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ANALISIS KONTEKS PENGEMBANGAN KURIKULUM KTSP R-SMA BI. What is school context?. Context : the set of facts or circumstances that surround a situation or event.
What is school context? • Context : the set of facts or circumstances that surround a situation or event. • Context is ….. term consisting of two dimensions. The first includes aspects of the school that are not living, but nevertheless affect its inhabitants. The resources available, policies and rules, and size of the school are examples of this dimension of school context. The second element is the school's culture. It includes attitudes and beliefs, school norms, and relationships, both within the school and between school and community. • The school's organization and size, policies, and resources can influence school improvement and at-risk students, because they affect attitudes and relationships among those who inhabit the school. • The physical arrangement and size of schools play an important role in the feelings of teachers and students (Fullan, 1991). Some structures in the school may minimize opportunities for teachers to interact, such as patterns of scheduling, cellular physical layout, and large school size. (http://www.sedl.org/change/issues/issues22.html)
TUJUAN SMA • Tujuan pendidikan menengah adalah meningkatkan kecerdasan, pengetahuan, kepribadian, akhlak mulia, serta keterampilan untuk hidup mandiri dan mengikuti pendidikan lebih lanjut.
TUJUAN PENYELENGGARAN RSBI Mewujudkanmutululusan yang memiliki: a. kompetensisesuaistandarkompetensilulusandandiperkayadenganstandarkompetensipadasalahsatusekolahterakreditasidinegaraanggota OECD dannegaramajulainnya; b. dayasaingkomparatiftinggi yang dibuktikandengankemampuanmenampilkankeunggulanlokalditingkatinternasional; c. kemampuanbersaingdalamberbagailombainternasional yang dibuktikandenganperolehanmedaliemas, perak, perunggudanbentukpenghargaaninternasionallainnya; d. kemampuanbersaingkerjadiluarnegeriterutamabagilulusansekolahmenengahkejuruan; e. kemampuanberkomunikasidalambahasaInggris (skor TOEFL Test >75 dalamskala internet based test bagi SMA, skor TOEIC 450 bagi SMK) dan/ataubahasaasinglainnya; f. kemampuanberpranaktifsecarainternasionaldalammenjagakelangsunganhidupdanperkembanganduniadariperspektifekonomi, sosio-kultural, danlingkunganhidup; • kemampuanmenggunakandanmengembangkanteknologikomunikasidaninformasisecara professional. (permendiknas 78:2009)
KONTEKS SEKOLAH • Sumberdaya yang tersedia (fisik non fisik) • Kebijakandanperaturan • Ukuransekolah. • Prilakudankeyakinanwargasekolah. • Norma yang mendasarikehidupansekolah. • Interaksiantarwargasekolah. • Cita-citasekolah • Lingkungan :L okal, Nasional, Internasional • Pengembangankompetensimasukperguruantinggi, kompetisi,. • Bahasadankolaborasiinternasional • Teknologiinformasidankomunikasi • SNP danStandarSekolahUnggul
ANALISIS KEBUTUHAN PENGEMBANGAN KOMPETENSI YANG KONTEKSTUAL PemenuhanKriteria: StandrIsiTarafinternas. Kompetisi Intern. Masuk PT….. DuniaKerja
Model : Computer Skills in Context ….content area teachers in concert with content-area objectives, it serves to ensure that students are information literate: 1. Task Definition 1.1 Define the task (the information problem). 1.2 Identify information needed in order to complete the task (to solve the information problem). 2. Information Seeking Strategies 2.1 Brainstorm all possible sources. 2.2 Select the best sources. 3. Location and Access 3.1 Locate sources. 3.2 Find information within the sources. 4. Use of Information 4.1 Engage in the source (read, hear, view, touch). 4.2 Extract relevant information. 5. Synthesis 5.1 Organize information from multiple sources. 5.2 Present the information. 6. Evaluation 6.1 Judge the process (efficiency). 6.2 Judge the product (effectiveness). (http://www.ericdigests.org/2003-1/skills.htm)