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Dual Enrollment Early Admissions and Virtual School Processing . Presented by Beverly Young/Annette Adams Information Technology Services Miami-Dade County Public Schools. Dual Enrollment. Dual Enrollment.
Dual EnrollmentEarly Admissionsand Virtual School Processing Presented by Beverly Young/Annette Adams Information Technology Services Miami-Dade County Public Schools
Dual Enrollment • State Definition: Academic dual enrollment – Includes students working toward A.A., B.A. and B.S. degrees in community colleges and universities who are enrolled part-time in postsecondary classes.
Dual Enrollment Processing • To ensure that students receive proper credit for their dual enrollment courses, it is essential that ISIS is coded correctly. It is also important for high school accountability and earning the participation points. • The course(s) must be set up and coded on the home school’s master schedule for the settings below: • Course held at Post Secondary facility • Courses held in home school • The course(s) must be entered on the students’ schedules • The Dual Enrollment courses and the post secondary institution assigned to the courses are found in the M-DCPS Curriculum Bulletin (CBI)
Dual Enrollment Processing • ISIS Course Offering Setup Guidelines • Shared School – Post Secondary institution assigned to the course (Ex: C915 – MDCC, U972-FIU) • Grade Responsibility - A = Academic • Facility Type • 09 - for courses taught at the Post Secondary institution • 00 - for courses taught at the home school
Dual Enrollment Processing • Master Schedule Information • Period • Post Secondary campus add to the end of the regular school day • High School - the actual period students are in class • Room Number • Post Secondary campus – Any number will be accepted. It is suggested that the room identify the campus where the course is being taught. Example MDCC, MDCW , FIU
Dual Enrollment - Processing • Employee Number • Post Secondary campus – 999999 • High School Campus – M-DCPS employee number or ACES (Contracted) employee numbers (9XXXXX) • Teacher Number • Must begin with the letter “Z” (Ex: ZZ1, ZZ2, ZZ3, Z11) • Teacher Name • Post Secondary campus: (Ex: MDCC–Wolfson, MDCC–South, FIU) • Actual name of the instructor
Dual Enrollment ISIS Master Schedule TEAM UPDATE ONLY = PF9 FTE INFO = PF14 CHNGS = PF15 ADDS = PF16 AS09-25-X2OI C O U R S E R E C O R D 02/01/11 11.50.56 SCHL 7777 CYCLE 101 CRS SEQ G06 ST A SUB CDE BSC100502 TRM IND A CR 1 . 00 BP 2 ALT1 ALT2 SHRD SCHL C915 GRD RESP A ABRV TITLE GenEduBio TITLE DE: General Education Biology FACILITY TYPE 09 COMPUTER LITERACY TEAM GRADE LAST UPDT: 06/18/10 PER TEACHER TEAM SEATS PF13/PF18 SC S ST EN ROOM EMP-NO NUM NAME NUM DAYS MAX ASSG #I 01 A 07 MDCW 999999 ZAA MDC-WOLFSON MTWRF 0000 0005 02 A 07 MDCW 999999 ZAA MDC-WOLFSON MTWRF 0000 0004 03 A 07 MDCW 999999 ZAA MDC-WOLFSON MTWRF 0000 0000 04 A 07 MDCW 999999 ZAA MDC-WOLFSON MTWRF 0000 0000 05 A 07 MDCW 999999 ZAA MDC-WOLFSON MTWRF 0000 0005 06 A 07 MDCW 999999 ZAA MDC-WOLFSON MTWRF 0000 0010 Facility Type 00 for high school campus Facility Type 09 for Post Secondary Campus
