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Russian environmental legislation as a basis for developing education on cleaner production at the university level. Introduction Definition of legal and other requirements of the international standard ISO 14001 (4.3.2) Overview of legislative system of Russian Federation
Russian environmental legislation as a basis for developing education on cleaner production at the university level Introduction Definition of legal and other requirements of the international standard ISO 14001 (4.3.2) Overview of legislative system of Russian Federation - general structure of legislation - international legislation - Russian legislation АНО "Альтернатива"
Definition of legal and other requirements FL «Technical regulation», December 18, 2002divided all requirements into • Obligatory legislative requirements • Requirements applied and used on a voluntary basis Obligatory requirements will be set only by Federal laws, RF Governmental regulations, Presidential decrees. Obligatory requirements, set by standards and other norm documentation (Gosgortechnadzor rules, Construction norms and rules, sanitary norms and rules, fire safety etc) will be voluntary. АНО "Альтернатива"
Overview of legislative system of Russian Federation General structure of RF legislation RF Constitution, Federal laws, RF Codes Presidential decrees, Подзаконные акты Regulations of RF government and State Duma Instructions and other norm documentation of RF ministries and departments Legislation and norm documentation of RF subjects Regional legislation Constitution of RF subject, charter of “kraj”, “oblast”, city, autonomous “kraj”, “oblast”, laws of RF subject, other legal documentation of RF subjects International legislation Treaties, conventions, agreements АНО "Альтернатива"
Environmental Doctrine of Russian Federation (31 .09.2002№1225) and the concept of transition to sustainable development Environmental doctrine (strategic objectives and targets, principles of state environmental policy) Sustainable development concept(Presidential decrees 04.02.1994,№236,01.04 1996 № 440). Sustainable development means meeting the current needs without damagingbiosphere and does not threaten the ability of future generations to satisfy their needs. Environmental legislation principles: -right for favourable environment -presumption of environmental danger of planned activities -independence of environmental control and expertise -chargeable nature management, prevention and damages -right for reliable information, setting norms, licensing -responsibility for breaking environmental laws АНО "Альтернатива"
State Authorized Bodies • Nature resource ministry of RF (ministerstvo prirodnyh resyrsov) In course of administrative reform and according to President.decree and Gov.reg. (30.07.2004 № 400, 30.07.2004№ 401, 21.01.2006 № 23 ….)the following departments were established: • Federal service in nature management supervision (Federalnaya Slyzhba po nadzory v sfere prirodopolzovanija – Rosprirodnadzor) • Federal service in environmental, technological and nuclear supervision (Federalnaya Slyzhba po ecologicheskomy, technologicheskomy I atomnomy nadzory – Rostechnadzor) Subsystems of environmental legislation: Nature resource legislation (preservation and rational use of nature resources) Nature preservation legislation (public relations in environmental protection, improvement of environmental status, elimination of harmful impact of activities) АНО "Альтернатива"
Basic laws regulating environmental relations • RF Constitution • FL 10.01.2002 N 7- FL «Environmental protection» with changesdated 22.08.2004 N 122,29.12.2004 N 199- FL, 09.05.2005 N 45, 31.12.2005 N 199) • FL «Ambient air protection» № 96, 4.05.1999 with changes dated 22.08.2004 N 122, 09.05.2005 N 45, 31.12.2005 N 199З) • FL «Environmental expertise» 23.11.95. № 174 with changes dated 15.04.1998 N 65, 22.08.2004 , N 122 (29.12.2004), 21.12.2004 N 172, 31.12.2005 N 199). • FL «Consumption and production waste» 24.06.98 N 89 • FL «Protection of rights of … entrepreneurs when performing environmental control/supervision (nadzor)» 8.08.2001 №134 • «Licensing particular activities» 11.02.2002 г. № 135 • Law «Protection of population ad territories against nature and technogenic (caused because of human activities) emergency»27.12.1994, №68 • FL «Special preserved areas », FL“Fauna», FL «Mineral resources» • Codes of RF: Forest Code of RSFSR, Water Code of RSFSR, Land Code of RF (25.10.2001 № 137), Code on administrative transgressions (30.12.2001г. № 195), Criminal Code of RF АНО "Альтернатива"
RF Constitution Environmental rights and responsibilities of RF citizens Property right for land and other nature resources Competence of state bodies in nature management and environmental protection Everyone has a right for favourable environment. Everyone must protect environment, take care of natural resources. Natural resources are the basis for sustainable development, life and activities of RF people. A prioritized direction of state environmental policy is to adjust norms and requirements to international standards step by step. АНО "Альтернатива"
