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美国本科申请真正的竞争力. 从成功案例看如何获得美国本科申请的成功. 美国的本科是什么. University’s undergraduate study & LAC LAC (Liberal Arts College) University 中本科教育的特点 LAC 的本科教育特点 你如何看待这个特点,你认为什么才是你在这次申请中真正追求的???. 案例一. 上海复旦附中就读, RANK TOP10% TOEFL PBT 640 SAT1 1350+ 在校期间担任多种学生组织干部职务 家庭条件优越,并且家庭成员多从事商业领域

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  1. 美国本科申请真正的竞争力 从成功案例看如何获得美国本科申请的成功

  2. 美国的本科是什么 • University’s undergraduate study & LAC • LAC (Liberal Arts College) • University中本科教育的特点 • LAC的本科教育特点 • 你如何看待这个特点,你认为什么才是你在这次申请中真正追求的???

  3. 案例一 • 上海复旦附中就读,RANK TOP10% • TOEFL PBT 640 • SAT1 1350+ • 在校期间担任多种学生组织干部职务 • 家庭条件优越,并且家庭成员多从事商业领域 • 家庭关系有在美国从事金融或者商业领域的工作

  4. Middlebury College TOP 10 LAC 全奖录取 Washington University USNEWS RANK 14 无奖录取 录取结果

  5. 选择 • 同样是美国出色的本科教育实体 • 虽然经过的路线会有不同,但是毫无疑问无论选择哪一个都会给该名同学带来美好的未来 • 不同之处在于——金钱 • 如果你是这个申请人你会如何选择?

  6. 什么是成功的申请 • 70%以上的学生和学生家长认为拿到奖学金到美国上学就是成功的申请 • 在申请之前你是否明确自己做申请要的是什么? • 录取你的学校是否适合你的个人发展你在意与否? • 太傻箴言:请在申请前明确自己的申请的根本目的是什么!

  7. 案例二 个人竞争力的有效展现途径

  8. 什么是美国学校真正关心的 • 58%认为自己在学校的活动或者获奖经历是学校最关心的 • 23%认为自己在学习上的优异表现是最应该让学校了解到的 • 19%会认为应该对自己之前的经历进行总结,提炼出别人不具备的素质。

  9. 做受学校认可的10%人群 • 不要把精力全放在和其他90%的人一样的准备上,那样不会给你带来任何的优势 • 什么是那10%人群拥有的特点——奥赛的金牌、美国学校的校友推荐(直系亲属)等 • 不具备这些条件的人该如何跻身于这10%的行列

  10. 高中上海某重点高中 成绩优秀 名列前茅 TOEFL 600 SAT 2100 普通家庭 父亲是工人 母亲下岗 录取结果 Colgate College全奖录取 个人信息和录取结果

  11. 太傻箴言 • 永远不要将自己的大部分精力投入到别人都会想到做到的事情上 • 正确的判断 准确的认识 有效的展现 • 让你成为无法超越的人

  12. 案例三 针对不同学校的要求使用不同的方法克服申请的难点

  13. University of Pennsylvania • 3a. Tell us what you like to do for fun. Please answer in the space provided. • 3b.Name a Penn professor with whom you would like to study or conduct research and explain why. Please answer in the space provided.Your responses to the following questions should be answered on separate sheets of paper, and should not exceed one sheet per question.

  14. University of Pennsylvania • 4a. Describe the courses of study and the unique characteristics of the University of Pennsylvania that most interest you. Why do these interests make`you a good match for Penn? • 4b. Transfer candidates only Your intellectual abilities, your sense of imagination, and your creativity are important to us. With this in mind, please respond to one of the following three question .We are interested not so much in whom or what you choose to write about, but in how you use your choice to illustrate something about yourself and your values.

  15. University of Pennsylvania • 5a. You have just completed your 300-page autobiography. Please submit page • 5b. First experiences can be defining. Cite a first experience that you have had and explain its impact on you. • 5c. Recall an occasion when you took a risk that you now know was the right thing to do.

  16. Brown University • 8. Of the activities, interests and experiences listed on the previous page, which is the most meaningful to you, and why? • 9. Sharing intellectual interests is an important aspect of university life. Describe an idea or experience that you find intellectually exciting, and explain why. • 10. Write a note to your future roommate relating a personal experience that reveals something about you.

  17. Brown University • A. “A picture is worth a thousand words” as the adage goes. (You’re limited to the space provided, however.) Sometimes a photo or picture can capture an object that you treasure, a person you admire or a place that you love; sometimes a photograph is simply your record of an experience or moment in your life. Imagine one photo or picture that you have, or would like to have, and tell us why it is meaningful to you. • B. As you reflect on your life thus far, what has someone said, written or expressed in some fashion that is especially meaningful to you? Why?

  18. Northwestern University • Short statements • If you could pose for a formal oil portrait in the style of Hans Holbein’s The Ambassadors, what possessions would surround you and why? • .What fictional character would you choose as your college roommate and why?

  19. Northwestern University

  20. Northwestern University • All applicants must respond to the following question in no more than 300 words. • 1. People tend to accept traditions blindly. Examine a commonly accepted tradition you think needs updating or changing. Why should it be changed and how would you change it? • 2. We've all heard the expression, "be careful what you wish for." Relate a time when something you wished for did not turn out exactly as you expected. What were the repercussions? • 3. Isaac Newton once wrote, "If I have seen further it is by standing on the shoulders of giants." Whose work would you most like to continue in your lifetime and why? • 4. In the film Rashomon, four characters provide vastly different accounts of the same event. Describe a time when you viewed something differently from others. What did you learn from that experience?

  21. 太傻箴言 • 明确自己的美国本科申请的根本目的是什么 • 提早准备自己的各种材料 • 如果希望自己能够进入到TOP的学校读书,需要针对不同学校的要求去研究如何展现自我 • 千万不要相信任何中介可以帮助你实现这些TOP学校的申请工作,DIY是你最好的选择

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