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Covering Assessment in LIS Education and in the Profession. Megan Oakleaf Peter Hernon Karin De Jager Library Assessment Conference August 2008. Panel Overview. Introduction Some examples of what LIS education is doing Assessment Student outcomes Student learning outcomes
Covering Assessment in LIS Education and in the Profession Megan Oakleaf Peter Hernon Karin De Jager Library Assessment Conference August 2008
Panel Overview • Introduction • Some examples of what LIS education is doing • Assessment • Student outcomes • Student learning outcomes • The Assessment Toolkit • Assessment in Context • A view from South Africa Library Assessment Conference 2008 2
LIS Education • Status of using student learning outcomes should guide programs • Role of research at master’s level • Research—Application of inquiry process • Evaluation—Library centric • Examination of program/service for summative/formative evaluation • Assessment—Connects libraries and broader organizations to stakeholder expectations and requirements Library Assessment Conference 2008 3
Key Stakeholders behind Assessment • Government • Federal • State • Accreditation • Regional Accrediting Organizations • Program “Accreditors” Library Assessment Conference 2008 4
Critical Issues • How do we build “research” as a most essential activity within LIS education? • How do we build research as a more essential activity among libraries and librarians? Library Assessment Conference 2008 5
Partnerships LIS schools/programs Library An institution Campus IR Cross-disciplinary partners Library Assessment Conference 2008 6
Other Partnerships Libraries within the US CE Workshops Speaking Scholarship LIS Education Key professional associations ISSUES: How to address research and assessment? Library Assessment Conference 2008 7
aggregate statistics on groups of students graduation rates, retention rates transfer rates employment rates for a graduating class Assessment 1. Accountability: Meeting institutional mission—effectiveness and institutional fiscal efficiency Library Assessment Conference 2008 8
Assessment Cycle for Student Learning Outcomes Planning (Assessment Plan) Identify outcomes Interpret evidence Gather “evidence” Institutional Mission Vision Values Review outcomes Use the results LibQUAL+ is irrelevant Library Assessment Conference 2008 9
Student Learning Outcomes--Examples Skills Oral/written communication Foreign language communication Technological sophistication Quantitative reasoning ability Other Conceptual Leadership Critical thinking Problem solving Information literacy Global citizen Values (moral, etc.) Library Assessment Conference 2008 10
What should students learn (in a program)? How well are they learning it (in that program)? What measures and procedures does the institution USE to determine that it is effective?To what extent does the institution offer evidence that demonstrates its Effectiveness to the public?What does the institution plan to do with this evidence to improve outcomes? Assessment 2. Educational quality and improvement (e.g., student learning) Library Assessment Conference 2008 11
Student learning outcomes exist at the following levels course Program Use of rubrics Institutional
Embedded course assessment (performance on assignments, etc.; minute paper) Portfolio assessment Performance (internships, practicum, student teaching) Professional jurors or evaluators Capstone course/experience Experimental research designs), with pre- and post-testing Use of standardized tests Think-aloud protocol Directed conversation Videotape/audiotape evaluation Analysis of theses/dissertations/ senior papers (content analysis, interviews, or oral defense) Direct Methods
Surveys (self-reporting) and self-assessments Curriculum and syllabus evaluation Exit interviews Observation Other Indirect Methods
Simmons’ MLIP Leadership Model The curriculum and assessment activities are guided by a leadership model, which was adapted from a model developed by the National Center for Healthcare Leadership. The model consists of twenty-five distinct leadership competencies in three broad areas: Transformation, Accomplishment, and People. http://web.simmons.edu/~phdml/docs/phdmlip_models.pdf
Assessment in Context • Learning in context is authentic & meaningful. • Students apply skills as they would in the real world. • Learning in context is active. • “Students construct meaning and knowledge: they do not have meaning or knowledge handed to them in a book or lecture. Learning, then, is a process of students ‘making sense’ of how things fit together; factual and procedural knowledge is built along the way” (Shavelson & Baxter, 1996). • Learning in context is open-ended & acknowledges more that one right approach/answer (Shepard, 1996). Library Assessment Conference 2008 16