FL № 7 «Environmental protection» 10.01.02 Environmental protection approach: set environmental requirements for the sources of harmful environmental impact. • Prohibitive norms – against actions resulting in negative impact on the environment • Obligatory norms – set environmental requirements for activities • Authorizing norms – provide authority for environmental control bodies (limits, responsibilities, damages, etc) АНО "Альтернатива"
Examples of obligatory norms Citizens must: protect and take care of nature, resources, meet legal requirements. Public and other non-profit organizations must meet environmental protection requirements. Responsibilities of nature management (juridical and natural persons): • meeting norms of permissible impact (waste, emissions) • damage reparation • license (permits) for water use, limits for water supply and discharge • fire safety plans • Prevention of forest pest and vermin, taking forest protection • Measures for fauna objects reproduction, their protection, use of humane methods • Presenting data for state environmental expertise, performing planned activities according to documentation, passed through state environmental expertise АНО "Альтернатива"
Examples of prohibitive requirements • Exceeding established norms (waste and emissions) • Waste deposition outside specially equipped sites • Using objects … without gas treating equipment and equipment to control emissions; waste incineration without special equipment; use of fuel without conformance certificates … • Activities in water protection zones; discharge of domestic and production waste into water objects • Waste and emissions, waste deposition without permits • Non-target land use • Activities before positive decision of the state environmental expertise АНО "Альтернатива"
Environmental expertise and environmental control Environmental expertise Main principle – presumption of potential environmental danger of planned activities Main requirement – EIS(environmental impact assessment – identification, analysis of direct and indirect environmental impacts of planned activities at a project stage) Public discussions - a mechanism to agree interests of different groups interested in a problem solution Environmental control • State, municipal, production, public. АНО "Альтернатива"
Responsibility for violation of environmental legislation Types of responsibility • Civil legal responsibility (damages) • Administrative responsibility • Criminal responsibility • Disciplinary responsibility Environmental violation: Environmental misdemeanour (administrative, civil, disciplinary) Environmental crime (criminal) АНО "Альтернатива"
Administrative responsibility for administrative misdemeanour. Examples (MSS – minimum salary size – citizens, officials, juridical persons) Water objects protection (pollution) (citizens15(20)- 20(25), officials 30(40) - 40(50), juridical person 300(400) - 400(500)) Waste burial in sea (150 - 200 (confiscation),2000 - 3000 (conf.)) Waste handling (10-20 (earlier 3-5),20-50 (earlier 5-10), 100- 1500(earlier 50-100)) Soil protection(5-10, 10-20,100 –200) Land destruction (15-20,30-40, 300-400) Forest protection (obligatory requirements) (waste contamination: 5-10, 20(40)-30(50), 100(200 )- 300(500)) Environmental expertise(15-20, 50-100,500-1000) АНО "Альтернатива"
Administrative punishment • A state inspector has a right to make a protocol and apply administrative punishment according to the following articles Ко АП РФ: 8.1, 8.19, 8.21, 8.22, 8.23, 14.1(ch.2 and ch.3), 14.26, 17.7, 19.4(ch.1), 19.5(ch.1), 19.7, 19.20 (natural person 10-20 MSS , officials 20-50 MSS, jur.prs 200 - 1000 MSS) IF environmental payments are not made at fixed time – officials 30-60 MSS, jur.prs 500 - 1000 MSS) • Environmental crime (the Criminal Code of RF, 01.01.1997) Chapter 26 «Environmental crime», articles 246-255 (environmental protection requirements, waste handling requirements, safety requirements when handling microbiological agents, toxins, waste and air pollution, marine contamination, land damage, mineral resource management …) АНО "Альтернатива"
International cooperation of Russian Federation International conventions, agreements, cooperation with international organizations on a bilateral base. Within the frames of agreements Russia: • Decreases sulphur emissions; • Follows temporary moratorium for radioactive matters discharge into marine environment ; • Participates in conventions for wildlife protection, swamp areas protection; • Takes measures to implement the Vienna convention on the ozone layer protection and Montreal protocol for matters destroying the ozone layer; • Performs activities according to the Basel convention on control of transboundary transition and removal of hazardous waste. АНО "Альтернатива"
Example.The Kioto Protocol for the UN convention on climate change (December 10, 1997, Kioto, Japan) • Signed by Russia March 11, 1999. Ratified in 2004. • Industrial developed countries and countries with transition economics, incl. Russia, have a commitment to keep greenhouse gases emissions on a level fixed in the protocol in 2008-2012. • general decrease of greenhouse gases emission - 5% less comparing with the level in 1990 • For Russia – not higher that the level in 1990. АНО "Альтернатива"