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Accumulative Pension Fund

Accumulative Pension System of the Republic of Kazakhstan , Bangkok, April 27-28, 2005 Prepared by Gulnara Alimbayeva. Accumulative Pension Fund. Custodian. Asset Management Company. Functions of Accumulative Pension Fund: . collecting obligatory pension contributions

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Accumulative Pension Fund

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Accumulative Pension System of the Republic of Kazakhstan ,Bangkok, April 27-28, 2005Prepared by Gulnara Alimbayeva

  2. AccumulativePensionFund Custodian Asset Management Company

  3. Functions of Accumulative Pension Fund: • collecting obligatory pension contributions • keeping pension accounts of depositors and pension payments • pension asset management (by license)

  4. All accumulative pension funds are created in corporation form of organization. Accumulative pension fund cannot be stockholder of any other accumulative pension fund.

  5. Pension Asset Management Companyinvestspension assets Custodian saves pension assets

  6. Depositor One depositor - one Accumulative Pension Fund by one treaty Depositor Depositor AccumulativePensionFund AccumulativePensionFund Depositor AccumulativePensionFund AccumulativePensionFund Depositor Depositor Depositor

  7. Types of pension contributions 1. Obligatory pension contributions - required for paying in accumulative pension fund, are fixed in the amount of 10% of employees monthly income. 2. Voluntary pension contributions to accumulative pension funds are entered by depositor — physical person — in depositor’s favour from his income.Rate of voluntary pension contributions, its payment procedure and pension payments procedure are established according to agreement between both sides of contract. 3. Voluntary professional pension contributions are implemented by depositor from his own sources in favour of employees. Rate of voluntary professional pension contributions is established according to agreement between both sides of contract excepting rate more than 10 % of employees monthly income.

  8. Individual choice By law every depositor can choose any accumulative pension fund

  9. The main criteria ofIndividual choice

  10. By law depositor can change Accumulative Pension Fund at most two per annual

  11. At the beginning pension age (male - 63/ female - 58) depositor can choose one of the methods of pension payments

  12. pension contributions investments in financial instruments (FSA list) investment revenues Pension assets pension payments reimbursement of losses transfer of pension fundsinto another accumulative pension fund or insurance company minus commission interest of accumulative pension fund

  13. Thank you

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