Example LIS Assignment Planning, Marketing, & Assessing Library Services Assignment Tasks: • Locate a new or recently revised library service & a host librarian • For the service, develop: • Project Management Plan • Marketing Plan • Assessment Plan • Present final plans to class & host librarian Library Assessment Conference 2008 17
Library Service Examples • Virtual/IM reference • Downloadable audio • Gaming programs • Single service points • Information commons • Portals/blogs/wikis • LibGuides • Digitization • Orientations & outreach • Book clubs & summer reading programs • Cafes/coffee bars Library Assessment Conference 2008 18
Assessment Plan Outline Service goals & link to strategic plan Literature review Service outcomes Target audience Methods & tools for evidence collection Recommendations for pilot assessment Analysis of evidence (data plan) How assessors will know the outcome has been met Result scenarios & decision making indicators Recommendations for reporting Responsible parties Timeline Library Assessment Conference 2008 19
Libraries Impacted (2007-2008) Onondaga County Public Libraries (NY) University of Rochester Libraries Mott Road Elementary School Library (NY) Vogelson Public Library (NJ) LeMoyne Elementary School Library (NY) Groton Elementary School Library (NY) Paine Memorial Library (NY) Drew University Libraries Broome County Public Library New York University Libraries Green Mountain Library Consortium Oneida-Herkimer BOCES School Library System Schoharie Free Public Library (??) University of Virginia Libraries Boston College Libraries Oneida Castle Elementary School Library Andrew J. Lanza Library (??) George C. Marshall European Center for Security Studies Syracuse University Libraries Lemoyne College Libraries SUNY ESF Libraries SUNY Cortland Libraries SUNY Brockport Libraries SUNY Binghamton Libraries SUNY Upstate Medical University Libraries Mid-York Library System (NY) Cazenovia Public Library (NY) Roanoke City Libraries (VA) Loyola University Libraries Cornell University Libraries University of Utah Libraries Enoch Pratt Free Library (MD) Northwestern University Libraries Supreme Court Library (NV) Rockefeller University Libraries UT – San Antonio Libraries Brandeis University Libraries 26 NYC-area public school libraries Wantagh Public Library (NY) Brooklyn Public Library (NY) Jervis Public Library (NY) Fayetteville Free Library (NY) Cazenovia Public Library (NY) Cicero-North Syracuse HS Library Fletcher Free Library (VT) RIT Libraries US Military Academy Library Celebration School Library (FL) Deschutes Public Libraries (OR) Middlebury College Libraries (??) University of New Hampshire Libraries Regent University Libraries Wake County Public Libraries (NC) Whitesboro High School Library Norwood-Norfolk Central HS Library New England Law Library Consortium YouthBuild Charter School Library (PA) Wellesley College Libraries Library Assessment Conference 2008 20
Assessment Impact Examples • Librarians move forward on projects. • Nearly all librarians say they’ll enact student plans, in part or in whole. • “We have paid thousands to ‘consultants’ who have produced reports that don’t come anywhere near the level of detail and professionalism that these students provided for us gratis. If we were to move on this we could have a family-centered program at the [children’s hospital] that would become a national model.” –to hospital president and others from chair of pediatrics • “If you were wondering if your project was ever touched – most certainly! Your project has been the backbone of my knowledge and launching point for inquiry. Hopefully in 2-3 months you will see these items [downloadable audio] in the catalog and in our marketing.” --to student from Wake Public Libraries (NC) Library Assessment Conference 2008 21
Assessment Impact Examples • Students gain professional positions. • Student named Federal Library Technician of the Year. • Student recommended as chair of assessment committee at New England Law Library Consortium. Library Assessment Conference 2008 22
Courses at selected LIS Programs UIUC “Evaluating Programs and Services” Michigan “Evaluation of Systems and Services” “Outcome Based Evaluation of Programs and Services” Rutgers “Evaluation of Library and Information Services & Systems” Indiana “Evaluation of Resources and Services” Texas “Administration” Wisconsin “Information Services Management” Hawaii “Teaching Information Technology Literacy” Florida State “Planning, Evaluation & Financial Management” ECU Theme & component throughout program Library Assessment Conference 2008 23
From SA point of view - 2 implicit assumptions: The workplace requires evaluation & assessment activities from librarians Library schools are teaching some of the competencies required for these activities Little evidence of either in local practice Library Assessment Conference 2008
