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Presenter Amandeep Kaur Lecturer Computer Engg. GPC Khunimajra (Mohali)

NET. . Presenter Amandeep Kaur Lecturer Computer Engg. GPC Khunimajra (Mohali). Presentation Outline. Overview of . NET Visions and Goals of .NET Building Blocks of .NET .NET Languages .NET applications Interoperability between .NET and COM+. Overview. What is .NET?.

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Presenter Amandeep Kaur Lecturer Computer Engg. GPC Khunimajra (Mohali)

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  1. NET . Presenter Amandeep Kaur Lecturer Computer Engg. GPC Khunimajra (Mohali)

  2. Presentation Outline • Overview of .NET • Visions and Goals of .NET • Building Blocks of .NET • .NET Languages • .NET applications • Interoperability between .NET and COM+ Dot Net

  3. Overview What is .NET? • Microsoft .NET is a new foundation for solving common problems and building Windows applications. • An add-on run-time environment that runs on Windows 2000 operating systems. Dot Net

  4. Overview • A way to think about this new technology is to view .NET as a brand, one that Microsoft has applied to several technologies. • Some of the technologies are new (providing new services and possibilities) and others allow an updated approach to creating Windows applications that we know today.. Dot Net

  5. Overview Why .NET? • Microsoft .NET will affect anyone who works in the Windows environment. However, Most Windows developers once learn and implement this new tools and techniques will find themselves capable of building more powerful, more useful software in less time. Dot Net

  6. Overview • The .NET Technologies today include: - .NET framework - Visual Studio .NET - .NET My Services - .NET Enterprise Servers Most technologies that carry the .NET brand have direct support from Web Services. Dot Net

  7. Overview • .NET framework is new environment for creating applications. Because the foundation is the same, developers see a much more consistent environment. • The .NET framework includes: CLR (Common Language Runtime) and the .NET Framework class library (ASP.NET, ADO.NET, Windows forms, Enterprise Services, and much more). Dot Net

  8. Overview The .NET Framework Dot Net

  9. Overview • Visual Studio.NET supports several programming languages that can be used with .NET framework • Visual Studio.NET supports four CLR-based languages: - Visual Basic.NET - C++ - C#, - and Jscript.NET Dot Net

  10. Overview • .NET My Services is set of Internet-accessible Web services. It allows users to store and access the same personal information such as calendar from your home PC or Wireless PDA. .NET My Services Internet Clients Dot Net Applications

  11. Overview • .NET Enterprise servers provide a useful set of services (BizTalk Server 2000, Application Server 2000, Commerce Server 2000, Host Integration Server 2000, SQL Server 2000, Exchange Server 2000, Mobile Information Server 2001, and Internet Security and Acceleration Server 2000). Dot Net

  12. .NET Language Dot Net

  13. With COM, Reality of software plug and play.Net is much simpler to use. • COM supports language independence • .Net supports language integration. You can extend a class hosted in .Net and can catch exceptions thrown by the code in .Net. JAVA C++ VB COM .NET C++ VB Java Dot Net

  14. How does .Net ensure Language Integration • First, there is adherence to the common type system (CTS). There are value types, which are simple data types like integers and float, and reference types • By enforcing the different types of data into two generic types of data, multiple languages can intermingle with one another. • Ensures code stability Dot Net

  15. How does .Net ensure Language Integration • Second, there is adherence to the common language specification (CLS). CLS defines conventions that languages must support in order to be interoperable in .Net. • There are close to 40 conventions which the languages must obey. Dot Net

  16. How does .Net ensure language integration • Third, there is a unified, extensible class library. • Hundreds of classes, interfaces, types, and structures grouped into a hierarchical system of namespaces that contain logically related classes. • Full level of Object-Oriented Programming support Dot Net

  17. How does .Net ensure language integration • Fourth, all different languages are compiled into what is called Microsoft Intermediate Language (MSIL). • Similar to Java bytecode, which must be converted into native code by the common language runtime. JAVA C++ Visual Basic MSIL Dot Net

  18. How does .Net ensure language Integration • Fifth, the Common Language Runtime (CLR), similar to a Java Virtual Machine, provides important execution-support and management services. • Garbage collection, Exception Handling, Security Support, Debugging Support, and Interoperation support. Dot Net

  19. How does .Net simplify deployment compared to COM • Definitions of assembly, metadata, manifest • Avoid DLL Hell • Loads correct version of DLL files because of the information contained in the metadata and manifest. Dot Net

  20. .NET Web Services Dot Net

  21. Overview of .NET Web Services • Microsoft .NET Services allows software components and applications to be accessed on the web using standard web protocols such as HTTP, SMTP and XML HTTP Software component XML Dot Net

  22. Web Services in a Distributed Environment • Web Services are the building blocks of software development • Web services components allow for interoperability of distributed environment Web Services Dot Net

  23. Description of .NET Web Services • What is Web Services? • Software can be provided as a service on the Internet • The software component is stored in a standard industry format • Microsoft Passport • Microsoft Hailstorm Dot Net

  24. .NET Web Services Architecture Web services can be used by any application that can read and parse XML formatted data streams that are transmitted through HTTP protocol Web Application Web Service HTML Presentation Layer HTTP Business Layer XML Web Service XML Data Layer Dot Net

