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COMMUNITY CONSERVATION AS A MEANS TO RURAL DEVELOPMENT Rural development needs people’s participation. Participation promoting is about change. Many rural people, especially women and those with low economic power, have been often refer to these and other factors as “marginalized”.
COMMUNITY CONSERVATION AS A MEANS TO RURAL DEVELOPMENT • Rural development needs people’s participation. Participation promoting is about change. Many rural people, especially women and those with low economic power, have been often refer to these and other factors as “marginalized”
Problems facing the rural communities. • In rural settings the poor farmers are denied access to sources of credit; applying poor agricultural techniques; malnourishment; live in poor houses and are not accessed to market, not access to clean and safe water, poor sanitation, low harvest, poor education services, limited opportunities to make livelihoods, not access to adequate health services, unreliable transport facility.
Looking into these factors it is clear that in order to achieve better quality of life the community we are to work with have to be fully involved in understanding their situation and look into variety of possible interventions that may improve their conditions. • In participatory rural development local communities are treated as experts i.e. people who have a wealth of latent knowledge gained through years of practical experience. The ideas of villagers are both solicited and honoured as participants are guided through a structured process to dig insights out of their accumulated wisdom.
The active involvement of villagers in the planning and implementation of rural development activities is central aim for many programmes. In approaching in this new paradigm three cornerstones are necessary Approaches Sharing Attitudes/behaviour
Attitudes of development agent or a facilitator and that of the community need to change. • Behaviours need to change from giving to sharing. At the moment of intervention we both accept that we are equal partners in development and be sure that if one drops and deny the change of attitude and behaviour the development process will face problem of not accelerating or move in a slow pace.
The active involvement of villagers in the planning and implementation of rural development activities is central aim for many programmes.
Approaches used in entering the community. • Build trust • Establish rapport • Participatory • Flexible • Exploratory • Empowering • Incentives • Watch, listen, learn and support • Hand over the stick
Working with the local communities In working with the community groups in rural setting we need to observe at three different levels: A. Content: What is the group talking about? What is each person saying? B. Non-verbal Expressions: Apart from what they say, what indicators are people giving of their feelings and reactions. For example gestures, tones of voice, body language, facial expressions, order of speaking etc. C. Feelings, attitudes, concerns, hidden agenda.
How to work with the community • Work with the poor and oppressed, not for them. Help them to understand, analyse, plan, carryout. But do not do it for them. Development comes from within a people’s own understanding of their needs and rights. So, they must decide the major issues and basic needs and how to tackle them.
Development is an awakening process A way in which people see themselves and awaken to their right/needs to live as human beings. Without this awakening, there is little the community can do or should try to do. The people are intelligent and have much experience. Draw out their strength. • Let people grow Development is building up the people, so that they can build a future for themselves. Development is an experience of freedom as people choose what to do.To decide to do something brings dignity and self-respect. Development efforts should therefore start with people’s potential, and proceed to their enhancement and growth.
Build up the people’s solidarity Development occurs as people build together with other people, in solidarity. As oppressed people, moving into freedom and opportunity, local community can move into relations of solidarity with others, sharing and caring for one another, and marching together towards a new society.
Build up peoples’ organizations Establish links with other groups, and with national co-ordinators, in order to increase bargaining power, and make it possible to participate more widely in the struggle for community development.
Things to observe while working with the Community. 1: Professional Ethics (Moral rules and conditions) • Personal integrity – quality of being honest and faithful • Self displined/respectful • Humility - attitude of mind, humble and modesty • Creativity – imaginative and self-initiative • Self-motivated and eager to learn
Patience/perseverance – ability to accept delay, annoyance or suffering without complaining. • Tolerance/endurance – allow dislike and disagreement without interference • Matured behaviour • Interactive – mix with people and share ideas 2: Observing cultural values • Norms, traditions, beliefs, regions, etc. 3: Communicating skills • Ability to transmit thoughts, ideas, information, etc. successfully without significant distortion so that understanding is achieved between individuals