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25-Sep-07. GeothermEx, Inc.. 2. Introduction. What did we know by the mid-1980s?A LOTMost theoretical and practical fundamentals of geothermal geochemistry, its engineering applications and related chemical applications to geothermal technology were in place (if not widely understood)Kudos toEllis, Mahon, White, Fournier, Helgeson, Truesdell, Arn
1. 25-Sep-07 GeothermEx, Inc. 1 Advances in the Past 20 Years: Geochemistry in Geothermal Exploration, Resource Evaluation and Reservoir Management Christopher W. Klein
GeothermEx, Inc.
Richmond CA, USA
2. 25-Sep-07 GeothermEx, Inc. 2
3. 25-Sep-07 GeothermEx, Inc. 3 Introduction Contributions by mid-80s included
Chemical geothermometry
Enthalpy Cl models (and analogues)
Fundamentals of reaction kinetics and thermodynamics
Relationships among geological processes, petrology, mineralogy, temperature and fluids chemistry
Stable isotope behaviors
Phase partitioning
Scaling mechanisms and how to control them
4. 25-Sep-07 GeothermEx, Inc. 4 Introduction Whats new - a post-1980s look at theory, technology and applications with emphasis on
Commercial technology and new developments
Basic activity categories (sampling, analysis, exploration-evaluation, resource management)
Location (see Transactions for specific citations)
Included: applied chemistry (not strictly geo-)
Not included: drilling, power plants, environmental monitoring and abatement, minerals extraction
Underlying advances
Computation hardware and software
Global Positioning System
5. 25-Sep-07 GeothermEx, Inc. 5 Fluids Sampling - 1 Basic methods established before mid-80s
Subsequent refinements
Standard Practice for Sampling Two-Phase Geothermal Fluid for Purposes of Chemical Analysis ASTM E1675-95a (1995)
Active Standard E1675-04e1 (2004)
ASTM is basically USA technology (TCI)
Sampling is elsewhere equivalent and differences now are inconsequential
6. 25-Sep-07 GeothermEx, Inc. 6 Fluids Sampling - 2 Nuts and bolts
General adoption of Teflon stop-cock sealed steam and gas sample bottles
PVC pipe canisters for bottle protection and shipping
Offset (just barely) the headache of shipping under IATA Dangerous Goods Regulations
7. 25-Sep-07 GeothermEx, Inc. 7 Fluids Sampling - 3 Downhole sampling
High T failure rates were high, sample quality often poor
Current commercial choice: Kuster Flow Through Sampler (FTS), to 230C
300C controlled-piston-displacement tool designed, 500C possible (Calidus Eng.UK)
8. 25-Sep-07 GeothermEx, Inc. 8 Analysis an End-Users Viewpoint Fluids Chemistry
High-Performance/Pressure Liquid Chromatography (HPLC)
SO4, tracers
Lower analysis costs
Increasing use of AA for SiO2
Loosens sample storage issues
18O in SO4: more services available
Geothermal Leakage Detection
Portable, airborne and satellite infrared spectroscopes for rock, mineral and soil analyses (UNR, elsewhere)
Portable systems for CO2 flux at ground surface
Accumlation chamber, infrared gas analyzer
High-senstivity ICPMS (trace elements in soils)
9. 25-Sep-07 GeothermEx, Inc. 9 Exploration and Resource Evaluation - 1 Cation and Silica Geothermometry Basic forms well-established by mid-1980s
Mg and Li variants in place by about 1990
Principal development = larger database and experience with application
Effects of cooling
Roles of chalcedony vs. quartz
Occasional variants of original defining equations continue to be published based on selected data sets and/or refined mathematical approaches.
10. 25-Sep-07 GeothermEx, Inc. 10 Exploration and Resource Evaluation - 2 Gas Geothermometry Generally newer than the dissolved solids forms
Numerous contributions continued into late 1990s, especially from Iceland, and have continued even recently
liquid phase H2S (2006).
11. 25-Sep-07 GeothermEx, Inc. 11 Exploration and Resource Evaluation - 3 Isotope Studies Most basic development is database growth, development and application experience
He isotopes and magmatic origins
Reservoir processes and the ratio 3He/4He
Studies of acidic reservoir fluids
Increased experience with S, C, Ar, Rn, Ra, Cl, B, Sr and K
12. 25-Sep-07 GeothermEx, Inc. 12 Exploration and Resource Evaluation - 4 Fluid Inclusions Microscopic bubbles of water, solutes, crystalline solids and gases trapped in minerals at time of formation or alteration
Wellbore Fluid Inclusion Stratigraphy
Automated sample crushing and analysis using mass spectroscopy to map chemistry of trapped volatiles (New Mexico Tech)
13. 25-Sep-07 GeothermEx, Inc. 13 Exploration and Resource Evaluation - 5 Dissolved Trace Elements Species usually present at <1 mg/l have not played a major role in geothermal R&D
Patterns and T-controlled behaviors rarely more useful than more abundant solutes
Sb, Zn of interest as sources of scale
Finger-printing studies
Rare earths and Y in Jordan (Mller)
Trace elements in Iceland
14. 25-Sep-07 GeothermEx, Inc. 14 Resource Management - 1 Geochemical Reaction Modeling Most chemical reaction modeling codes in place by 1985 (WATCH, SOLVEQ-CHILLER, EQ3/6, SOLMNEQ, TEQUIL, GEOFLUIDS)
Subsequent improvements
Code enhancements
Pitzer method for highly saline solutions
Kinetics (esp. SiO2)
MS-Windows interfaces
15. 25-Sep-07 GeothermEx, