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Control of Bed Bugs. Train-the-Trainer Session 2 November 2007. Why do this now? . Why do this now? . What are bed bugs?. Bed bugs are small wingless insects that feed solely upon the blood of warm-blooded animals/birds.
Control of Bed Bugs Train-the-Trainer Session 2 November 2007
What are bed bugs? Bed bugs are small wingless insects that feed solely upon the blood of warm-blooded animals/birds. Hatchling bed bugs are about the size of a poppy seed, and adults are about 1/4 of an inch in length. From above they are oval in shape, but are flattened from top to bottom.
What are bed bugs? (con’t) Their color ranges from nearly white (just after molting) or a light tan to a deep brown or burnt orange. A female bed bugs lay about 300 eggs. Bed bugs hatch from eggs in 10 days
What are bed bugs? (con’t) Bed bugs can live many months without food, therefore bugs may already be present in vacant apartments. When disturbed, bed bugs actively seek shelter in dark cracks and crevices.
What are bed bugs? (con’t) Bed bugs are most active in the middle of the night, but when hungry they will venture out during the day to seek a host. Clutter around the room offers additional sites for these bugs to hide, and increases the difficulty in eliminating them once they have become established. Bed bugs wander between adjoining apartments through voids in the walls and holes through which wires or pipes pass.
Searching for signs of Bed bugs • Bed bugs do not have nests, but tend to congregate in habitual hiding spaces. They are most commonly found in the bedroom, but can hide in any tiny crevice. Inspect • Bed Frame – in cracks, along the headboard (bed bugs prefer wood to metal). • Bedside Tables • Mattress – seams, tufts, folds, and bedcovers, dust covers • Box spring – in cracks and crevices • Baseboards - behind moldings, loosened wallpaper, cracks in plaster
Searching for signs of Bed Bugs (con’t) Inspect • Behind electrical outlet plates • Other furnishings near bed, like chairs, couch cushions • Pictures, posters, or shelves hanging near bed • Between curtain folds, or around window castings • In telephones, radios and clocks • Under rugs and at edges of carpets
What to look for… • Tiny spots of blood on bedding, mattress, pillow, and bedclothes
What to look for… • Live bugs (they can be tiny) crawling
What to look for… • Eggs / nymphs • Dead bugs or cast bug skins • Small brownish dots (bug feces) on bed, furniture, bedding
Getting Rid of Bed Bugs Prepare to have an apartment treated • Remove all clutter from around the apartment. Bed bugs look for any crevice to hide in! • Move all furniture approximately 12-18 inches from the walls. • Vacuum mattress, box spring, bed frame, behind bedside tables, along base boards and all objects close to the bed (use nozzle attachment if vacuum has one). • Remove all clothes and linens from shelves and drawers, and vacuum inside the shelves and drawers thoroughly
Getting Rid of Bed Bugs (con’t) Prepare to have an apartment treated • Place all clothes and linens into plastic garbage bags and seal the bags. • Bring sealed bags to the laundry room. Wash all clothes in hot water, and dry in dryer on hot setting for at least 20 minutes. Pillows can also be laundered. • Put clean laundry into clean garbage bags and seal the bags. Keep bags sealed for 2 weeks to prevent bugs from going back into clothes.
Getting Rid of Bed Bugs (con’t) Prepare to have an apartment treated • Wrap mattress, box spring and pillow in plastic, or encasements and use duct tape to seal the plastic air tight. (This information has since changed and it is recommended that these items be moved 12-18 inches away from the walls and that these items be treated by the pest control company) • Couches, chairs, carpets should be vacuumed twice daily for two weeks, and steam cleaned if possible. Remove vacuum bag after each use. Place vacuum bag into sealed plastic bag and place in garbage. • Apply 2 way tape (carpet tape) to bed frame and legs of bed frame. Bed bugs will get caught on the tape if they try to climb up from the floor.
Treatment for Bed Bugs • 24 hour notice of entry will be given if an apartment is going to be treated. • If a unit has a bed bug infestation, the apartment below, above and on each side of the infested apartment will need to be treated. This is called “block spraying”. When one apartment is sprayed, the bed bugs can travel through the walls to the adjacent apartments. Block spraying is necessary to ensure that the bugs do not just move on to the next apartment.(This information too has changed depending on the pest control company. Some do ‘block inspections’, so find out what your pest control company does!)
Treatment for Bed Bugs • To prevent the bugs spreading through the building and entering apartments, ensure that arrangements are made to have the apartment prepared for treatment if notice is given.
Treatment for Bed Bugs (con’t) After Treatment • Leave apartment when treatment is being done, and stay out for approximately 4 hours. Pets should be removed & aquariums covered and pump turned off. • Treatment does take 3-5 days to start to be effective, therefore bed bugs will continue to be seen for up to 5 days, as the treatment takes effect.
Treatment for Bed Bugs (con’t) After Treament • Couches, chairs, carpets should be vacuumed twice daily for two weeks, and steam cleaned if possible. However, it is recommended that you do not vacuum at wall perimeters for 3 weeks after treatment. • A second treatment (maybe more) may be necessary in 2 weeks, depending on the level of infestation.
Preventing Infestation • Prepare the apartment as described when treatment is necessary. If bed bugs are present and an apartment is not treated or block spraying is not completed, the bed bugs will travel throughout the building. • Encourage neighbors to have their apartments sprayed when necessary, and offer neighbors assistance with preparations when possible. • Steam cleaning hard surfaces, carpets, mattresses, and upholstered furniture will be extremely beneficial in preventing surviving eggs from hatching. • Eliminate clutter in apartments and vacuum apartment regularly, particularly around bed.
Preventing Infestation • Repair cracks or gaps in walls (especially ones connected to water pipes or heating ducts), and caulk windows, base boards and doors. • Install or repair screens to prevent pigeons or rodents from entering the apartment or balcony and serving as hosts for bed bugs. • Avoid buying, or bringing in any used furniture or mattresses. Save'N Scratch Used Mattress Sale
What shouldn’t you do? • Do not panic! There is very little risk of carrying them home. If you are panicking it may increase others panic or embarrassment too. • Do not apply own pesticides anywhere in the apartment, especially consumer products available at stores everywhere (Raid®). It can be dangerous to mix chemicals in an apartment and there’s no telling the effects it can have on one’s health. • Do not dispose of furniture that is useful. Infested furniture can be cleaned and treated. Placing infested furniture (particularly mattresses) into common areas or on the street may simply help spread bed bugs to the homes of other people.
What shouldn’t you do? • Don’t assume this won’t happen to you. Be prepared, so in the event something happens and you find yourself in a situation where you have bed bug you have your plan.
What Next? • Once you’ve educated yourself, educate your staff and anyone else you think could be living with or coming into contact with bed bugs. • Be prepared to answer the questions your staff members have. What happens if a staff member takes them home? What is your company prepared to do? • Your JHSC/union/staff members might have concerns about their own safety. How do you address this when from a Public Health perspective, it’s not a H&S issue?
What Next? • If you do get an infestation, what are your options? Do Members need to remain in the environment? What are your staff going to/not going to do? Will your services be altered/suspended?