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os códigos, as linguagens, as máquinas e e ... Triathlon... “TUDO é software”? :-)

os códigos, as linguagens, as máquinas e e ... Triathlon... “TUDO é software”? :-). uma VISÃO em 3 atos … 1. os códigos e as linguagens 2. as (novas?) máquinas … 3. estudo de caso: joa no triathlon . por jones albuquerque DEINFO-UFRPE ISI-TICs / INES. 1º. ato códigos

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os códigos, as linguagens, as máquinas e e ... Triathlon... “TUDO é software”? :-)

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  1. os códigos, as linguagens, as máquinas e e ... Triathlon... “TUDO é software”? :-) uma VISÃO em 3 atos… 1. os códigos e as linguagens 2. as (novas?) máquinas … 3. estudo de caso: joa no triathlon por jones albuquerque DEINFO-UFRPE ISI-TICs / INES

  2. 1º. ato códigos linguagens e máquinas e triathlon

  3. era uma vez… a gente! 2010, SCIAM, Endangered Species: Humans Might Have Faced Extinction 1 Million Years Ago http://www.scientificamerican.com/article.cfm?id=early-human-population-size-genetic-diversity

  4. a necessidade de se expressar, e computar...em códigos ! THE ISHAGO BONE, 38.000 BC (???) Origins of Mathematics in the Bunyoro-kitara and Kalahari regions of sub Saharan Africa nearly 40,000 years ago

  5. códigos... 1436 BC… Chineses: pictograms, ideograms, iconically… 1800 – 1050 BC to 1955… Ancient Chemical Symbols. Psychoanalytic Review, 14:200-206, 1927

  6. aescritamaiscódigos... 4000 BC www.phoenician.org The Blackwell Encyclopedia of Writing Systems DOI 10.1111/b.9780631214816.1999.x origens da LÍNGUAS faladas http://pandora.cii.wwu.edu/vajda/ling201/test1materials/origin_of_language.htm

  7. ALFABETOS - códigos Português Grego

  8. http://www.historum.com/ancient-history/1001-most-influential-ancient-civilizations-9.htmlhttp://www.historum.com/ancient-history/1001-most-influential-ancient-civilizations-9.html

  9. www.nature.com/ Nature 426, 435-439(27 November 2003) doi:10.1038/nature02029

  10. códigos antigos X modernos… Vale do Catimbau – Buíque - PE Grafite Pichação…

  11. X 1453 BC 2013 AC

  12. léxico, sintático, semântico

  13. errado? emrelação a que código? Gramática Da Língua Portuguesa (sebo Amigo) http://produto.mercadolivre.com.br R$ 10,00

  14. o SENSO numérico http://educar.sc.usp.br/matematica/let2.htm#let2a1 quantas pessoas de cada lado?

  15. e agora… quantas pessoas de cada lado? e quantos seres vivos? o caso do corvo de Dantzig e o da galinha de joa 

  16. a necessidade de computar...os códigos matemáticos... os NÚMEROS http://pessoal.sercomtel.com.br/matematica/fundam/numeros/numeros.htm um fato: ISHANGO bone http://www.math.buffalo.edu/mad/Ancient-Africa/ishango.html o SENSO numérico http://educar.sc.usp.br/matematica/let2.htm#let2a1 representação do complexo  códigos mais densos! http://pt.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hessiano

  17. um resumo da “codificação” matemática…até onde conseguimos ler o que está escrito? http://library.thinkquest.org/22584/emh1000.htm

  18. e a representação do complexo?  códigos mais densos!...http://pt.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hessiano é a jacobiana, derivada do gradiente… aplicaçoes???

  19. 2º. ato códigos linguagens e máquinas e triathlon

  20. Here’s some machine code from a MIPS processor: 00000000101000010000000000011000 00000000100011100001100000100001 10001100011000100000000000000000 10001100111100100000000000000100 10101100111100100000000000000000 10101100011000100000000000000100 00000011111000000000000000001000 Okay... did that make sense? Probably not. • source: http://www.eas.asu.edu/~gupta/intro.html Computer Programming

  21. Lets look at it in MIPS assembly language: swap: muli $2, $5,4 add $2, $4,$2 lw $15, 0($2) lw $16, 4($2) sw $16, 0($2) sw $15, 4($2) jr $31 Now does that make sense? Better, but still cryptic. • source: http://www.eas.asu.edu/~gupta/intro.html Computer Programming

  22. What about a high level language, like C  swap(int v[], int k) { int temp; temp = v[k]; v[k] = v[k+1]; v[k+1] = temp; } This probably still doesn’t make sense to most of you. That’s okay. However, you could probably parse it after I explained what everything was. • source: http://www.eas.asu.edu/~gupta/intro.html Computer Programming