Dual EnrollmentISIS Student Schedule AS14-31-X2OI S T U D E N T R E C O R D / S U B J E C T S 02/01/11 09.28.26 STUDENT ID XXXXXXX SCHOOL 7777 GRADE 11 HR GOT PRO ST P SCHL CD NAME SAMPLE A STUDENT SEX M O-PHASE ADD SCHL CD BIRTHDATE 05/22/93 LAST SUB UPDT 12/08/10 RECORD UPDT 01/24/11 LAST GRD UPDT 01/24/11 REPORTING CYCLE 101 GRADING PERIOD CYCLE TOTAL ABSENCES 003 CYCLE TOTAL TARDIES 000 TEAM NUMBER GRADE 11 HR 111 VOC MFF SCHL SEQ/SEC CRS NUM SUB VOC PGM TRM TITLE SP EP ROOM TEACHER 1234 EEG T 7777 A00 01 0000000HR A HOMEROOM 00 5215 TEACHER 7777 A04 01 100142002 A AP Eng CG 01 5216 TEACHER 7777 C03 06 210033001 A AP AmHist 02 5215 TEACHER 7777 B02 03 120234003 A PreCalcG 03 5218 TEACHER 7777 D01 08 050030011 A Exec Int1 04 5516 TEACHER 7777 J80 05 SPC101701 1 FunSpcCom 05 7128 MDCC-WOLFSON 7777 G06 06 BSC100502 A GenEduBio 06 7128 MDCC-WOLFSON 7777 J65 07 MAR101101 1 SurvyMrkt 07 7128 MDCC-WOLFSON 7777 G07 08 BSC1005L1 A GnEdBioLb 08 7128 MDCC-WOLFSON 7777 K81 09 SYG200001 2 IntroSoci 09 7128 MDCC-WOLFSON ** KEY DESIRED GRADING PER ** PAGE FORWARD = ENTER
Dual Enrollment Grade Reporting • Final grades are entered on the student’s schedule in the Final Grade column under the appropriate grading period • Semester 1 courses – Grading Period 2 • Semester 2 courses – Grading Period 4 • Annual Courses – Grading Period 4 • The Teacher Override column will be flagged with a “Y” • Do not enter the grades into TRACE
Dual Enrollment Grade Reporting AS14-32-X2OK S T U D E N T R E C O R D / S U B J E C T S 02/03/11 12.23.13 STUDENT ID 6558110 SCHOOL 7041 GRADE 11 HR GOT PRO ST P SCHL CD NAME JACK A BABCOCK SEX M O-PHASE ADD SCHL CD BIRTHDATE 10/22/93 LAST SUB UPDT 12/08/10 RECORD UPDT 01/24/11 LAST GRD UPDT 01/24/11 REPORTING CYCLE 101 GRADING PERIOD 2 CYCLE TOTAL ABSENCES 003 CYCLE TOTAL TARDIES 000 TEAM NUMBER GRADE 11 HR GOT SCHL SEQ/SEC CRS NUM TRM TITLE SP TEACHER AG E C AB TY C1 C2 EX FG T OFF ATTN 02 00 7041 A00 01 0000000HR A HOMEROOM 00 GOTTLIE 03 00 7041 A04 01 100142002 A AP Eng CG 01 SINGER B 1 A 02 00 C 7041 C03 06 210033001 A AP AmHist 02 GOTTLIE B 1 A 01 00 A 7041 B02 03 120234003 A PreCalcG 03 WALKER C 1 A 01 00 B 7041 D01 08 050030011 A Exec Int1 04 GARCIA B 1 A 00 00 A 7041 J80 05 SPC101701 1 FunSpcCom 05 MDC A Y 7041 G06 06 BSC100502 A GenEduBio 06 MDC 7041 J65 07 MAR101101 1 SurvyMrkt 07 MDC B Y 7041 G07 08 BSC1005L1 A GnEdBioLb 08 MDC
Early Admissions • State Definition • Early admissions student. Includes students who are working toward a high school diploma and are enrolled full-time at a postsecondary institution.
Early Admissions • In past years, the reporting of students who were enrolled in the Early Admissions program had to be manually entered into DECO by an administrative office for FTE funding to be received by the student’s home school. • To alleviate this practice, new procedures have been developed and are described in the following slides, streamlining the procedures and removed the manual input necessary.
Early Admissions Course Offering • ISIS Course Offering Setup Guidelines • Shared School – Post Secondary institution assigned to the course (Ex: C915 – MDCC, U972-FIU) • Grade Responsibility - E = Early Admissions • Facility Type • 09 - for courses taught at the Post Secondary institution
Early Admissions Master Schedule • Master Schedule Setup • Period • As these course are taught at the post secondary institutions, schools should determine a period structure that will not cause a duplicate period issue on the student(s) schedules • Room Number • Post Secondary campus – Any number will be accepted. It is suggested that the room identify the campus where the course is being taught. Example MDCC, MDCW , FIU
Early Admissions • Employee Number • Post Secondary campus – 999999 • Teacher Number • Must begin with the letter “Z” (Ex: ZZ1, ZZ2, ZZ3, Z11) • Teacher Name • Post Secondary campus: (Ex: MDCC–Wolfson, MDCC–South, FIU) • Days Per Week • Show only the days the student attends class, space out the other days (Ex: M W F, T T, etc.)
