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We work in association with the Somaiya Incubation Centre (RIIDL)

We work in association with the Somaiya Incubation Centre (RIIDL). Retail Lab as a concept. R lab is an innovative, entrepreneurial organization providing services to company clients and facilitating learning for students. The management of the lab is student driven.

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We work in association with the Somaiya Incubation Centre (RIIDL)

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Presentation Transcript

  1. We work in association with the Somaiya Incubation Centre(RIIDL)

  2. Retail Lab as a concept R lab is an innovative, entrepreneurial organization providing services to company clients and facilitating learning for students. The management of the lab is student driven. A virtual test space for concept evaluations. IIM A and ISB Hyderabad have a similar simulation lab.

  3. Objectives Facilitating student learning by developing a real time store for practical implementation of the theoretical knowledge. Conducting store and market research for companies. Product testing Writing research papers and case studies.

  4. Guest Lectures 1. Mr. RavindraKershikar 2. Mr. Angad Desai Director of Blue diamond hotel Ex Ceo of bombay stores Owner of Polka dots (Chain of restaurants) Owner of Bakers and Bakers

  5. Concurrent Projects We have successfully completed concurrent projects for the many companies. To name a few – Raymond Dr. Reddy G-force (an apparel brand) D-mart

  6. Concurrent Projects We have some concurrent projects lined up for companies such as – SABMiller Bank of India (Marketing) Ashland (Chemical company) Bombay store Along with RIIDL we are working on building digital markets like Sound cloud.

  7. Learning • We have taken permissions and prepared the complete proposal for the R lab . • For this we undertook following activities – • Location analysis • Catchment analysis • Pre-setup marketing • Prepared financials • Designed the layout And further – • Fixture installation • Merchandize Procurement • Post-setup Marketing • Inventory Management

  8. Lined up this year Retail workshop Retail magazine Panel discussion Guest lectures

  9. Value Addition Practical learning through Industrial exposure Understanding retail environment Developing entrepreneurship skills Learn to managing resources Developing corporate contacts Concurrent projects add value to your CV

  10. Selection Procedure 1.Filling Registration and Submission of CV &SOP 2.Personal Interview of the short listed candidates. 3.Result Declaration

  11. Contact Details Retail Lab – retaillabsimsr@gmail.com MohitPaliwal – 9930944696 Mail id – mpaliwal67@gmail.com AkhileshKhanna - 9045850009 Mail id – khanna.akhilesh@gmail.com AbhinavKalra – 9167544436 Mail id – abhinav.kjs@gmail.com

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