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Spin Physics at. Delia Hasch. (for the HERMES collaboration). 17 th international spin physics symposium October 02-07, 2006; Kyoto (Japan). the spin of the nucleon. DS.
Spin Physics at Delia Hasch (for the HERMES collaboration) 17th international spin physics symposium October 02-07, 2006; Kyoto (Japan)
the spin of the nucleon DS Delia Hasch spin Physics at Hermes Kyoto (Japan), 02-10-2006 outline: • prerequisites • final results on g1 for the proton and deuteron • flavour decomposition of Dq talks by L.DeNardo, H.Jackson • new result on DG talk by P. Liebing • news on transversity & friends talks by M.Diefenthaler, M.Contalbrigo • hunting DL: DVCS, excl. r0 talks by W.D.Nowak, H.Guler, E. Kinney • new results on L polarisation (not covered)talk by K.Rith
Hermes @ DESY kinematic range = 7 GeV: 0.2 < Q2 < 20 GeV2 0.004 < x <0.9 for Q2 > 1 GeV2 : x > 0.02 self-polarised electrons: e <Pb>~ 53±2.5 % • resolution: dp/p~2%, dq<1 mrad • particle ID: lepton ID with e~98%, hadron contamination <1% • RICH: p, K, p ID within 2<Eh<15 GeV 1H→<|Pt|> ~ 85 ±3.8 % 2H→<|Pt|> ~ 84 ±3.5 % 1H <|Pt|> ~ 74 ±4.2 % pure nuclear-polarised atomic gas, flipped at 90s time intervals 27.5 GeV (e+/e-) <Pb>~ 53±2.5 % Delia Hasch spin Physics at Hermes Kyoto (Japan), 02-10-2006 Stern-Gerlach separation
polarised structure function g1 Delia Hasch spin Physics at Hermes Kyoto (Japan), 02-10-2006
polarised structure function g1 [Q2>1 GeV2 data only] see talk by L. DeNardo x MS a0= DS(theory) (exp) (evol) = 0.330 ± 0.011 ± 0.025 ± 0.028 Delia Hasch spin Physics at Hermes Kyoto (Japan), 02-10-2006 assume saturation of G1d :
Duv and Ddv (quite) well determined: • Duv >0,Ddv <0 • Dq and DG weakly constraint by data Delia Hasch spin Physics at Hermes Kyoto (Japan), 02-10-2006 Dq and DG from inclusive data
unpolarised DIS • need more direct probes Delia Hasch spin Physics at Hermes Kyoto (Japan), 02-10-2006 how to further proceed ? • Dq and DG from inclusive DIS data via evolution equations : • requires wide kinematic range in Q2 and x • only fixed targetspin experiments so far … need polarisedcollider to extend kinematic coverage OR:
probability that struck quark of flavour f fragments into hadron of type h with energy fraction z fragmentation function distribution function , z=Eh/n Delia Hasch spin Physics at Hermes Kyoto (Japan), 02-10-2006 polarised semi-inclusive DIS
probability that struck quark of flavour f fragments into hadron of type h with energy fraction z flavour tagging p+ ud K- us p- ud , z=Eh/n Delia Hasch spin Physics at Hermes Kyoto (Japan), 02-10-2006 polarised semi-inclusive DIS ‘purities’ (based on MC tuned to HERMES multiplicities)
sea quarks (u, d, s ,s) compatible with 0 :in measured x-range: (0.02-0.6): - - - Delia Hasch spin Physics at Hermes Kyoto (Japan), 02-10-2006 quark/anti-quark helicity distributions [HERMES, PRL92(2004), PRD71(2005)] u quarks large positive polarisation d quarks negative polarisation x
strange quarks carry no isospin (same in p, n) • deuterium is isoscalar target • fragmentation simplifies all needed information extracted from HERMES data alone: • A1d(x,Q2) , A1K(x,Q2) • kaon multiplicities assumptions: isospin symmetry charge conjugation Delia Hasch spin Physics at Hermes Kyoto (Japan), 02-10-2006 ‘isoscalar’ extraction DS [HERMES, PRL92(2004), PRD71(2005)]
