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Formative' is a function, not a kind of assessment. The same assessment can serve both formative and summative functionsWhether an assessment is formative doesn't depend onWho wrote the assessmentWho administers the assessmentWhere it is administeredWho scores the assessment. Functions of assessment.
1. The formative purpose: assessment must first promote learningCCSSO35th Annual National Conference on Large-Scale AssessmentSan Antonio, TX; June 2005 Dylan Wiliam
2. ‘Formative’ is a function, not a kind of assessment The same assessment can serve both formative and summative functions
Whether an assessment is formative doesn’t depend on
Who wrote the assessment
Who administers the assessment
Where it is administered
Who scores the assessment
3. Functions of assessment For evaluating institutions
For describing individuals
For supporting learning
Monitoring learning
Whether learning is taking place
Diagnosing (informing) learning
What is not being learnt
Forming learning
What to do about it
4. Assessment must first promote learning Evidence collected for formative purposes can be aggregated to support summative inferences
Evidence collected for summative purposes can rarely be disaggregated to support learning
5. Formative assessment
6. Effects of formative assessment Several major reviews of the research
Natriello (1987)
Crooks (1988)
Black & Wiliam (1998)
Nyquist (2003)
All find consistent, substantial effects, typically of the order of an extra 4 months growth per year
7. Aspects of formative assessment
8. Kinds of formative assessment Long-cycle FA
6 to 10 week cycle
Medium-cycle FA
1 to 3 week cycle
Short cycle FA
5 seconds to 2 day cycles
9. Long-cycle formative assessment Focus: curriculum alignment
Straightforward to implement
Visible response to NCLB challenges
Feedback arrives too late to affect learners
Broad focus
Poor reliability at standard-level
Better for monitoring than diagnosis
Limited evidence of impact on student achievement
10. Short-cycle formative assessment Focus: pedagogy
Feedback can impact practice
Narrow focus (high reliability at standard level)
Potentially formative
Strong evidence of impact on student achievement
Lack of visibility as response to mandates
Subtle changes to practice
11. Two approaches to change
12. Kinds of coherence Alignment of practices with assessments
Narrow sense: better test preparation
Broad sense: focus on big ideas
Teacher judgments contribute to high-stakes assessments
Evidence elicitation
Evidence identification
13. A question