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T est G eneration and F ault S imulation for Digital Systems

T est G eneration and F ault S imulation for Digital Systems. Kharkov National University of Radioelectronics Kharkov, Ukraine April 5-7, 2004. Raimund Ubar Tallinn Technical University D&T Laboratory Estonia. Motivation of the Course.

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T est G eneration and F ault S imulation for Digital Systems

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  1. Test Generation and Fault Simulation for Digital Systems Kharkov National University of Radioelectronics Kharkov, Ukraine April 5-7, 2004 Raimund Ubar Tallinn Technical University D&T Laboratory Estonia

  2. Motivation of the Course • The increasing complexity of VLSI circuits has made test generation one of the most complicated and time-consuming problems in digital design • The more complex are getting systems, the more important will be the problems of test and design for testability because of the very high cost of testing electronic products • Engineers involved in SoC design and technology should be • made better aware of the importance of test, • very close relationships between design and test, and • trained in test technology to enable them to design and produce high quality, defect-free and fault-tolerant products

  3. Goals of the Course • The main goal of the course is to give the basic knowledge to answer the question: How toimprove the testing quality at increasing complexities of today's systems? • This knowledges includes • understanding of how the physical defects can influence on the behavior of systems, and how the fault modelling can be carried out • learning the basic techniques of fault simulation, test generation and fault diagnosis • understanding the meaning of testability, and how the testability of a system can be measured and improved • learning the basic methods of making systems self-testable • The goal is also to give some hands-on experience of solving test related problems

  4. Objective of the Course VLSI Design Flow Verification Simulation. Timing analysis, formal verification Specification Hardware description languages (VHDL) Implementation Full custom, standard cell, gate arrays Testing Fault modeling Test generation Fault simulation Manufacturing CMOS

  5. Test Environment Test experiment Test result System (BIST) Fault simulation Fault diagnosis System model Fault dictionary Test Go/No go Located defect Test generation Test tools

  6. Topics Map Theory Models Defect Level Boolean Differential Analysis Fault Modelling High Level Tools Hierarchical approaches Decision Diagrams Fault Simulation Test Generation High Level System Modelling Logic Level BDD

  7. Abstract • How toimprove the testing quality at increasing complexities of today's systems? • Two main trends: defect-oriented test and high-level modelling • Both are caused by the increasing complexities of systems based on deep-submicron technologies • The complexity problems in testing digital systems are handled by raising the abstraction levels from gate to register-transfer level (RTL) instruction set architecture (ISA)or behavioral levels • To handle defects in circuits implemented in deep-submicron technologies, new fault models and defect-oriented test methods should be used • Trends to high-level modelling and defect-orientation are opposite • As a promising compromise and solution is:to combine hierarchical approach with defect orientation • Decision Diagrams serve as a good tool forhierarchical modelling of defects in digital systems

  8. Outline • Introduction to Digital Test (5) • How to improve test quality at increasing complexity of systems (9) • High-level modelling and defect-orientation (25) • BDDs and logic level testing • Hierarchical test generation (42) • General concepts • Test generation for RT Level systems • Test generation for Microprocessors • Hierarchical fault simulation (62) • Overview of tools developed at D&T Lab (70)

  9. Introduction: the Problem is Money? How to succeed? Try too hard! How to fail? Try too hard! (From American Wisdom) Cost of quality Cost Cost of testing 100% Test coverage function Cost of the fault Time Conclusion: “The problem of testing can only be contained not solved” T.Williams Quality Optimum test / quality 0% 100%

  10. Introduction All life is an experiment. The more experiments you make, the better (American Wisdom) Paradox 1: Digital world is finite, analog world is infinite. However, the complexity problem was introduced by Digital World Paradox 2: If I can show that the system works, then it should be not faulty. But, what does it mean: it works? 32-bit accumulator has 264 functions which all should work. So, you should test all the 264 functions! Stimuli Response Y System X Digital case (“continuous”) Y Analog case (samples) X

