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Osbond and tutt- french polishers

Furniture Polishing consists of applying polish to wooden furniture in order to provide a protective or decorative finish.<br><br>We also offer an alternative to French polishing. We offer a Lacquer finish which is more durable and designed for todayu2019s lifestyle.<br>As well as furniture, your interior floors require a high level of maintenance. If not maintained flooring can become permanently damaged due to wear and tear from foot traffic leaving various scratches and stains.

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Osbond and tutt- french polishers

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  2. OSBOND AND TUTT About Us Osbond and Tutt is a third-generation family owned French Polishing business that has expanded to incorporate all types of finishing processes. Today’s finishes are often factory applied but when damage occurs and the finish needs to be restored finishing specialists are required, this where Osbond and Tutt excel. Our team of polishers are highly trained and can work on all types of surfaces either on site or at our South London workshops. www.osbondandtutt.co.uk

  3. COMPANY SERVICE OSBOND AND TUTT French Polishing Contemporary Finishes Residential Commercial

  4. SERVICES 01 05 Timber Panelling Furniture Restoration 02 Furniture Polishing 06 Paint Spraying Furniture Repairs 03 07 Lacquer Spraying Flooring Restoration 04 08 Limed Finishes

  5. THANK YOU • 020 8879 1085 • steve@osbondandtutt.co.uk • www.osbondandtutt.co.uk

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