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Alcohol and Ovarian Cancer Publication

Alcohol and Ovarian Cancer Publication. Genkinger, JM, et al . Alcohol intake and ovarian cancer risk: A pooled analysis of ten cohort studies . Br J Cancer 2006 Mar 13;94(5):757-62. Cohort studies in the pooled analysis of alcohol intake and ovarian cancer.

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Alcohol and Ovarian Cancer Publication

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  1. Alcohol and Ovarian Cancer Publication Genkinger, JM, et al. Alcohol intake and ovarian cancer risk: A pooled analysis of ten cohort studies. Br J Cancer 2006 Mar 13;94(5):757-62.

  2. Cohort studies in the pooled analysis of alcohol intake and ovarian cancer Canadian National Breast Screening Study (CNBSS) Swedish Mammography Cohort (SMC) Netherlands Cohort Study (NLCS) Nurses’ Health Study (NHSa, NHSb), Nurses’ Health Study II (NHS II), Women’s Health Study (WHS) New York State Cohort (NYSC) Total cohort size= 529,638 Total # of cases = 2,001 Breast Cancer Detection Demonstration Project Follow-up Study (BCDDP) Cancer Prevention Study II Nutrition Cohort (CPS II) Iowa Women’s Health Study (IWHS)

  3. Cohort studies in the pooled analysis of alcohol intake and ovarian cancer

  4. Median Intakes (Interquartile Range) of Alcohol Among Drinkers by Cohort Study

  5. Study-Specific and Pooled Multivariate Adjusted RR and 95% CI for Ovarian Cancer According to Intake of Total Alcohol

  6. Pooled Age and Multivariate Adjusted RR and 95% CI for Ovarian Cancer According to Intake of Alcohol from Specific Beverages

  7. Pooled Multivariate RR and 95% CI for a 15g/day Increment in Total Alcohol Intake by Levels of Hormonal/Reproductive Ovarian Cancer Risk Factors, Continuous Model

  8. Pooled Multivariate RR and 95% CI for a 15g/day Increment in Total Alcohol Intake by Levels of Nutritional Factors, Continuous Model

  9. Pooled Multivariate RR and 95% CI for a 15g/day Increment in Total Alcohol Intake by Levels of Other Ovarian Cancer Risk Factors, Continuous Model

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