  23. escrita + números... MUITOS códigos linguagens e máquinas... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alan_Turing 1912 - 1954 /http://www.chomsky.info/ 1928, Professor in Department of Linguistics & Philosophy at MIT

  24. a necessidade de se expressar e computar automaticamente... os códigos e as linguagens, 1936... a máquina de turing

  25. computer languages http://www.levenez.com/lang/

  26. máquinas? programáveis? qual o código? a linguagem? computers? whatkind of? humanoids https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NJdiNBRwDW0 ride a bike https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mT3vfSQePcs football https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4B_sB0q4IDU 2013, aug, El robot japonés Kirobo viaja al espacio para una misión histórica : http://www.rtve.es/noticias/20130804/kirobo-robot-habla-viaja-espacio-para-mision-historica/730541 a revolução pode ser antecipada? http://terramagazine.terra.com.br/silviomeira/blog/2013/10/04/a-revoluo-pode-ser-antecipada/

  27. outras máquinas com seus códigos e linguagens… Moving Things Around

  28. ¿O QUE é isso? mais NOVOS códigos…

  29. A famous and simple one: Game of Life • Take a look at this applet • http://www.bitstorm.org/gameoflife/ • MATHEMATICAL GAMESThe fantastic combinations of John Conway's new solitaire game "life" • Scientific American, 223 (October 1970): 120-123.

  30. Rule 30 - 1000 iterações

  31. Flows in Rule 110!!

  32. Rule 110, 150 steps

  33. natural biotic types Patterns of some seashells, like the ones in Conus and Cymbiola genus, are generated by natural CA. http://www.answers.com/topic/cellular-automaton

  34. arts

  35. CA music generator

  36. MUSIC is a code by machine... Let´s take a bit of time with this site • http://tones.wolfram.com/

  37. What can we do with this?

  38. ANKOS – ANew Kind of Simulator a cellular automata framework for computational epidemiology fishy.com.br www.epischisto.org

  39. A case study… Schistosomiasis Carne de Vaca – GO Ponta do Canoé!

  40. 2006 – 2007, data collect in-loco

  41. 2006 – 2007, data collect in-loco

  42. 2008 – 2009, data analysis and reports...Parasitological exams on 1100 residents Spatial pattern, water use and risk levels associated with the transmission of schistosomiasis on the north coast of Pernambuco, Brazil. Cad. Saúde Pública vol.26 no.5 Rio de Janeiro May 2010. http://dx.doi.org/10.1590/S0102-311X2010000500023

  43. 2008 and 2009 data analysis and reports...Summary data for molluscscollected... Ecological aspects and malacological survey to identification of transmission risk' sites for schistosomiasis in Pernambuco North Coast, Brazil. Iheringia, Sér. Zool. 2010, vol.100, n.1, pp. 19-24. http://dx.doi.org/10.1590/S0073-47212010000100003

  44. 2009-2010, modellingwith 15 real parameters (?) From one year (population 1 snapshot, molluscs 12 snapshots) without previous historical...

  45. a cellular automaton • Cellular automaton A is a set of four objectsA = <G, Z, N, f>, where • G– set of cells • Z– set of possible cells states • N – set, which describes cells neighborhood • f– transition function, rules of the automaton: • Z|N|+1Z (for automaton, which has cells “with memory”) • Z|N|Z (for automaton, which has “memoryless” cells) Moore Neighbourhood (in grey) of the cell marked with a dot in a 2D square grid

  46. oneproposal: a top-down approach using a cellularautomaton simulation space, a 10x10 square grid

  47. the dynamics Mollusk population dynamics (3a) a growth model for the number of individuals (N) that considers the intrinsic growth rate (r) and the maximum sustainable yield or carrying capacity (C) defined at each site (Verhulst, 1838): the model calculates the local increase of population using equation 1 and calculating N(t+1) out from N(t). The values for r and C are set at each site and each time step, using monthly meteorological inputs and considering the ecological quality of the habitat (3b) (1) Human infection dynamics (SIR - SI) This model splits the human population into three compartments: S (for susceptible), I (for infectious) and R (for recovered and not susceptible to infection) and the snail population into two compartments: MS (for susceptible mollusk) and MI (for infectious mollusk). Socioeconomic and environmental factors environmental quality of the nine collection sites in Carne de Vaca, according to the criteria of Callisto et al (Souza et al, 2010).

  48. Cells and infection forces • states • black: rate of human infection = 100%; • red: 80% ≤ rate of human infection < 100%; • light red: 60% ≤ rate of human infection < 80%; • yellow: 40% ≤ rate of human infection < 60%; • light yellow: 20% ≤ rate of human infection < 40%; • cyan: 0% ≤ rate of human infection < 20%. • infection forces • Human • S -> I (infected molluscs contact, pH) • I -> R (if treated (1-α), χ) • Molluscs • S -> I (infected human contact, pM)

  49. thealgorithm – likethe GAME OF LIFE! Main Events process

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