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Renewable energy Electricity generation and Direct use Geothermy Patrick Ledru Research Division. Presentation. Previous experiences Overview of the geothermal activity in Europe Review of the situation of R&D in Geothermal energy in Europe
Renewable energyElectricity generation and Direct useGeothermyPatrick LedruResearch Division
Presentation • Previous experiences • Overview of the geothermal activity in Europe • Review of the situation of R&D in Geothermal energy in Europe • Opportunities for developing cooperation between LAC and EU EU workshop, Mexico city, 26-27 September 2006
Experience in cooperation between LAC and EU on geothermal energy • A workshop in 1987 in Cuernavaca, organised by the European Commission and IIE about development of geothermal energy • a joint regional geothermal programme organized by EC through its SYNERGY programme entitled "Geothermal Resources Development in Latin America and the Caribbean« (1996-1999). • to look at the institutional and regulatory changes which could extend the area of activity of this energy source and promote commercial and technical co-operation between the two regions. • An extension of a Co-ordination Action in the 6th FP with IIE and CiCESE (Mexico) and LaGeo (El Salvador) (INCO-TTC call, start 1st November 2006) EU workshop, Mexico city, 26-27 September 2006
Overview of the geothermal activity in Europe Geothermal Heat Pumps Alvsby Pyrzyce Guadalupe Podhale, Mszczonów, Pyrzyce, Uniejów Slomniki Açores Groß Schönebeck Groß Schönebeck Soultz Neustadt-Glewe Paris Basin Soultz-sous-forêt EGS Basel EGS Altheim Cozia-Calciulata Neustdat-Glewe Larderello Altheim Ferrara Bansko, Kocani, Gevgelia Heat Pumps Izmir District heating Larderello, 2006 Larderello, 1904 Enhanced Geothermal Systems test sites Electricity production, co generation EU workshop, Mexico city, 26-27 September 2006
Geothermal power and direct use production Geothermal direct use capacity 2005 13626 MWt Austria: 352 Denmark: 330 Germany: 504 Switzerland: 582 Geothermal power 2004 1179 MWE Hungary: 694 Others: 37,2 Norway: 600 France: 19 Others: 3964 Russia: 79 Italy: 607 Turkey: 1495 Iceland: 202 Sweden: 3840 Iceland: 1844 Italy: 791 Compilation, L. Rybach, GRC 2006 EU workshop, Mexico city, 26-27 September 2006
Review of the situation of R&D in Geothermal energy in Europe • A priority thematic area of the EU for "Sustainable energy systems“ • The White Paper (Community Strategy and Action Plan, 1997) : doubling (500 to 1000 MW) of electricity production, increase from 750 to 2,5 MW for heat production of geothermal origin. • Directive 2001/77/EC : doubling the contribution of renewable energy from 6 to 12% of total energy consumption by 2010. • Expressions of interest from the European Commission in the 6th Framework Programme • A total budget of 46,6M€ over 4 years and a support of 17,6M€ from EU (6th FP) dedicated to geothermal energy EU workshop, Mexico city, 26-27 September 2006
Geothermal energy: a wide range of sources and utilisation Italy, Chile Mexico, Costa Rica France (Rhine) Venezuela Poland, Brazil Water/vapor Temperature Permeability • Strategy for defining targets: • the geodynamic context • the hydrosystems • the geology EU workshop, Mexico city, 26-27 September 2006
Geothermal energy: the 6th FP European projects ENGINE Co-ordination Action Technology transfer I-GET: Integrated Geophysical Exploration Technology EGS (STREP): Soultz HITI (STREP): High-Temperature Equipment EU workshop, Mexico city, 26-27 September 2006
Weakness/strength of EU R&D • A lack of political support, youth and growth defaults of geothermal energy (corrosion, H2S gas emission, sustainability…) • The development of geothermal heat pumps market and cost-efficient geothermal devices that have overpassed these difficulties • Restricted market that hinder investment of major companies • EU is still in a pioneer position for experiments and R&D (linked to the high investment of successive FP) • Because of the wide range of sources and applications, dispersion of manpower and R&D funds • Because of the wide range of sources and applications, complementary skills and transfer of knowledge and know-how exist EU workshop, Mexico city, 26-27 September 2006
Example: ENGINE Co-ordination ActionENhanced Geothermal Innovative Network for Europe • An expression of interest from the EC 6th FP • a need for co-ordinating ongoing research and promoting the development and uptake of innovative methods and technologies to expand the exploitation of Unconventional Geothermal Resources, in particular Enhanced Geothermal Systems. • A major scope is the identification of gaps that hamper the development of geothermal energy and definition of research targets for the future • ENGINE co-ordination proposal • Capitalisation of knowledge and state of art • Identification of gaps and barriers • Defining new R&D projects to overcome these gaps and barriers • Start 1 November 2005, 30 months, 2,3 M€, 31 European partners + 4 from Third Countries, 20 countries involved in Geothermal R&D http://engine.brgm.fr EU workshop, Mexico city, 26-27 September 2006