Early AdmissionsFTE Course Information • To report the correct time the student attends the university courses, the minutes per week must be entered on the Course FTE Info screen (PF14 from PF9) CHNGS = PF15 COURSE RECORD = PF23 AS29-63-X2OI C O U R S E F T E I N F O 02/22/11 15.26.48 SCHL 7777 CYCLE 101 CRS SEQ X01 ST A SUB CDE ENC110104 TRM IND A CR 1 . 00 BP 2 ALT1 ALT2 SHRD SCHL U972 GRD RESP E ABRV TITLE Wri&Rhet1 TITLE DE: Writing and Rhetoric 1 COMPUTER LITERACY TEAM GRADE LAST UPDT: 02/09/11 PER TIME F.T.E. TEACHER VOC SEATS I # SC S ST EN ST END LINE MIN NUM NAME SET DAYS MAX ASSG M I 01 A 02 0180 ZZ1 FIU M W F 0000 0001 I • Press PF 23 to return to the Course Record (PF9) screen.
Early AdmissionsStudent Scheduling/Grading • Students will be scheduled on the Student Record / Subjects Screen (PF9) • Final grades are entered on the student’s schedule in the Final Grade column under the appropriate grading period • Semester 1 courses – Grading Period 2 • Semester 2 courses – Grading Period 4 • Annual Courses – Grading Period 4 • The Teacher Override column will be flagged with a “Y” • Do not enter the grades into TRACE
Early AdmissionsGrade Reporting AS14-32-X2OI S T U D E N T R E C O R D / S U B J E C T S 02/17/11 14.25.17 STUDENT ID 9xxxxxx SCHOOL 7777 GRADE 12 HR AAA PRO ST SCHL CD NAME STUDENT SAMPLE SEX M O-PHASE ADD SCHL CD BIRTHDATE 10/16/92 LAST SUB UPDT 02/11/11 RECORD UPDT 02/11/11 LAST GRD UPDT 02/09/11 REPORTING CYCLE 101 GRADING PERIOD 2 CYCLE TOTAL ABSENCES 000 CYCLE TOTAL TARDIES 000 TEAM NUMBER GRADE 12 HR AAA SCHL SEQ/SEC CRS NUM TRM TITLE SP TEACHER AG E C AB TY C1 C2 EX FG T OFF ATTN 00 00 7777 X01 01 ENC110104 A Wri&Rhet1 02 FIU 00 00 7777 X02 01 EVR101702 1 GlobEnvir 03 FIU 00 00 A Y 7777 X07 01 SPC260802 2 PublicSpk 03 FIU 7777 X03 01 MGF110602 A FinitMath 04 FIU 00 00 7777 X04 01 POS204201 1 AmeriGovt 05 FIU 00 00 B Y 7777 X24 01 CHS350102 2 SurForSci 05 FIU 7777 X06 01 SLS150104 1 FresExper 06 FIU 00 00 A Y 7777 X25 01 CHS3501L2 2 SurForSci 06 FIU 7777 X05 01 ENC110205 A Wri&Rhet2 07 FIU
Florida Virtual School Course Setup • It is critical that the Florida Virtual School (FLVS) courses that are taught as part of the high school’s daily schedule are entered correctly on the school’s master schedule. • FLVS Course Setup • All FLVS courses are awarded in half-credit increments and must be set up as semester courses • Facility type = 20 – Prevents the course for being picked up for Class Size Processing • Period = Period the student(s) participates in the FLVS course • Room = Physical room where instruction is provided
Florida Virtual School Course Setup • FLVS Course Setup (continued) • The FVLS Instructor must be the primary instructor on the first line • Contact Mr. Peter Hotung, Instructional support specialist, Instructional Technology, for a list of FVLS teachers and employee numbers at photung@dadeschools.net • If the FVLS employee number is not available, leave the employee number blank • Teacher Name – FL VIRTUAL SCHL • The M-DCPS Supervising Instructor is added to the second line with the M-DCPS employee number and name • #1 – Instructor - enter a “2” under this column to insert the M-DCPS instructor
Florida Virtual School Course Setup • FLVS Course Setup (continued) • Teacher Num = FVS – Both the virtual and the M-DCPS instructors must be coded with FVS. This impacts: • Gradebook • FTE funding
