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5 Best Examples of IoT Disrupting Technology

According to Gartner, by 2020 there will be more than 20 billion terminals connected to IoT, including 8 billion terminals used in the business field. Even fields such as agriculture, which are apparently far from this trend, are concerned.<br><br>Do you wish to make IoT a part of your business process? OneClick IT Solutions are one of the popular IoT app development company in India with expertise in connected objects. Contact us for more inquiries. We are glad to connect with you.

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5 Best Examples of IoT Disrupting Technology

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  1.         5 Best Examples of  IoT Disrupting  Technology                                         

  2.   According to Gartner, by 2020 there will be more than 20 billion terminals                           connected to IoT, including 8 billion terminals used in the business field.    Even fields such as agriculture, which are apparently far from this trend, are                           concerned. In the dairy industry, for example, the IoT collects essential information                         to improve activity thanks to sensors implanted in the cows’ necks. Thus, it is                             possible to follow and locate each animal in real-time. This simplifies the transport                           of animals to the milking parlour, examines or cares for them more efficiently.    From supply chain management to smart home automation, the Internet of Things                         (IoT) offers many applications for different industries. Each time the approach is                         innovative for optimized added value.    IoT – Then and Now      Before the existence of the IoT, you could locate fixed position elements such as a                               taxi stand. With IoT, we can now locate the nearest car belonging to a certain taxi                                 1 

  3.   company. This simple difference is one of the key factors that have contributed to                             Uber’s success.    Your mobile contains IoT sensors, your phone, therefore, knows when you are                         moving. It knows your position, the music you are listening to, what application you                             activate, the videos you are watching, it knows the sound of your voice, if you use a                                   voice-activated app like Siri. The Uber driver has the same sensors, that’s why the                             Uber mobile application manages to offer you instant location-based services of                       drivers across the country with suitable prices.    Despite the large number of studies carried out on this subject, encouraging the                           integration of IoT into industrial processes, the processes for developing IoT                       solutions reveal new levels of complexity and confusion.    1. IoT in Business for more Security and Employee Tracking  Many retail companies are turning to IoT for added security and theft protection.                           The IoT can help the company in the areas of marketing, communication,                         transactions and much more. For example, apps can improve the individual                       customer experience by sending personalized offers to smartphones and enabling                     payments by mobile phone, which is safer than the traditional wallet.    Beacon technology is used more and more in companies for the benefit of                           employees and bosses. For example, Replicon, a company specializing in real-time                       monitoring of mobile application data, uses Beacon technology to point the hours                         of work of its employees.    An ingenious use of the Beacon which allows employees to manage in-time and                           out-time more efficiently and precisely than all current pointing tools. Thanks to                         2 

  4.   the Beacon everything is automatic, no need to fill in a register or a biometric scan.                                 It is time saved for more productivity.    2. Healthcare Companies have a Vested Interest in Being  Connected  IoT applications in healthcare are revolutionizing the industry. It is possible to                         reduce costs, the dependence of medical personnel on patients and increase the                         quality of care. According to the Economy Intelligence Unit, $36 billion will be                           saved in 2018 thanks to the advancement of IoT which will both free up hospital                               spaces and give patients the means to treat themselves at home. One such example                             is health trackers.    Thanks to the advancement of the Internet of Things medical companies and                         hospitals can collect information to improve the efficiency and accuracy of reports                         and graphs about patient health. For example, Qualcomm recently managed to take                         over Capsule Technologies, the French leader in telemedicine. Qualcomm and                     Capsule aim to accelerate the connectivity and interoperability of medical data at                         the hospital, at the patient’s home and at any time.    In business, connected health trackers are also an excellent solution for preserving                         the health of employees.    In Australia, truck drivers at the Rio Tinto coal mines in Hunter Valley used a device                                 called a “Smart cap” equipped with sensors to detect drowsiness while driving. It is                             designed to detect the driver’s sleep state and alert him even in the event of                               microsleep.      3 

  5.   3. A Connected Factory is more Efficient  When a traditional manufacturing and production machine breaks down or                     malfunctions, production has to be stopped, which is expensive and forces us to                           look for what is wrong. This can take time and cost the manufacturer a lot of                                 money. Connecting your production machine can save a lot of time and money.    Firstly, because a connected machine sends data in real-time, making it possible to                           know how quickly it is producing and whether it is producing. Then because a                             connected machine lets you know in real-time what is not working on it, it can act                                 as a call for service and maintenance or an alarm for a likely breakdown.    A fully connected factory is simply more efficient. For example, a connected factory                           can provide real-time monitoring of the performance of all its equipment. It can                           assess the availability of materials and resources available during the day to                         produce and assess the energy consumption and efficiency of the chains.    A connected factory is also a safer factory for employees. In fact, the connected                             machines can automatically shut down if the environmental or weather conditions                       do not allow employees and machines to operate safely.    4. Real-Time Visibility to limit Stock-Outs  Each year, businesses register a shortfall of 4% caused by the shortage of certain,                             particularly requested products. This phenomenon mainly affects clothing stores                   where items are often forgotten in the locker room or stored in the wrong place.                               Products fitted with RFID (radio frequency identification) tags could be located by                         employees anywhere and at any time. It would also be possible to know the status                               of stocks in real-time and improve the availability of products on the sales floor.    4 

  6.   In addition, by labeling the parts, it helps prevent theft since the labeled products                             can trigger the alarm when they pass the exit without having been deactivated. This                             prevention method is particularly useful in the luxury sector. By taking advantage                         of this technology, traders are significantly reducing the loss of goods and income                           from such negligence.    5. Using IoT to Improve Logistics Management  According to research, 37% of organizations have already deployed IoT projects,                       making a major step towards the digitalization of their activities. Such an evolution                           is fundamental if they wish to avoid falling behind the competition.    Many companies in the logistics industry have understood this trend. They are                         aware that the capacity of the trucks is not fully exploited, which reduces the                             return on investment. Thanks to the installation of 3D cameras and the use of                             analysis software, these companies can collect and analyze the data generated                       during loading – density, method, speed of execution, or filling rate.    If the system identifies a malfunction in the loading process, it is able to inform the                                 manager. From the information collected, the manager can intervene directly or                       complete the training of operators. These examples illustrate only a handful of the                           opportunities offered by IoT to companies. The data collected and analyzed allows                         them to understand more clearly how to improve their strategic planning and to                           make the most of their business opportunities.    To conclude, IoT solutions are real vectors of growth for companies. They give                           them the opportunity to envision a future that is promising, intelligent and                         connected, of course. Do you wish to make IoT a part of your business process?                               OneClick IT Solutions is one of the popular ​IoT app development company in India with expertise in connected objects.                              5 

  7.                   Thank you!            ​info@itoneclick.com  (+91) 98254-86321   ​www.oneclickitsolution.com  ​https://www.facebook.com/oneclickconsultancy/  ​https://twitter.com/​OneClickIT  ​www.linkedin.com/company/one-click-it-consultancy/  6 

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