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New Delhi KONEPS 2006 National Update Public Procurement Service of Korea Oct. 4 2006 UN/CEFACT 9 th Forum 1. WHAT IS KONEPS? Korean ON-line E-Procurement System Single Window Integrated bidding information (specifications and criteria for the evaluations)
New Delhi KONEPS 2006 National Update Public Procurement Service of Korea Oct. 4 2006 UN/CEFACT 9th Forum
1. WHAT IS KONEPS? Korean ON-line E-Procurement System Single Window • Integrated bidding information (specifications and criteria for the evaluations) • One-time registration for all bidding participations Online transactions • E- purchase request, bidding, contract, payment • One-stop service (including internet banking) • Accessible to information of 77 institutional systems linked to KONEPS - 1 -
2. BACKGROUND 1.2 Legal Framework • Public procurement contract Act on Contracts to which the State is A Party (ACSP) • Similar processes for public procurement based on the ACSP for central government, local government to state-owned enterprises • Revised for e-Procurement in 2002 • Mandatory : Integrated bid notice on KONEPS, Registering the black list of businesses • Voluntary : e-Bidding, e-Contracting, sharing the database of businesses • Approval of e-documents are applied from other Acts • e.g. Digital Signature Act, E-Government Act, etc. - 2 -
2. Background • PPS e-procurement (1997~2001) • 1997:EDI (20 public organizations users) online shopping mall (goods) • 2000: construction and services included in the shopping mall based on XML • 2001: e-bidding, e-contract, e-payment (not yet integrated) - 3 -
2. Background • Government-wide expansion (2001~2002) 2001: One of the 11 e-government projects • Government created a task force comprising relevant institutions and businesses 2002: KONEPS (integrated procurement network) launched based on ebXML after the BPR/ISP started in 2001 (* BPR: Business Process Reengineering / ISP: Information Strategy Planning) 2003-5: DRS (Disaster Recovery System), DW (Data Warehousing), CRM (Customer Relationship Management System), and Ubiquitous Service - 4 -
3. Performance Utilization Volume 30,000 organizations (buyers) + 150,000 businesses (Suppliers) 220,000 users 140,000 daily website hits & 100,000 electronic documents exchange per day Transaction Volume bidding 25 B + Shopping mall 7B + others 11B = Total 43 Billion (FY 2005 – US$) - 5 -
4. International Recognition • 2003: the First UN Public Service Award • 2004: the Best e-Government Service Provider (OECD) • 2004: Best practice model for e-procurement from around the world (UN, “E-government Readiness Index”) • 2005: Reflected the standardized process in the UN global standard (Registration → Public Invitation → Tender/Opening Tender → Publication of Award • 2005: BS15000 acquisition from BSI (British Standard Institution) the management service standard for IT service (ITIL : Information Technology Infrastructure Library) • 2006: the Global IT Excellence Award in the public sector (the 15th World congress on Information Technology) - 6 -
5. Innovations 2004: Individually Customized Service Face-to-face consultation services through a computer screen are provided by establishing Web Call-Center Customer Relationship Management (CRM) 2005: Focusing on the Ubiquitous Service Mobile service from KONEPS to wireless PDAs Wireless purchase and property management through Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) - 7 -
5. Innovations 2006: Semantic Web based E-Catalogue Established the ONTOLOGY infrastructure from 2004 a universal ontology repository with browsing, searching, and downloading functions on the base of semantic web 620 thousands products registered totally Mostly used for the government’s property management by providing standard classification* and identification code (* UNSPSC: United Nations Standard Products and Services Code) - 8 -
Thank You Sun Young Yoon (sunny79@pps.go.kr) Information Planning Team Public Procurement Service of Korea (www.pps.go.kr / www.g2b.go.kr)