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Fraction, Decimals, percent. 10-5-07. KOFI O. Hot Hints. To decimal. Converting a Fraction. .625 divide the numerator by the denominator. 5/8. To percentage 62.5% u move the decimal two place to the right. Hot Hints. Converting a Percent. 12.5 %. To a fraction. 1/5.
Fraction, Decimals, percent 10-5-07 KOFI O.
Hot Hints To decimal Converting a Fraction .625 divide the numerator by the denominator. 5/8 To percentage 62.5% u move the decimal two place to the right
Hot Hints Converting a Percent 12.5 % To a fraction 1/5 To a decimal • .125 you divide the numerator by the denominator
Hot Hints Converting a Decimal • .25 To percentage You multiply by 100= 25% To a fraction 1/4