Florida Virtual School Course Setup TEAM UPDATE ONLY = PF9 FTE INFO = PF14 CHNGS = PF15 ADDS = PF16 AS09-25-X2OK C O U R S E R E C O R D 02/17/11 08.04.51 SCHL 7777 CYCLE 101 CRS SEQ X01 ST A SUB CDE 100137001 TRM IND 1 CR 0 . 50 BP ALT1 ALT2 SHRD SCHL GRD RESP ABRV TITLE English 3 TITLE English 3 FACILITY TYPE 20 COMPUTER LITERACY TEAM GRADE LAST UPDT: 02/09/11 PER TEACHER TEAM SEATS PF13/PF18 SC S ST EN ROOM EMP-NO NUM NAME NUM DAYS MAX ASSG #I 01 A 01 130 9XXXXX FVS FL VIRTUAL SCHL MTWRF 0025 0006 2 654321 FVS GREEN M 02 A 02 130 9XXXXX FVS FL VIRTUAL SCH MTWRF 0025 0001 2 654321 FVS GREEN M 03 A 03 130 FVS FL VIRTUAL SCHL MTWRF 0025 0002 2 654321 FVS GREEN M 04 A 04 130 FVS FL VIRTUAL SCHL MTWRF 0025 0007 2 654322 FVS ROCHA F • Reminders • Courses are semesterized • Facility type = 20
Florida Virtual School Course Setup TEAM UPDATE ONLY = PF9 FTE INFO = PF14 CHNGS = PF15 ADDS = PF16 AS09-25-X2OK C O U R S E R E C O R D 02/17/11 08.04.51 SCHL 7777 CYCLE 101 CRS SEQ X01 ST A SUB CDE 100137001 TRM IND 1 CR 0 . 50 BP ALT1 ALT2 SHRD SCHL GRD RESP ABRV TITLE English 3 TITLE English 3 FACILITY TYPE 20 COMPUTER LITERACY TEAM GRADE LAST UPDT: 02/09/11 PER TEACHER TEAM SEATS PF13/PF18 SC S ST EN ROOM EMP-NO NUM NAME NUM DAYS MAX ASSG #I 01 A 01 130 9XXXXX FVS FL VIRTUAL SCHL MTWRF 0025 0006 2 654321 FVS GREEN M 02 A 02 130 9XXXXX FVS FL VIRTUAL SCH MTWRF 0025 0001 2 654321 FVS GREEN M 03 A 03 130 FVS FL VIRTUAL SCHL MTWRF 0025 0002 2 Reminders Period the student(s) actually attends Room where the course is taught Employee Numbers: FVLS = 9XXXXX or Blank; M-DCPS = Employee # Teacher NUM = FVS Teacher Name = FL Virtual Schl
Florida Virtual School Grades • Florida Virtual School will send a grade file at the end of each semester. ITS will programmatically post the grades to ISIS for students who have completed a course and received a grade • For students who did not complete a course and receive a grade prior to the end of the semester, the academic grade must be entered on the Student Record Subject Screen (PF1) in the Final Grade under the appropriate grade level • Final Grades will be posted as follows: • Semester 1 Grading Period “2” • Semester 2 Grading Period “4” • Do not enter the Grades in TRACE. Only the courses that a student takes independent from the school will be entered into TRACE
Florida Virtual School Grades AS14-32-X2OI S T U D E N T R E C O R D / S U B J E C T S 02/17/11 12.57.54 STUDENT ID 0000000 SCHOOL 7131 GRADE 11 HR FVS PRO ST P SCHL CD NAME STUDENT SAMPLE SEX M O-PHASE ADD SCHL CD BIRTHDATE 08/30/94 LAST SUB UPDT 09/22/10 RECORD UPDT 01/21/11 LAST GRD UPDT 00/00/00 REPORTING CYCLE 101 GRADING PERIOD 2 CYCLE TOTAL ABSENCES 003 CYCLE TOTAL TARDIES 000 TEAM NUMBER GRADE 11 HR FVS SCHL SEQ/SEC CRS NUM TRM TITLE SP TEACHER AG E C AB TY C1 C2 EX FG T OFF ATTN 03 00 7131 X01 01 100137001 1 English 3 01 FL VIRT 06 00 C 7131 X02 01 100137001 2 English 3 01 FL VIRT 7131 G27 01 010032001 A ArtOthrCu 02 TEACHER B 1 A 00 00 04 D 7131 C31 01 210032001 A H AmHistr 03 TEACHER F 3 A 04 00 03 14 F 7131 R11 01 1000410RT A Int Read 04 TEACHER C 1 A 00 00 A 7131 E21 06 180130001 A Ldr&Trng1 05 TEACHER B 2 C 12 00 11 C 7131 E41 02 890901002 A TchrAsst1 06 TEACHER A 1 A 00 00 A 7131 C18 07 120731001 A IntgMth 1 07 TEACHER B 1 A 08 00 A 7131 C27 05 200331001 A PhysScien 08 TEACHER B 2 A 00 00 14 D
Support • Please submit questions or request for assistance to the ITS Systems User Support (SUS) Help Desk via HEAT Self Service at: http://selfservice.dadeschools.net • Select “Ask ITS A Question” to ensure proper routing • PowerPoint presentation is posted on the School Master Scheduling Web page at: http://tlc.dadeschools.net/scheduling/index.asp