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Ocean Enterprises- Get complete help for any scuba diving lessons with our dive instructor team of 36 PADI certified instructors, Assistant Instructors and Dive Masters
Co Cours urses es
S Se ea arch Retrieve lost items that have fallen overboard or over a dock. Learn effective swimming patterns and using a lift bag for heavy objects. rch & & R Re eco cove ver ry y W Wr re eck discovery. ck D Di iv ve er r Ships, airplanes and even cars are fascinating to explore and usually teem with aquatic life. Each wreck dive offers a chance for a new A As ss si is stant Start here to become a PADI dive Instructor. Share your passion with others and help them experience the same joy you have for scuba diving. tant I In ns st tru ruct ctor or w ww ww w.oce .ocea an ne en nt te er rp pr ris ise es. s.c co om m
O Op pe en This is a two-part course – the Assistant Instructor (AI) course and the Open Water Scuba Instructor (OWSI) program. Become a better public speaker and get really good at demonstrating skills. n W Wa at te er r I In ns str tructo uctor r S Sp pe eci cial alty M Ma as ster ty I In ns st tru ruct ctor or Teach a specialty course that interests you. Choose from, Deep Diver, Night Diver or Public Safety Diver course, just to name a few. There are 25+ standard PADI Specialty Diver courses to choose from. The ultimate recreational diver rating. All PADI Instructors with at least 25 PADI Divers and have earned five or more PADI Specialty Instructor certifications can be a Master Scuba Diver Trainer. ter S Sc cu ub ba a D Di iv ve er r T Tr ra ai ine ner r w ww ww w.oce .ocea an ne en nt te er rp pr ris ise es. s.c co om m
I Id dc c S St ta af ff f I In ns stru truc cto tor r This course provides you with in-depth knowledge of the instructor development process and prepares you to shape the next generation of PADI Professionals. Discover simple to follow steps for emergency care. This course focuses on building confidence in lay rescuers and increasing their willingness to respond when faced with a medical emergency. Teach skills based on internationally recognized emergency care guidelines and learn how to present course content while encouraging student self-discovery. E Em me erge rgen ncy cy F Fi ir rs st t R Re es sp ponde onder r E Em me erge rgen ncy cy F Fi ir rs st t R Re es sp pons onse e I In ns str tructo uctor r w ww ww w.oce .ocea an ne en nt te er rp pr ris ise es. s.c co om m
E Ee emer mergency gency O Ox xyge ygen n P Pr ro ov vi ider der Immediately recognize scuba diving illnesses treatable with emergency oxygen and be prepared to offer aid. There are no prerequisites or age restrictions. This course is open to everyone. E Em me erge rgen ncy cy O O2 2 P Pr ro ov vi ider der I In ns str tructo uctor r Immediately recognize scuba diving illnesses treatable with emergency oxygen and be prepared to offer aid. There are no prerequisites or age restrictions. This course is open to everyone. oxygen and be prepared to offer aid. There are no prerequisites or age restrictions. This course is open to everyone. O Ox xyge Immediately recognize scuba diving illnesses treatable with emergency ygen n P Pr ro ov vi id de er r I In ns st tru ructo ctor r C Co ou ur rs se e w ww ww w.oce .ocea an ne en nt te er rp pr ris ise es. s.c co om m
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