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Commercial Architects in Chennai

Offcentered is a multi-disciplinary firm of architects in Chennai, with experience in the fields of architecture, interior design and graphic design. The firm is dedicated to developing well designed and creative solutions for all projects. http://www.offcentered.in/

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Commercial Architects in Chennai

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  2. BECOME A BEST ARCHITECTURE Do architecture students as a whole realize their entrepreneurial potential? I don’t believe so. Architecture students are a rare breed: creative perfectionists that are ambitious enough to accept all-nighters as the norm. But far too often they dismiss the financial value of their skillset and complain about the lack of job prospects and associated compensation.

  3. CREATE A 3D RENDERING SERVICE • When I was working as a draftsperson for a residential construction company that specialized in addition/renovations, I noticed that we were spending far too much of the drafting budget trying to sell 2D elevations and plans to homeowners. • The reason being is that most customers aren’t architecturally trained and can’t visualize in 2D. Customers want you to show them solutions that they see on sites like Pinterest, Houzz and shows like Property Brothers.

  4. SET UP A RESIDENTIAL DRAFTING SERVICE • Different states or provinces are likely to have different requirements for submitting permit drawings, but there is always a need for qualified people to produce drawings for DIY projects. Most building departments require more than a “napkin” sketch in 2015, which is why your CAD skills can be of great assistance. • As for payment, you can either set an hourly fee, or charge by the job. Personally, I always charged by the job

  5. START A “HOW TO BLOG” THAT OFFERS TIPS A case study that should inspire you, is Pat Flynn. Pat was a job captain in an architecture firm until 2008 when he became jobless as result of the recession. He started with a simple blog sharing his study tips for the LEED AP exam and made over 5 times his previous salary in his first year. The key point is that it started as a tip sharing blog to make things easier for others and grew beyond something he could have ever imagined. For more information please visit this blog post.

  6. USE FREELANCE JOB PLATFORMS A Detroit based start-up that hires people with architecture and engineering backgrounds to create solar design documents via correspondence. Your hourly wage is dictated by your experience. Don’t accept the status quo for graduates and more importantly, don’t fall victim to the negative banter you hear about how there are no jobs for graduates.

  7. OFFCENTEREDARCHITECTS ADRESS: Flat H, 3rd Floor, Gilli Flower Apartments, No.46/6, L - Block, 23rd Street, Annanagar , Chennai-102. PHONE NUMBER: 9884000200 044 42660600 EMAIL: info@offcentered.in WEBSITE: http://www.offcentered.in/

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