  11. Introduction: How Much to Test? Time can be your best friend or your worst enemy (Ray Charles) Paradox: 264 input patterns (!) for 32-bit accumulator will be not enough. A short will change the circuit into sequential one, and you will need because of that 265 input patterns Paradox: Mathematicians counted that Intel 8080 needed for exhaustive testing 37 (!) years Manufacturer did it by 10 seconds Majority of functions will never activated during the lifetime of the system Y = F(x1, x2, x3) Bridging fault State q 0 y x1 & 1 & x2 * x3 1 Y = F(x1, x2, x3,q)

  12. Introduction: Hierarchy The best place to start is with a good title. Then build a song around it. (Wisdom of country music) Paradox: To generate a test for a block in a system, the computer needed 2 days and 2 nights An engineer did it by hand with 15 minutes So, why computers? Sea of gates & Sequence of 216 bits 16 bit counter 1 System

  13. Introduction: Design for Testability • Theorem: You can test an arbitrary digital system by only 3 test patterns • if you design it approprietly Amusing testability: Proof: 011 011 001 & & 001 & 101 101 ? 011 001 & 011 1 101 & 010 001 101 Solution: System  FSM  Scan-Path  CC  NAND

  14. Introduction: Quality Policy Defect level (DL) Pa Yield (Y) P,n Quality policy Design for testability P - probability of a defect n - number of defects Pa - probability of accepting a bad product Testing - probability of producing a good product

  15. Introduction: Defect Level DL Y Y(%) 1 90 8 5 1 T(%) 45 25 5 50 0 100 10 81 45 9 T(%) DL   T  10 50 90 Paradox: Testability DL 

  16. Outline • Introduction to Digital Test • How to improve test quality at increasing complexity of systems • High-level modelling and defect-orientation • BDDs and logic level testing • Hierarchical test generation • General concepts • Test generation for RT Level systems • Test generation for Microprocessors • Hierarchical fault simulation • Overview of tools developed at D&T Lab

  17. Complexity vs. Quality Problems: • Traditional low-level test generation and fault simulation methods and tools for digital systems have lost their importancebecause of the complexityreasons • Traditional Stuck-at Fault (SAF) model does not quarantee the qualityfor deep-submicron technologies New solutions: • The complexity can bereduced by raising the abstraction levels from gate to RTL, ISA, and behavioral levels • But this moves us even more away from the real life of defects (!) • To handle adequately defects in deep-submicron technologies, new fault models and defect-oriented test generation methods should be used • But, this is increasing even more the complexity (!) • To get out from the deadlock, these two opposite trends should be combined into hierarchical approaches

  18. Fault and defect modeling Defects, errors and faults • An instance of an incorrect operation of the system being tested is referred to as an error • The causes of the observed errors may be design errors or physical faults -defects • Physical faults do not allow a direct mathematical treatment of testing and diagnosis • The solution is to deal with fault models System Defect Component Fault Error

  19. Transistor Level Faults Stuck-at-1 Broken (change of the function) Bridging Stuck-open NewState Stuck-on (change of the function) Short (change of the function) Stuck-off (change of the function) Stuck-at-0 SAF-model is not able to cover all the transistor level defects How to model transistor defects ?

  20. Mapping Transistor Faults to Logic Level A transistor fault causes a change in a logic function not representable by SAF model Function: y Faulty function: x1 x4 Short 0 – defect d is missing 1 – defect d is present d= Defect variable: x2 Generic function with defect: x5 x3 Mapping the physical defect onto the logic level by solving the equation:

  21. Mapping Transistor Faults to Logic Level Function: Faulty function: Generic function with defect: y x1 x4 Short Test calculation by Boolean derivative: x2 x5 x3

  22. Why Boolean Derivatives? Given: Distinguishing function: BD-based approach: Using the properties of BDs, the procedure of solving the equation becomes easier

  23. Functional Fault vs. Stuck-at Fault Full 100% Stuck-at-Fault-Test is not able to detect the short:  Functional fault The full SAF test is not covering any of the patterns able to detect the given transistor defect

  24. Defect coverage for 100% Stuck-at Test Results: • the difference between stuck-at fault and physical defect coverages reduces when the complexity of the circuit increases (C2 is more complex than C1) • the difference between stuck-at fault and physical defect coverages is higher when the defect probabilities are taken into account compared to the traditional method where all faults are assumed to have the same probability