Extension of the network to Third countries (Mexico, El Salvador, Philippines) WP1 Project Management WP2 Information and dissemination system WP3. Investigation of UGR and EGS Italy Mid-term Conference Launching Conf. (France 2/2006) Germany (11/2206) WP6. Expertise on investigation of UGR and EGS WP9. Risk evaluation for the development of geothermal energy WP4. Drilling, stimulation and reservoir assessment Iceland Mid-term Conference Final Conference (Lithuania) Switzerland (06/2006) WP7. Expertise on drilling, stimulation and reservoir assessment Nederland WP5. Exploitation, economic, environmental and social impacts Mid-term Conference (Germany 01/2007) Greece WP8. Expertise on exploitation, economic, environmental, social impacts France (9/2006) Specialised workshops
Opportunities for developing cooperation between LAC and EU • EU has always occupied a pioneer position for exploration and exploitation of geothermal energy • Cooperation between LAC and EU has already led to significant results and regular partnerships exist (R&D cooperation, industrial projects) • Numerous countries in Latin America / Caribbean are localised within active geodynamic zones that are favourable for finding natural geothermal fields • Numerous countries in Latin America / Caribbean have already an advanced experience in developing and managing geothermal exploitation • Cost-efficiency of geothermal energy is proven for a large range of activities and technology for medium enthalpy, GHP, heating and cooling is available • There is a renewed interest for Enhanced Geothermal Systems and for developing new projects at the international scale about extension of existing known resources and technologies • Geothermal energy lacks of political support and requires a good coordination of scientist and professional • The geothermal energy must participate to the global debate about greenhouse effect and energy supply EU workshop, Mexico city, 26-27 September 2006
An international renewed interest for the geothermal energy from deep sources and EGS • The US Department Of Energy program for 2006-2011 and MIT–led interdisciplinar panel (September 2006) • The challenge (…) is to develop and deploy the technology needed to capture the larger, deeper, cooler and less permeable resource base – the Enhanced Geothermal System (EGS) • EGS is one of the few renewable energy that can provide continuous base load-power with minimal visual and environmental impact • The on-going industrial activity in Australia • The know-how and technology of mineral and oil exploration to explore heat sources at depth • The European exploration projects • The pilot site of Soultz sous Forêts and the exploration sites of Gross Schonebeck, Basel, Landau… EU workshop, Mexico city, 26-27 September 2006
A continent to explore… Groß Schönebeck Bruchsal Karlsruhe Karlsruhe-Nord Hockenheim-Philippsburg Rastatt-Lichtenau-Rheinau Weinheim Neuried-Altenheim Mannheim Emmendingen Kehl am Rhein Dinkelberg Breisach Markgräfler Land Lahr Offenburg Neuried-Ichenheim Neuenburg am Rhein Heidelberg Goldscheuer Freiburg-West Schwetzingen Bietigheim Schriesheim Wiesloch Karlsdorf Rhust-Whyl Freiburg-West Speyerdorf Landau in der Pfalz Offenbach an der Queich Bellheim Speyer Riedstadt Bad Bergzabern Steinfeld …… Upper Rhine Valley Soultz-sous-forêt EGS Basel Limagne EU workshop, Mexico city, 26-27 September 2006
The need of an international strategy • Development of geothermal energy requires the realisation of short term projects showing the use of cost-efficient geothermal energy and of medium to long term projects that concern Enhanced Geothermal Systems • the Soultz experiment is considered as the international reference by the Australian investors and American scientists for whom EGS is one of the few renewable energy that can provide continuous base load-power. As well as for scientist from Chile… • The co-ordination of these short and long term projects requires a well organised scientific community at an international level, a restored political support and good links with industry and stakeholders. EU workshop, Mexico city, 26-27 September 2006
Main S&T objectives of the proposed partnership • Co ordination action for ensuring know-how transfer and development of links with industrial partnersshowing the use of cost-efficient geothermal energy (medium enthalpy, GHP, cooling and heating..) • Research and development projects on Enhanced Geothermal Systems, including extension of existing geothermal field • Co-ordination action of these short and long term projects for a better organised scientific community at an international level, a restored political support and development of good links with industry and stakeholders • Specific International Cooperation Action about the potential of geothermal recovery from oil and gas field EU workshop, Mexico city, 26-27 September 2006
Possible contribution of LAC-EU collaborative research to transform Weaknessinto Strength • A lack of political support • Make our voice louder to be heard for raising required funding for showing that EGS can provide continuous base load-power with minimal visual and environmental impact • Restricted market that hinder investment of major companies • Include the development of geothermal fields from Latin America within the international perspective and to ensure the success of on going experiments • Because of the wide range of sources and applications, dispersion of manpower and R&D funds • Integrate complementary skills and ensure transfer of knowledge and know-how within a supported international cooperation action EU workshop, Mexico city, 26-27 September 2006