = 0; for (k=0; k < 10; k++) { count += 1; count %= 4; printf (“count = %d\n”,count); } • Notes: • declared more than one integer on same line (common practice) • k starts at zero, remains less than 10 (will stop at 9), increments by one each time through loop • k++ adds one to variable: same as k += 1; same as k = k + 1; • adds one to count each time (see rule above) • “mods” count by 4 (remainder of count/4) • output is: 1, 2, 3, 0, 1, 2, 3, 0, 1, 2 • could (and often do) use k as int value within loop • for (;;) is a way to get an indefinite loop (Ctrl-C to quit)
UCSD: Physics 121; 2012 Math #include <math.h> … double x,y,z,pi,ampl=3.0,sigma=1.2; pi = 3.14159265358979; x = sin(60.0*pi/180.0); y = sqrt(fabs(2*x + pi)); z = ampl*exp(-0.5*pow(x/sigma,2.0)) • Notes: • Must include math.h • if compiling on linux/unix, use -lm flag to link math • note mixed assignment in variable declarations • fabs is “floating absolute value”, and here keeps sqrt from getting a negative argument • otherwise result could generate NaN (Not a Number) • pow(x,y) raises x to the y power (xy)
UCSD: Physics 121; 2012 Math Warnings • Number one mistake by C newbies: disrespecting variable type • i is an integer, so 2/3 truncates to zero • even though x is a double, 2/3 performs integer math, then converts to double • “other” value in printf shows same is true if j/k used • as long as one value is a float, it does floating-point math int i,j=2,k=3; double x,y,z; i = 2/3; x = 2/3; y = 2/3.0; z = 2.0/3; printf("i = %d; x = %f; y = %f; z = %f; other = %f\n",i,x,y,z,j/k); i = 0; x = 0.000000; y = 0.666667; z = 0.666667; other = 0.000000
UCSD: Physics 121; 2012 Casting • when necessary, one may “cast” a value into a type of your choice: • (double) j 2.0 • ((double) j)/k 0.666667 • j/((double) k) 0.666667 • (double) (j/k) 0.000000 (integer math already done) • (int) 6.824786 6 • lesson is to take care when mixing variable types • also, get into habit of putting .0 on floating point math numbers, even if strictly unnecessary
UCSD: Physics 121; 2012 Talking to the Parallel Port in Windows • We will use the inpout32.dll package • parallel port access in linux/unix is very straightforward • Windows 98 and before was also easy • new Hardware Abstraction Layer (HAL) gets in the way • this inpout32 package bridges the HAL • see www.logix4u.net to get the package (already installed on MHA-3574 machines) • http://www.hytherion.com/beattidp/comput/pport.htm for test programs • Can also access via LPT file handle • discussed at end of lecture • runs 25 times slower than the inpout32 version • because you have to open/close the port all the time
UCSD: Physics 121; 2012 Sample code (stripped down to fit on slide) #include <stdio.h> #include <conio.h> #include <windows.h> #define PPORT_BASE 0xD010 // usu. 0x378 if built-in typedef void (_stdcall *oupfuncPtr)(short portaddr, short datum); oupfuncPtr oup32fp; void Out32(short portaddr, short datum){ (oup32fp)(portaddr,datum); } int main(void) { HINSTANCE hLib; short x=0xAA; // value to write (expr. in hex) hLib = LoadLibrary("inpout32.dll"); oup32fp = (oupfuncPtr) GetProcAddress(hLib, "Out32"); Out32(PPORT_BASE,x); // the actual output command FreeLibrary(hLib); return 0; }
UCSD: Physics 121; 2012 Looping to make a waveform short outval = 0; for (;;) // way to make infinite loop: ^C kills { outval += 1; outval %= 256; Out32(PPORT_BASE,outval); } • The code above makes a ramp of output values, then cuts down to zero and starts again • repeat until Ctrl-C kills it • Each time: • the outval is increased by 1 • statement equivalent to outval = outval + 1 • then mod by 256 (2560, and start over) • statement is equivalent to outval = outval % 256
UCSD: Physics 121; 2012 How does it look In Linux/Unix? #include <stdio.h> #include <unistd.h> // needed for ioperm() #include <asm/io.h> // for outb() and inb() #define DATA 0x378 // parallel port memory address int main() { int x = 0xAA; if (ioperm(DATA,3,1)) { printf("You must be root to run this program\n"); exit(1); } outb(x,DATA); // sends 1010 1010 to the Data Port return 0; } outb() performs direct write to hardware/memory address
UCSD: Physics 121; 2012 LPT Method on Windows #include <stdio.h> // fprintf()... #include <stdlib.h> // exit() #include <io.h> // open()... #include <fcntl.h> // O_xxx int main() { int out; char ch; out = open("LPT1:", O_WRONLY|O_BINARY); // open parport if(out < 0) { printf("Can't open LPT1\n"); exit(2); // exit with error status } ch = 0x55; write(out, &ch, 1); close(out); //flushes windows OS buffering return 0; // return success } thanks to Eric Michelsen for this template
UCSD: Physics 121; 2012 Description • Notes on previous program: • lots of includes to get all the features we want • open port as write only, binary mode • parallel port is assigned to an integer (out) • in essence, a temporary address for the program’s use • checks that out is not negative (would indicate error) • aborts if so, with an error message • assigns a test value (hex 55) to the one-byte ch • 0x55 is a nice pattern: 01010101 • 0xAA also nice: 10101010 • writes this to the port • the & points to the location of the value to be sent • the 1 indicates one byte to be sent • closes port and exits • any looping must open and close port with each loop!!
UCSD: Physics 121; 2012 References • Lots of books on C out there • Kernighan and Ritchie is the classic standard • they wrote the language • the book by K. N. King is exceptionally good • Also check the web for tutorials • C-geeks are exactly the kind of people who write web-pages, so there is a profusion of programming advice out there!