  25. Generalization: Functional Fault Model Fault-free Faulty Constraints calculation: d = 1, if the defect is present Component with defect: Constraints: Component F(x1,x2,…,xn) y Wd Defect Fault model: (dy,Wd), (dy,{Wkd}) Logical constraints

  26. Functional Fault Model Examples Constraints: Component with defect: Component F(x1,x2,…,xn) y Wd Constraints examples: Defect Logical constraints FF model: (dy,Wd), (dy,{Wkd})

  27. Functional Fault Model for Stuck-ON NOR gate Stuck-on VDD x1 RN x2 Y x1 x2 RP VSS Condition of the fault potential detecting: Conducting path for “10”

  28. Functional Fault Model for Stuck-Open NOR gate Test sequence is needed: 00,10 Stuck-off (open) tx1 x2 y 1 0 0 1 2 1 0 1 VDD x1 x2 Y x1 x2 VSS No conducting path from VDD to VSS for “10”

  29. Functional Fault Model x*k xk d Example: Bridging faultbetween leadsxkandxl The conditionmeans that in order to detect the short between leadsxkand xl on the leadxk we have to assign toxkthe value 1 and toxlthe value 0. xl xk*= f(xk,xl,d) Wired-AND model

  30. Functional Fault Model Bridging fault causes a feedback loop: Example: A short between leads xkand xlchanges the combinational circuit into sequential one x1 y & x2 & x3 Equivalent faulty circuit: x1 y & & x2 x3 tx1 x2 x3 y 1 0 1 0 2 1 1 1 1 Sequential constraints: &

  31. Mapping High level k WFk Component Low level WSk Bridging fault Environment Mapping First Step to Quality How to improve the test quality at the increasing complexity of systems? First step to solution: Functional fault model was introduced as a means for mapping physical defects from the transistor or layout level to the logic level System

  32. Outline • Introduction to Digital Test • How to improve test quality at increasing complexity of systems • High-level modelling and defect-orientation • BDDs and logic level testing • Hierarchical test generation • General concepts • Test generation for RT Level systems • Test generation for Microprocessors • Hierarchical fault simulation • Overview of tools developed at D&T Lab

  33. Register Level Fault Models RTL statement: K: (If T,C) RD F(RS1, RS2, … RSm),  N Components (variables) of the statement: RT level faults: K  K’ - label faults T  T’ - timing faults C  C’ - logical condition faults RD RD - register decoding faults RS RS - data storage faults F  F’ - operation decoding faults  - data transfer faults  N - control faults (F)  (F)’ - data manipulation faults K - label T - timing condition C - logical condition RD - destination register RS - source register F - operation (microoperation)  - data transfer  N - jump to the next statement

  34. Fault Models for High-Level Components Decoder: - instead of correct line, incorrect is activated - in addition to correct line, additional line is activated - no lines are activated Multiplexer (n inputs log2 n control lines): - stuck-at - 0 (1) on inputs - another input (instead of, additional) - value, followed by its complement - value, followed by its complement on a line whose address differs in 1 bit Memory fault models: - one or more cells stuck-at - 0 (1) - two or more cells coupled

  35. Fault models and Tests Functional fault model Dedicated functional fault model for multiplexer: • stuck-at-0 (1) on inputs, • another input (instead of, additional) • value, followed by its complement • value, followed by its complement on a line whose address differs in one bit Test description

  36. Faults and Test Generation Hierarchy Functional Structural Higher Level Module approach approach ki k Component Lower level WFki S Test F W k WFk WSki System Network Bridging fault F W of modules k Environment S Test W F k ki Interpretation of WFk: - asa test on the lower level - asa functional fault on the higher level Module Network F W ki of gates d W Test F ki ki Circuit e Gat

  37. Hierarchical Defect-Oriented Test Analysis BDDs DDs

  38. Outline • Introduction to Digital Test • How to improve test quality at increasing complexity of systems • High-level modelling and defect-orientation • BDDs and logic level testing • Hierarchical test generation • General concepts • Test generation for RT Level systems • Test generation for Microprocessors • Hierarchical fault simulation • Overview of tools developed at D&T Lab

