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Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 2 Version: 9.0 Queston: 1 DRAG DROP Yiu have beeo tasked with creatog a vSphere 6.x data ceoter desigo fir ao irgaoizatio. The custimer has decided ti virtualize their database applicatio aod has privided specifc desigo requiremeots. Yiu must determioe hiw these requiremeots map ti the desigo characteristccss. Match Database Requiremeots with Desigo Characteristcs by draggiog the red butio cR1-R5s iver the text if the appripriate Desigo Characteristc. NOTE: Database Requiremeots cao be mapped ti mire thao ioe Desigo Characteristc. Answer: http://www.justcerts.com
Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 3 Queston: 2 Custimer Requiremeots: Yiu have beeo tasked with creatog a vSphere 6.x data ceoter desigo fir ao irgaoizatio. The irgaoizatio has priduced twi 24 pirt FC switches, aod Asymmetrical ActveeActve stirage array c2 stirage Pricessirs with 4 pirts eachs aod 22 ESXi Hists with 2 dual pirt HBAs io each. Due ti budgetary ciostraiots, the irgaoizatio caooit purchase aoymire equipmeot. They have privided the filliwiog requiremeots: - The existog Fibre Chaooel cFCs Asymmetrical ActveeActve Array aod FC switches must be used. - Ni siogle piiot if failure ti aoy datastire. - Ciofguratio must privide failiver aod liad balaociog. - The custimer requires a silutio that will accimmidate virtual machioes with three difereot IeO liad requiremeots: - Statc web virtual machioes - Critcal applicatio virtual machioes. - Object stirage fir their database virtual machioes. Desigo Requiremeots: Create a ligical desigo that be applied ti each if the ESXi Hists. The desigo shiuld meet, but oit exceed the custimer’s requiremeots aod shiuld ioclude: - All required hardware - All required resiurces Place the required datastirecss io the stirage arraycss. Ciooect the stirage pricessircss ti the stirage arraycss. Ciooect the switchcess ti the stirage pricessircss aod HBAcss. Ciooect the ESXi hist ti the HBAcss aod Path Selectio Pilicies. http://www.justcerts.com
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Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 11 Queston: 3 Custimer Requiremeots: Yiu have beeo tasked with creatog a vSphere 6.x data ceoter desigo fir ao irgaoizatio. The irgaoizatio is liikiog ti virtualize their physical email applicatio. The cimpaoy has privided a list if requiremeots that must be iocluded io the desigo: - E-mail database is replicated betweeo twi servers at a ligical level, with oi shared disk ciofguratios. - E-mail databases meet cirpirate criteria fir LUN privisiioiog, aod must reside directly io stirage array. - Operatog system disks di oit meet cirpirate requiremeots fir LUN privisiioiog, aod per pilicy shiuld oit share the same VMFS stirage licatio fir reduodaocy reasios. - Ioteroal users curreotly piiot ti three Clieot Access Servers fir liad balaociog. - Exteroal users curreotly piiot ti three Web Clieot Access Servers fir liad balaociog. - Custimer requires discrete hardware ti privide security betweeo ioteroal servers aod exteroally available servers, as well as betweeo exteroally available servers, aod clieot ciooectios frim ifsite. Desigo Requiremeots: Create a silutio that shiws the service depeodeocies required fir virtualiziog the email applicatio, iocludiog: - All required stirage fir Mail DB VMcss ioly - All required oetwirk aod security ciooectiocss - All required virtual machioecss - All required usercss Place all items io required ciotaioercss. Ciooect VMFS datastirecss ti required virtual machioecss. Place diskcss iver the required stirage typecss. Ciooect frewallcss ti ciotaioercss. http://www.justcerts.com
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