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From Abraham to Moses: the renewal of the Covenant. 2.3. Move to Egypt. After Abraham is tested by God at Canaan (sacrifice of Isaac), all is well After Abraham’s death, Hebrew leadership = Isaac and later grandson Jacob
Move to Egypt • After Abraham is tested by God at Canaan (sacrifice of Isaac), all is well • After Abraham’s death, Hebrew leadership = Isaac and later grandson Jacob • In the 17th C, BCE a famine swept Canaan—so Jacob moves Jews to Goshen, at the outskirt of Egypt • Peaceful co-existence • Pharaoh-ship controlled by foreigners (Hyksos), presumably from ancient Lebanon • Jews, however, enslaved when Egyptian leadership returned under the rule Egyptians (Ramses II? 16th C, BCE) • Abraham—Sarah Isaac =(Israel)=he who struggles Jacob Levi (1st generation in Egypt) Kehat (2nd Generation in Egypt) Amrom—Yocheved (3rd Generation-Egypt) Moses
Quick quiz • 1. What is a patriarch? • 2. What evidence of animism is there in early Judaism?
Key question • Key question: • Remember God’s promise to Abraham? • ….that a great nation would arise from his seed (text pg 235) • Somehow, Hebrews will have to get out of Egypt, and back to Canaan for this convenant to be recognized • Enter, Moses….
But before Moses..early Jewish religion • What do we most attribute to Jewish religion today? • Sacred book (Torah, Talmud) • Temple (Synagogue) • Priests (Rabbis) • What does text tell you, about the nature of Jewish religion during time of Patriarchs? Page 234, last 3 paragraphs?
Moses • Pharaoh feels threatened by the growing number of Hebrews in Egypt. • Prediction by an Egyptian Shaman…So… • Hebrews are enslaved, and; • Ordered the death of every 1st born son • Moses is ‘saved’ by mother, who floats him down the river • Found by Pharaoh’s daughter • Eventually, raised as Pharaoh's favourite “son” (grandson, really)
Moses • Moses increasingly disturbed at treatment of Hebrews by Egyptian slave drivers • Hits an Egyptian, who strikes a Hebrew (= act of treason, for Moses) • Forced to flee Egypt, ends up in Midian (modern day Jordan) • ‘Adopted’ by Jethro and his family. • Marries Jethro’s daughter. Lives there for 40 years • And then, for the 1st time receives his 1st message from God
Burning Bush • Moses encounters God in a “burning bush” at Mt. Horeb, and determines the following • 1) Jews are to be led to freedom, back to the promised land (Canaan) • 2) Moses will be their leader • Moses is scared, and doubtful, but after much convincing, Moses decides to follow God’s will • All of the events that follow are described as the “renewal of the covenant”
10 plagues and passover • 10 Plagues and passover • Moses tells Pharaoh, “Let my people go” • Pharaoh replies: • “Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha” • 10 plagues are unleashed on Egypt to demonstrate that the Hebrew God is more powerful than the Egyptian Gods • Last of the 10 plagues: death to all 1st born in Egypt • Jews escaped this fate by smearing lamb’s blood on the their doors. In this way, the plague passed over. • Get it? Passover?????
Exodus • Exodus • Literally means: Going out or departure • Important moment • Faith of Moses and all Hebrews are tested • In the face of death, Moses parts the Red Sea– they make it to Sinai desert (not Canaan yet), and Egyptians drown
Covenant at Sinai and Journey to Canaan • Moses then leads Hebrews (a.k.a, Israelites) on foot to Mt. Sinai • Hebrews are thankful at first, but still grumble, and wonder about their connection with GOD • Moses goes up, and stays for 40 days/nights • He returns with 10 commandments (= the renewed covenant, in writing) • Moses, however, witnesses adultery and idolatry upon his return. Moses throws tablets at the idol (Baal), they are destroyed • God is angry, Moses is angry: sinners punished, believers saved. Commandments' received again • Children of Israel are forced to wander for 40 years in the desert (to kill off the generation of sinners) • Along the way, Israelites grumble, they are tested, God gets angry—including at Moses (smiting rock story)
Upon reaching the River Jordan, Moses dies, and Joshua becomes the leader of the Israelistes • While this is a happy day– entry into Canaan, it is a day of foreboding. God predicts: • His people will break the covenant again • They will worship false idols • They will suffer greatly for their sins…