  25. .NET framework • Web Service format • Web services are exposed to Web users using a standard web protocol such as SOAP • Web Service Description • Describes a Web Service interface and how it can be used using WSDL (Web Services Description Language) • Web Service Discover • Allows a Web Service to be registered and made available to users, described using UDDI (Universal Discovery Description and Integration Dot Net

  26. XML Technology • Extensible Markup Language (XML) is the standard universal format for data on the internet • XML delivers and describes data in a consistent and structured form • XML complements HTML, does not replace HTML Dot Net

  27. SOAP • Standard communication protocol of .NET Web Services • Specification that uses HTTP protocol to transport XML format for messages • Wire protocol that uses openly available technologies • Supports stateless programming model • Lightweight protocol Dot Net

  28. WSDL • XML Schema of a web service description document is WSDL (Web Service Description Language) • Interface that allows web service clients to interact and understand web service • Can be implemented by any SOAP enabled client • Language Independent SOAP WSDL Interface Web Service Clients Dot Net

  29. UDDI • Universal Description, Discovery and Integration (UDDI) is the yellow pages of Web Services • Business can publish their web service • Business can locate a web service • UDDI becomes a central location where web services can be located Web Services Web Services UDDI - Yellow Pages Dot Net

  30. ADO.NET, .NET My Services, .NET/COM Interoperability Dot Net

  31. Overview of ADO.NET • Data access technology built into .NET Framework • It is a set of .NET classes which provides access to heterogeneous datasources • Built on top of CLR • Provides better support for disconnected data access • Data centric as opposed to database centric • Tight integration with XML Dot Net

  32. A Object Model of ADO.NET Dot Net

  33. Benefits of ADO.NET • Disconnected data sources • XML Serialization • Performance and Scalability Dot Net

  34. Overview of .NET My Services • It is a set of internet accessible webservices. • It can be accessed from desktop machine, personal digital assistant (PDA), mobile phone and other devices. • Consists of network authenticated service together with a set of SOAP callable web services. • Services are provided by distributed group of services maintained by Microsoft and other companies. • Each services provide a specific function. Dot Net

  35. Services Provided • .NET Alerts • .NET Calendar • .NET Contacts • .NET Inbox • .NET Documents • .NET Wallet • .NET Lists • .NET Profile • .NET Presence Dot Net

  36. Describing .NET My Services • The Authentication Service: Passport • XML Based Services Dot Net

  37. Authentication Service Dot Net

  38. .NET / COM Interoperability • Why do we need it? • COM is the backbone of all DNA (Distributed Network Architecture) technologies • Applications typically use COM components as either home grown or bought offshelf • COM / .NET interoperability refers to the concept of a COM component being able to use .NET component and vice-versa • DNA to .NET migration will typically be done in stages • Interoperability is essential when existing COM components want to use .NET components & vice-versa and during migration path from DNA to .NET Dot Net

  39. .NET Framework’s Com Interoperability Dot Net

  40. Introduction to MS SQL • MS SQL Server is a database server • Product of Microsoft • Enables user to write queries and other SQL statements and execute them • Consists of several features. A few are: • Query Analyzer • Profiler • Service Manager • Bulk Copy Program (BCP) Dot Net

  41. Profiler • Monitoring tool • Used for performance tuning • Uses traces – an event monitoring protocol • Event may be a query or a transaction like logins etc Dot Net

  42. Service Manager • Helps us to manage services • More than one instance of SQL server can be installed in a machine • First Instance is called as default instance • Rest of the instances (16 max) are called as named instances • Service manager helps in starting or stopping the instances individually Dot Net

  43. Instances • Each instance is hidden from another instance • Enhances security • Every instance has its own set of Users, Admins, Databases, Collations • Advantage of having multiple instance is • Multi company support (Each company can have its own instance and create databases on the same server, independent on each other) • Server consolidation (Can host up to 10 server applications on a single machine) Dot Net

  44. BCP • Bulk Copy Program • A powerful command line utility that enables us to transfer large number of records from a file to database • Time taken for copying to and from database is very less • Helps in back up and restoration Dot Net

  45. Query Analyzer • Allows us to write queries and SQL statements • Checks syntax of the SQL statement written • Executes the statements • Store and reload statements • Save the results in file • View reports (either as grid or as a text) Dot Net

  46. SQL Database Objects • A SQL Server database has lot of objects like • Tables • Views • Stored Procedures • Functions • Rules • Defaults • Cursors • Triggers Dot Net

  47. System Databases • By default SQL server has 4 databases • Master : System defined stored procedures, login details, configuration settings etc • Model : Template for creating a database • Tempdb : Stores temporary tables. This db is created when the server starts and dropped when the server shuts down • Msdb : Has tables that have details with respect to alerts, jobs. Deals with SQL Server Agent Service Dot Net

  48. Creating a database • We need to use Master database for creating a database • By default the size of a database is 1 MB • A database consists of • Master Data File (.mdf) • Primary Log File (.ldf) Dot Net

  49. Database operations • Changing a database Use <dbname> • Creating a database Create database <dbname> • Dropping a database Drop database <dbname> Dot Net

  50. SQL Server Data types • Integer : Stores whole number • Float : Stores real numbers • Text : Stores characters • Decimal: Stores real numbers • Money : Stores monetary data. Supports 4 places after decimal • Date : Stores date and time • Binary : Stores images and other large objects • Miscellaneous : Different types special to SQL Server. (Refer to notes for more info) Dot Net

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