Reasons No standardized data collection required from libraries Inevitable result: not a strong culture of assessment evident on the SA library scene If evaluation & assessment not a high priority in libraries - almost self-evidently not high priority in library schools either Library Assessment Conference 2008
Library education in SA Schools/Departments generally small & threatened with closure Reduced in number during the last 10 years from 18 to 12; also more closures in sight Some that remain have merged with other disciplines in order to survive; Or evolved other survival strategies; e.g. diversifying into adjacent areas like knowledge or records management, media studies & publishing Library Assessment Conference 2008
Two kinds of qualifications English speaking universities: mainly post-graduate Diploma after Bachelor’s degree To ensure that students have some subject specialization Other universities: first degree in librarianship with somewhat less emphasis on subject specialization 2 qualifications initially envisaged as equal (both took 4 years to complete); but Gradual emergence of 3 year qualification in information studies - much less subject specialization required Library Assessment Conference 2008
Implications Librarians rather technicist in orientation Focus on the practicalities of obtaining, managing & provision of resources Frequently not enough subject expertise to be regarded as equals by faculty Tend to concentrate on undergraduate needs & information literacy of very diverse & frequently underprepared student body. Library performance measurement may be regarded with suspicion Fear that own institution ‘might be shown up’ - of lesser quality than others Library Assessment Conference 2008
University of Cape Town Postgraduate diploma: small course on performance measurement & evaluation 6 teaching periods: objectives of performance evaluation, approaches to measuring few informal case studies & examples of processes & procedures Eventual need for evaluation skills in workplaces emphasized Self-study projects on e.g. measuring in ILL depts, assessment of infolit competencies & information needs; statistics for electronic resources & web usability studies Library Assessment Conference 2008
Yet growing demand for evidence of quality SA Council for HE mandates national institutional quality audits Libraries to provide evidence of quality & impact of services on teaching & research Some assistance from CHELSA Considerable interest in PM7 in 2007 Ca 70 librarians from SA (total of nearly 200) Influence of LibQUAL+ Though language & structure very difficult at institutions where English not first language of student body Library Assessment Conference 2008
Also problem with research in SA SA research output declined since 1990s Respected researchers generally pale & male & about to retire Results of our LibQual evaluation (2005) Loud & clear; postgraduates & researchers not happy with Library resources & services Both faculty & postgraduates (i.e. both current and future researchers) rated all of Information Control below minimum expectations Serious & sustained interventions required to support & enhance the research enterprise Library Assessment Conference 2008
Novel intervention SA library education Ambitious Library project to support researchers in the Library Consortium of 3 large academic libraries funded by Carnegie Intended to catch up with what was not learnt in library school Program for librarians: ‘total immersion’ into research enterprise Monitoring & measuring ALL activities essential for improvement Library Assessment Conference 2008
No research support without evaluation & measurement Two-week “Academy” for 6 mid-career librarians from each institution for 2 (or 3) years Best possible researchers talking about their own research Wide range of disciplines & from very different epistemologies Each participant also to produce potentially publishable research paper: with data collection, measurement or assessment component Research involves finding out & counting & measuring to understand what is really going on – Whether in libraries or elsewhere in the research enterprise Library Assessment Conference 2008
Bibliography Shavelson, Richard J., and Gail P. Baxter. "Linking Assessment with Instruction." A Handbook for Student Performance in an Era of Restructuring. Eds. Robert E. Blum and Judith A. Arter. Alexandria, Virginia: Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development, 1996. IV-7:1 - IV-7:6. Shepard, Lorrie A. "Why We Need Better Assessments." A Handbook for Student Performance Assessment in an Era of Restructuring. Eds. Robert E. Blum and Judith A. Arter. Alexandria, Virginia: Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development, 1996. I-2:2 - I-2:7. Library Assessment Conference 2008