strange quarks carry no isospin (same in p, n) • deuterium is isoscalar target • fragmentation simplifies all needed information extracted from HERMES data alone: • A1d(x,Q2) , A1K(x,Q2) • kaon multiplicities assumptions: isospin symmetry charge conjugation Delia Hasch spin Physics at Hermes Kyoto (Japan), 02-10-2006 ‘isoscalar’ extraction DS [HERMES, PRL92(2004), PRD71(2005)] x x
see talk by H. Jackson Delia Hasch spin Physics at Hermes Kyoto (Japan), 02-10-2006 ‘isoscalar’ extraction DS [HERMES, PRL92(2004), PRD71(2005)] earlier Ds result confirmedwith factor 2 smaller errors: xDS(x)/2 x
Delia Hasch spin Physics at Hermes Kyoto (Japan), 02-10-2006 direct measurement of DG • golden channel: charm production • @HERMES: hadron production at high PT hard scale is PT method I: method II: MC: PYTHIA6.2 Bg-processes: DIS, QCDC, direct+resolvedg
Dg/g see talk by P. Liebing +0.127 x (sys-model) -0.105 Delia Hasch spin Physics at Hermes Kyoto (Japan), 02-10-2006 direct measurement of DG • golden channel: charm production • @HERMES: hadron production at high PT : hard scale is PT method I: method II: MC: PYTHIA6.2 Bg-processes: DIS, QCDC, direct+resolvedg <m2>=1.35 GeV2
Delia Hasch spin Physics at Hermes Kyoto (Japan), 02-10-2006 quark structure of the nucleon
Delia Hasch spin Physics at Hermes Kyoto (Japan), 02-10-2006 quark structure of the nucleon unpolarised quarks and nucleons transversely polarised quarks and nucleons h1(x): helicity flip chiral-odd needs a chiral odd partner: SIDIS: COLLINS-FF azimuthal asymmetry AUT longitudinally polarised quarks and nucleons
Delia Hasch spin Physics at Hermes Kyoto (Japan), 02-10-2006 HERMES transverse running 2002-05 transversally polarised p (Pt = 0.78±0.04) 0.3T transverse holding field 2002: first results [PRL94(2005)] preliminary data 2002-2004 [hep-ex/0507013]
Delia Hasch spin Physics at Hermes Kyoto (Japan), 02-10-2006 asymmetries and moments [angle and moments definitions according to Trento conventions] Collins moment Sivers moment Collins and Sivers moments extracted by fitting the asymmetry with:
see talk by M. Diefenthaler Delia Hasch spin Physics at Hermes Kyoto (Japan), 02-10-2006 Collins asymmetries p+/- • significantly positivep+ and • negativep-asymmetries • unexpected largep- • role of unfavoured • fragmentation function? • measurement of from K+/-
Delia Hasch spin Physics at Hermes Kyoto (Japan), 02-10-2006 what can we learn from Collins AUT? [Efremov et al. hep-ph/0603054] • h1 from cQSM • Collins FF: x-dependence: Hermes data fitted to obtain parameters for ansatz for CollinsFF z-dependence: BELLE data fitted and asymmetry for Hermes calculated • HERMES+BELLE data in agreement
see talk by M. Diefenthaler Delia Hasch spin Physics at Hermes Kyoto (Japan), 02-10-2006 Sivers asymmetries p+/- • significantly positive p+ • asymmetry • requires non-zero orbital angular momentum • first hint of naïve T-odd DF from DIS test of universality: K+/- • D1 known Sivers DF • can be extracted from • HERMES data !
