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The Friedrich-Ebert-Gymnasium in Sandhausen, Germany

The Friedrich-Ebert-Gymnasium in Sandhausen, Germany . About Our School. 1050 pupils from Sandhausen and the two neighbouring communities of Leimen and Nussloch 70 teachers (teach in all grades) ‏ Languages : English (bilingual), French, Latin, Italian

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The Friedrich-Ebert-Gymnasium in Sandhausen, Germany

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  1. The Friedrich-Ebert-Gymnasium in Sandhausen, Germany

  2. About Our School 1050 pupils from Sandhausen and the two neighbouring communities of Leimen and Nussloch 70 teachers (teach in all grades)‏ Languages: English (bilingual), French, Latin, Italian Grades: 5 – 13 (12 in G8) with German Abitur All day program: drama, fitness program, Japanese, homework supervision, presentation, rhetoric techniques, brass, relaxation techniques, meditation, needlework many study groups

  3. - Working experiences and internships also in foreign countries • - Partnership programs with schools in France, Ireland, Italy, Poland, Ethiopia, the US and also schools in Germany • Rooms: • - 40 classrooms in the main school • - 3 computer labs • - 10 science rooms • - a new cafeteria • - modern sports facilities • - library

  4. The History of the FEG The FEG was founded in 1972 The 14th September, 1927 was the first schoolday with 207 pupils and 10 teachers In 1979 the school got a new gym and 6 new classrooms 1980/81 the school had already 1226 pupils and 70 teachers Today we are only 1000 pupils but 80 teachers From 1972-1997 Mr. Horst Hofmann was the principal Our principal today is Mr. Norbert Klevenz

  5. Friedrich Ebert • Was born on 4th February, 1871 in Heidelberg. • Was a German politican and the president of the German empire. • He died on 28th February, 1925 in Berlin. • After his death the Friedrich-Ebert-foundation was established. • Today you can vistit his place of birth in Heidelberg.

  6. Location • The FEG is in Baden-Württemberg/ Germany. It is in a village called Sandhausen which is not far away from Heidelberg.

  7. Heidelberg • Is a city in Baden – Württemberg, Germany. • There live around 140000 people. • The river Neckar runs through Heidelberg. • Area of 109 square kilometres • Part of the Rhein - Neckar – Triangle.

  8. Sights • Heidelberg castle • University • Old town • Philosophenweg • Königstuhl Heidelberg castle University Old town Philosophenweg Königstuhl

  9. Activities at the FEG Here is a list of our school activities: Theatre Club Robotic Club Soccer Club Dance Club Mountainbike Club Basketball Club Volleyball Club Event Club

  10. Theatre Club Founded in 2002 The first act was „The Small Hobbit“ (2003) Directed by Mrs. Begerfurth, Mrs. Ayas 31 members Their last project was „The Visit of The Old Lady“ (2008)‏

  11. Robotics Club Builts robots out of precast parts and programming them Meets every Monday, 9th to 11th class Supervised by Mrs. Körkel, A. Dannenmann Founded in 2005 Links: Robotik

  12. Dancing Club Established in 2005 Directed by Mrs. Gall Consists of 25 students (grade 8-13)‏ Activities: - Learn how to dance (different dances) - Taking part in conpetitions - performances at school festivals ( 2007/08: ,,The Dancing Classroom'' 2008/09: ,, The 50´s'' in cooperation with the „Big Band“)‏

  13. Mountainbike Club Supervised by Mr. Abesser Meets every Friday; 2:30 PM 8 members Founded in 2007 What we do: riding the bikes to the Odenwald, doing cross-country and freeriding. Location: http://maps.google.de/maps?hl=de&q=sandhausen&ie=UTF-8&um=1&sa=X&oi=geocode_result&resnum=1&ct=image(The green area is the Odenwald)‏

  14. The Concept of the FEG We Work together to accomplish our goals. We try to be tolerant, respectful and consequent acting. We see us as a progressive school and stay in contact to our partners in Germany and Europe. We try to teach our pupils their independence.

  15. Festivals of the FEG Winterbazar Every class makes a product and sells it at the bazar in our school Sports festival Every class competes in Basketball, Handball, Soccer, Bocca School festival After the sports festival we have a school festival, where all pupils and teachers enjoy themselves

  16. Festivals of the FEG Halloween- and Carnivalparty All pupils of the classlevels 5-8 meet in our bycicle storage room and party there Concerts On the 23rd of November there is the Requiem Concert From our teacher Mr. Zepp. This Concert is every year. The Summerconcert is every year where our orchester brass and kammerchor show what they learned.

  17. Music at Friedrich Ebert Gymnasium Big Band Jazzchoir Chamberchoir Orchestra FEG Brass

  18. The Big Band Founded in 1994 Directed by Mrs. Abel 19 members Plays modern music from swing to Rock 'n' Roll

  19. Jazzchoir Founded by the music class in 1987 Directed by Mrs. Abel 56 members Performs music from Elvis Presley, Beach Boys, Beatles ...

  20. Chamberchoir Pupils, their parents, teachers and friends of the school take part Founded by Christoph Mahla Conducted by Markus Zepp About 60 vocalists Project 2008: Mozart, Requiem Project 2009: Haydn, „The Creation“

  21. Orchestra Consists of pupils from all class levels Conducted by Markus Zepp Established in 2005/2006 The Orchestra plays at school events and concerts About 40 pupils

  22. FEG Brass Established in 2006 Consists of seven trumpets, two trombones, one horn, one baritone and one euphonium Also directed by Markus Zepp Plays classic pieces of music as well as modern pop songs

  23. 5th and 6th grade choir 6th grade choir: - Meets every tuesday or wednesday at 2:30 pm - Is going to play ''ghosts on the owlcastle'' - To be performed at the end of the year 5th grade choir: - Meets thursdays at 2:30 pm - Is going to play ''life in space'' by Gehard Meyer - Directed by Mrs. Kiau

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