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Chinese SONG and mini-SONG Software

The 4 th Workshop. Chinese SONG and mini-SONG Software. Xiaomeng Lu National Astronomical Observatories, CAS 18 Sep, 2011. Chinese SONG Software. SONG is a Network Group , each node should act in the same way, so we’ll copy the prototype as many as possible.

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Chinese SONG and mini-SONG Software

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  1. The 4th Workshop Chinese SONG and mini-SONGSoftware Xiaomeng Lu National Astronomical Observatories, CAS 18 Sep, 2011

  2. Chinese SONG Software SONG is a Network Group, each node should act in the same way, so we’ll copy the prototype as many as possible. OS: Debian Linux Infrastructure: OpenVPN, VLAN, Vmware, PostgreSQL Tools: Slony-I, Gluster FS, Bacula Mechanism: trigger based on PostgreSQL, daemon, data drive Development Language: Python, C/C++, HTML Reference: IRAF, Sextractor, … But Chinese node is not strictly same to prototype, we hope the left programs are just concerned with Hardwares that different from prototype.

  3. TelescopeAstelco • OpenTCI(Telescope Driver) & OpenTSI(User Interface) based on TPL2 to share prototype codes • Extended TPL2 gives more functions for diagnoses • That would be possible and we will make the draft at end of September. • Spectrometer & CCD • Would use the same design plan and model • Other Instruments • Such as Cloud Monitor & Dust Monitor, we will write their drivers, extend database tables and error daemons • Image File(s) • Drawing up FITS Head specification, containing enough detailed information • Additional Functions • Automatic pointing calibration -- remember axes position and sky position. if the error is greater than threshold, making point model and replacing the calibration parameters automatically

  4. What to do for Chinese SONG Software <1> Comparing the difference between prototype and Chinese node, to write correlative drivers, triggers and scripts, etc. <2> Setup the developing and runtime environments, make somebody to be familiar with them <3> Tracking prototype subversion <4> Administrate Chinese node software locally and upload to Danish server after test <5> Quick local data processing, such as lucky image filtering and combining, automatic telescope pointing calibration

  5. mini-SONG Software mini-SONG is somewhat different from SONG for their different requirements and design plans. Wide FOV High Precision Long time term Simultaneity 2(or Multi)-Color Survey Match telescope & CCD High accuracy pointing (no AGU) Double Tube & CCD Relay between sites Observe strategy

  6. mini-SONG will use many same factors as SONG: Platform, Infrastructure, Tools, Mechanism, Development languages, Environment instruments

  7. What to do for mini-SONG software: <1> Requirement Analysis <2> Data structure definition <3> Logic definition <4> Setup runtime environment <5> Code & test & documentation What have been determined: <1> Debian 6.0.2, 64bit <2> PostgreSQL 8.3.15 <3> Python 2.7.2 <4> GNU C++ 4.4.6 <5> WEB interface for client <6> Data drive mechanism …

  8. VPN:Secure Network • VLAN:Remote seems to be local • Cluster:data exchange between servers • SOCKET:communication in same site • Data Drive:varied data drive workflow • Remote Maintenance:through rDesktop or SSH

  9. Content: (1) setup platform (2) design DB (3) Image file path architecture (4) data process (5) WEB interface

  10. Data flow between key points: Schedule is saved as TXT file and submit through WWW page. The schedule file would be like following style: Site List [[All] [device-name] [device-name2] [device-name3]] Priority Level 0(0~5) Observe Type survey [lucky image] Filter Color B V Exposure Time xxxx.xxx Exposure Number n Synchronization yes[no] Observe Policy n Begin Date YYYY-MM-DD Life Cycle nnn Submitters ABCDEF (the followings are object information) Name RA DEC Epoch Priority ObserveType FilterColor ExposureTime Synchronization

  11. FITS Head will include: (1) Standard (2) Object(Schedule No, Object name, RA & DEC, Frame) (3) Filter(Photometry system, Color) (4) Mount site(name, geography) (5) Telescope(diameter, f-ratio, focus) (6) CCDCamera(resolution, pixel size, OVERSCAN, cool-set, cooler) (7) Weather(Air Pressure, Temperature, Humidity) (8) Pointing(Alt-Azimuth, RA-DEC) (9) Exposure(Readout port, Readout speed, Readout noise, Gain, DATE-OBS, TIME-OBS, EXPTIME, TIME-END) We Hope: Give V1.0 design documentation during Oct 2011 Give evaluation before July 2012 Give stable V1.0 before Dec 2012

  12. Thanks For your attention!

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