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Dive into the impact of subliminal affective stimuli on behavior & judgments in consumption. Study reveals unconscious causes of affective reactions and their direct influence on preferences.
Doing without feeling: Unconscious affect controls human consumption Piotr Winkielman Psychology, University of Denver Kent Berridge Psychology, University of Michigan Julie Wilbarger Psychology, University of Denver SCP-2002, Austin
Subliminal Affective Priming Effect 10 ms Subliminal 2000 ms Affective Prime (smile,neutral, frown) Target Ideograph
Corrugator Zygomaticus Subliminal facial expressions generate affective responses – Psychophysiological evidence Dimberg et al, 2000 – Facial EMG Subliminal Emotion Visible Neutral 30 msec 5 sec
Basic affective reactions to consumatory stimuli do not require subjective experience Sweet Bitter
Procedure of Study 1 – Pour and Consume PRE-EXPERIMENTAL MEASURE – How thirsty are you? Pour + Consume Rate Mood + Arousal Visible Neutral (400 msec) Gender Identification Task Subliminal Emotion x 8 (16 ms) Happy, Neutral, Angry
Amount of drink poured and consumed by thirsty participants as a function of subliminal expression
Procedure of Study 2 – Sip & Rate • Same priming procedure • Small, fixed amount to drink –”take a sip” • Extensive mood measure
Ratings of wanting for more drink among thirsty participants as a function of subliminal expression.
Willingness to pay for a can of the drink among thirsty participants as function of subliminal expression.
Summary of affective priming studies • Subliminal affective stimuli can influence actual behavior (including consumption) and judgments (including monetary assessments). AFFECTIVE REACTIONS CAN HAVE UNCONSCIOUS CAUSES • Subliminal affective stimuli can work without awareness of affective change. AFFECTIVE REACTIONS CAN BE UNCONSCIOUS • Affective influence does not require inferences from conscious experience. AFFECTIVE REACTIONS CHANGE PREFERENCES DIRECTLY