  39. Binary Decision Diagrams y 1 Functional BDD x1 1 0 x2 x3 Simulation: x4 x5 01 1 0 1 0 0 Boolean derivative: x6 x7 0

  40. Elementary Binary Decision Diagrams Elementary BDDs: AND x1 x1 x2 x1 x2 x3 y & x2 y x3 + Adder x3 x1 OR x2 x1 y 1 y x1 x2 x3 x3 x2 x2 x3 x3 NOR x1 x2 y x1 x2 x3 1 x3

  41. Building a SSBDD for a Circuit Structurally Synthesized BDDs: DD-library: y a b Given circuit: x1 x1 x22 a a b x21 1 x2 y x21 x3 & x22 1 SSBDD x3 Superposition of DDs b y x22 x22 a y x1 Compare to x3 x3 Superposition of Boolean functions: x21 b a

  42. Macro 1 y & d 2 73 6 & 71 a 1 & e 3 72 7 b 4 5 1 y & 5 73 c 6 71 72 2 0 & & & Representing by SSBDD a Circuit Structurally synthesized BDD for a subcircuit (macro) To each node of the SSBDD a signal path in the circuit corresponds y = cyey = cyey = x6,e,yx73,e,y deybey y = x6x73  ( x1  x2 x71) ( x5 x72)

  43. Macro 1 & d 2 & 71 a & e 3 72 7 b 4 y & 5 73 c 6 & & & Fault modeling on SSBDDs The nodes represent signal paths through gates Two possible faults of a DD-node represent all the stuck-at faultsalong the signal path y 73 6 1 5 1 71 72 2 123 4 5 6 7 y 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 Test pattern:

  44. Boolean Operations with BDDs x1 y x22 x1 AND-operation: a x21 & x2 y = e  g x3 x21 1 x22 e & x3 b y x4 x52 x4 c x6 x51 x51 & x5 g 1 x52 OR-operation: & x4 x1 y x52 x6 x22 d y = e  g x6 x51 x3 x21

  45. Boolean Operations with BDDs Boolean function: Inverted function: y = x1x2 x3 y = x1x2 x3 = (x1 x2) x3 y y x1 x2 x1 x3 x3 x2 Dual function: Inverted dual function: y * = x1x2 x3 y*= (x1 x2) x3 y * y* x1 x2 x1 x3 x3 x2

  46. BDD and DNF/KNF Boolean function:y= x1x2 x3 (x4  x5x6) Each 1-path represents a term in the DNF, each 0-path represents a term in the KNF y x1 x2 y x1 x2 x3 x4 x3 x4 x5 x6 x5 x6 1 0 x1x4x5 = 1 x3x5x6 = 1

  47. Example: Test Generation with SSBDDs Testing Stuck-at-0 faults on paths: x11 x21 1 y x11 x1 x21 & x2 x12 x31 x4 x12 x31 x3 y & 1 x4 Test pattern: x22 x32 x13 & x13 x1 x2 x3 x4 y 1 10- 1 & x22 x32 0 Tested faults: x120, x210

  48. Example: Test Generation with SSBDDs Testing Stuck-at-0 faults on paths: x21 y x11 x1 & x2 x31 x4 x12 1 x3 y & 1 x4 x22 x32 x13 & & Test pattern: 0 x1 x2 x3 x4 y 1 0 1 1 1 Tested faults: x120, x310, x40

  49. Example: Test Generation with SSBDDs Testing Stuck-at-0 faults on paths: x21 y x11 x1 & x2 x31 x4 x12 x3 y & 1 x4 x22 x32 x13 1 & & Test pattern: x1 x2 x3 x4 y 0 110 1 0 Tested faults: x131, x220, x320

  50. Example: Test Generation with SSBDDs Testing Stuck-at-1 faults on paths: y x21 x11 1 x11 x1 x21 & x2 x31 x4 x12 x12 1 x31 x3 y & 1 x4 x22 x32 x13 1 Test pattern: & x13 x1 x2 x3 x4 y 00110 & x22 0 x32 Tested faults: x111, x121, x221

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