[Jaffe etal,PRL80,1998] [Radici etal,PRD65,2002] Delia Hasch spin Physics at Hermes Kyoto (Japan), 02-10-2006 two-hadron asymmetry interference arises from different partial waves of p+p- system !collinear factorisation! relativ. momentum: R=(Pp++Pp-)/2 can have transv. component even when integrating over PT of the pair needs new unknown 2hadron fragmentation function Mpp Mpp
see talk by M. Contalbrigo Delia Hasch spin Physics at Hermes Kyoto (Japan), 02-10-2006 two-hadron asymmetry • positive moments for all invariant mass bins 0.040±0.009 (stat) ±0.003 (sys)
Q2 Vector mesons (r, w, f): H E Pseudoscalar mesons (p, h): H E DVCS (g) depends on H, E, H, E Quantum number of final state selects different GPDs: ~ ~ ~ ~ t ( H + E) x dx =Jq = 1/2 DS+ Lz 10-30%(DIS) Delia Hasch spin Physics at Hermes Kyoto (Japan), 02-10-2006 hunting for Lq hard exclusive processes: Generalised Parton Distributions Q2>>, t<<
MC Bethe-Heitler associated BH + data Delia Hasch spin Physics at Hermes Kyoto (Japan), 02-10-2006 exclusivity @HERMES e+/e- 27.5 GeV Pb=55% (detected) • missing mass (energy) technique background estimated by MC no recoil detection
DVCS-BH interference leads to non-zero azimuthal asymmetry Delia Hasch spin Physics at Hermes Kyoto (Japan), 02-10-2006 Deeply Virtual Compton Scattering Bethe-Heitler DVCS Bethe-Heitler
~ DsC~cosf∙Re{ H+ xH +… } ~ see talk by H. Guler DsLU~sinf∙Im{H+ xH+ kE} DsUT polarisation observables: ~ DsUL~sinf∙Im{H+ xH+ …} beam target Delia Hasch spin Physics at Hermes Kyoto (Japan), 02-10-2006 DVCS asymmetries I~Ds different charges: e+ e-(only @HERA!): H H ~ H DsUT~sinf∙Im{k(H- E) + … } H, E kinematically suppressed x = xB/(2-xB ),k = t/4M2
e+/- p→ e+/- p g (MX<1.7 GeV) (in HERMES acceptance) Regge, D-term Regge, no D-term fac., D-term fac., no D-term Delia Hasch spin Physics at Hermes Kyoto (Japan), 02-10-2006 DVCS: beam charge asymmetry [hep-ex/0605108, subm.to PRL] GPD calculations: different parametrisations forH • Vanderhaeghen(1999/02)– AC sensitive to GPD-models tiny e-p sample (L=10pb-1) HERA: 2005/06 e- beam (10x)
Delia Hasch spin Physics at Hermes Kyoto (Japan), 02-10-2006 DVCS: longitudinal target-spin asymmetry sinf in agreement with GPD models unexpected large sin2f (twist-3)
see talk by W.D. Nowak Delia Hasch spin Physics at Hermes Kyoto (Japan), 02-10-2006 DVCS: transverse target-spin asymmetry [2002-2004 data] GPD model by: [Goeke et al. (2001)] [Ellinghaus et al. (2005)] first model dependent constrain on Ju+Jd
see talk by E. Kinney Delia Hasch spin Physics at Hermes Kyoto (Japan), 02-10-2006 r0transverse target-spin asymmetry interference of H and E: sS ~ |ST| sin (f-fS) E∙H [curves: Vinnikov et al. (2005)] GPD model calculations:quark+gluon GPDs Erelated toJq TSA sensitive to Jq • add 2005 data:sL/sT separation (meson production: factorisation for longitudinal photons only)
Delia Hasch spin Physics at Hermes Kyoto (Japan), 02-10-2006 summary: HERMES view at the nucleon structure polarised DIS + HERMES: from unpolarised DIS first glimpse a0 =0.330±0.025(exp) signals of GPDs Ju+Jd transversity is non-zero! first T-odd DF in DIS direct flavour decomp. new constrain on Ds
Delia Hasch spin Physics at Hermes Kyoto (Japan), 02-10-2006 HERMES futureJune 2007 • add 2005: p data transversity+friends exclusive AUT(DVCS, r0, p0) 2006-07: e+/e- 27.5 GeV dedicated measurements of hard exclusive processes with recoil
contribution from exclusive VM in sidis sample basically no VM contribution for kaons
polarised gluon distribution 3 data samples: • ‘anti-tagged’ : e+ not in acceptance • pT measured w.r.t. beamline • ‘tagged’ : e+ identified • hadron pairs different bg contributions, different systematics Dg/g