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Patients have Reasons to Seek Medical Care - not just Health Problems

Patients have Reasons to Seek Medical Care - not just Health Problems . Why the ‘reason for encounter should be incorporated in the analysis of outcome of care. Tim C. Olde Hartman , Hiske van Ravesteijn , Peter Lucassen , Kees van Boven, Evelyn van Weel-Baumgarten , Chris van Weel.

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Patients have Reasons to Seek Medical Care - not just Health Problems

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Patients have Reasons to Seek Medical Care - not just Health Problems Why the ‘reason for encounter should be incorporated in the analysis of outcome of care Tim C. OldeHartman, Hiske van Ravesteijn, Peter Lucassen, Kees van Boven, Evelynvan Weel-Baumgarten, Chris van Weel Department of Primary and Community Care Radboud University Nijmegen Medical Center, The Netherlands Dr. C. van Boven

  2. Traditional medical diagnosis

  3. The ’reason for encounter’: the need to respond to health problems in their context

  4. Understanding of why the person with that health problem did actually seek medical care

  5. Ecology of medical care: selective use of professional services

  6. responsive care

  7. Reasons for encounter and professional performance

  8. Reasons for encounter and professional performance

  9. ‘placebo’ and ‘nocebo’

  10. Medically unexplained symptoms

  11. patients’ perspectives

  12. The importance of patients’ perspectives has been documented Hofmans-Okkes IM, Lamberts H. Longitudinal research in general practice. The importance of including both patients' and physicians' perspectives on medical events. Scand J Prim Health Care Suppl 1993; 2:42-8.:42-48. Okkes IM, Oskam SK, Lamberts H. The probability of specific diagnoses for patients presenting with common symptoms to Dutch family physicians. J FamPract 2002; 51(1):31-36.

  13. pro-active care

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