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BECOME AN EFFECTIVE VOLUNTEER. Why Volunteer?. "It takes a village to raise a child.". “Coming together is a beginning. Keeping together is progress. Working together is success.”. “In union there is strength.". “None of us is as smart as all of us.”. OBJECTIVES.

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  2. Why Volunteer? "It takes a village to raise a child." “Coming together is a beginning. Keeping together is progress. Working together is success.” “In union there is strength." “None of us is as smart as all of us.”

  3. OBJECTIVES • Learn about the importance of the school volunteer program • Increase your awareness of the characteristics of effective volunteers • Understand the benefits of becoming a school volunteer • Evaluate different scenarios and discuss best approaches

  4. Welcome The Office of Parent and Community Services welcomes you as a school volunteer in the Los Angeles Unified School District. Your willingness to serve the students and staff of the District is greatly appreciated. Rosalinda Lugo, Ed.D. Administrator

  5. The Importance Parent-Community Volunteers Academic success begins with Parents Parent Volunteer Program at all schools LAUSD’s Goal “Coming together is a beginning. Keeping together is progress. Working together is success.”

  6. LAUSD School Volunteer Program The purpose of the LAUSD school volunteer program is to augment and enhance educational and support services to schools by engaging and leveraging the rich talents and expertise of parents, and members of the school community. “Coming together is a beginning. Keeping together is progress. Working together is success.”

  7. What is a volunteer? If you want to lift yourself up, lift up someone else. — Booker T. Washington “Coming together is a beginning. Keeping together is progress. Working together is success.”

  8. What is a Volunteer? A volunteer is an unsalaried person authorized by LAUSD to perform volunteer services for schools. A volunteer shall serve without compensation or employee benefits of any type. All volunteers serve at the discretion of the Principal without any expressed or implied privileges beyond those found in the Volunteer handbook and may be released from volunteering if so deemed by the Principal or designee. “Coming together is a beginning. Keeping together is progress. Working together is success.”

  9. Why should you be a volunteer? • Volunteering in a school is a unique and exciting experience and is beneficial to the school, your child and you. • Being a volunteer promotes and maintains a supportive relationship between the school and the community.

  10. HOW TO BE an EFFECTIVE volunteer!

  11. Volunteers should… • Have a professional attitude and an ability to work cooperatively with all members of a school’s staff and school community. • Dress appropriately • Have good moral character • Have the time and a willing spirit • Show support for the school, school personnel and school programs.

  12. Volunteers should…

  13. But most of all the role of a volunteer… • is to assist the school to improve the academic achievement of all students. • is to keep in mind that volunteering in a school will involve learning new skills and learning how to engage with students effectively.

  14. Being a volunteer in a school is not….

  15. Being a volunteer in a school is not… • Parenting other people’s children. All children have parents/guardians. • Substituting for the teacher. • Policing students. • Befriending students. For example, communicating with them through social media.

  16. Being a volunteer in a school is not… • Gossiping about students and their parents. • Talking negatively about the school, school administrators, staff and/or other parents. • Acting like the school owes you something special because you volunteer.

  17. What will you do at the school as a Volunteer?

  18. What will you do at the school as a Volunteer? • The Principal/Designee will work with you to find an assignment that utilizes your knowledge, talents and gifts so that they benefit the school community. • Once assigned, both you and the principal will determine if your assignment is the best fit. If not, it will be modified and changed. • If you do not feel comfortable in an assignment, please notify the principal/designee and ask for a new assignment.

  19. What will you do at the school as a Volunteer? • Monitor and assist small groups in classrooms. • Preparing materials for classrooms. • Supervise on the playground before and/or after school, during recess and/or lunch. • Assist at school events. • Volunteer as an athletic coach.

  20. What will you do at the school as a Volunteer? • Assist in the parent center. • Help as a safety valet. • Serve as a committee member. • Assist in the office.

  21. What knowledge, gifts and talents can you share?

  22. What knowledge, gifts and talents can you share?

  23. Working with students

  24. Working With Students Things to Do

  25. questions

  26. Questions? • A volunteer observes that there is one child in their class that does not have friends so they decide to be this child’s friend. Is this acceptable? Yes or No? What should they do? • Volunteers can wear jeans with holes, halter tops, baggy pants, undershirts and flip flops to work with students in the classroom? True or False? How should they dress?

  27. Questions? • One of the roles of a volunteer is to be a surrogate parent (a parent when the parent is not present) to every child that they work with? Yes or No? Why? • The parents in your neighborhood know that you volunteer at the local school. One of your neighbors asks you to keep an eye on their child and let them know what they are doing, how they are doing in school and if anyone is bothering their child. Is this something a volunteer can do? What should you say to this parent?

  28. Questions? • Volunteers can behave whichever way they want to because they are parents or community members and the school belongs to them. True or False? How should volunteers behave while they are volunteering and beyond? • The most important role of a volunteer is to: • Keep the school clean • Keep the school safe • Assist the school to improve the academic achievement of all students.

  29. What to say and not to say…

  30. What to say and not to say… Mrs. Jones, your son Johnny was sent to the office today by his teacher. I think that you should talk to him about his behavior. I volunteered at the school today and it was a very rewarding experience. Oh my, I am not sure about the people who work at that school-they seem pretty confused.

  31. What to say and not to say… I think that all parents can help our school to be successful by making sure that students arrive on time. Report cards will be coming out next week. Parent Conferences will be held the following week. Mr. Parent – I was supervising on the yard and saw your daughter Nancy running and not paying attention.

  32. What to say and not to say… Mrs. Martinez– I heard the office manager mention your name while I was in the office.

  33. A Reminder about Confidentiality

  34. Working with Teachers and Staff

  35. Working with Teachers and Staff Follow the directions of the school staff member who has been designated as your immediate supervisor. Accept directions and suggestions from the teacher that you have been assigned to assist and seek help from that teacher when you need clarification and or more information. Respect the privacy of teachers and students.

  36. Working with Teachers and Staff Understand that the role of the teacher is to carry out the instructional curriculum for students and that he/she is responsible for student discipline. Encourage and share ideas with the teacher and staff. Remember: You are there to assist as needed and where assigned.

  37. A Few Words About Child Abuse Reporting… School volunteers are not mandated reporters of suspected child abuse. However, the District encourages volunteers to speak to an administrator promptly regarding any inappropriate incident, conduct, or behavior.

  38. Match Game Volunteers… Column A • Assist the school • Show support • Report incidents • Must keep information • Follow the directions of Column B • to the Principal or designee. • confidential. • to improve academic achievement. • staff members who have been assigned as their supervisor. • for the school, parents & community.

  39. Academic Success Begins with Parents Parent Volunteer Program at all schools LAUSD’s Goal

  40. Student Achievement is our focus!

  41. Thank you!


  43. Comments/Questions?

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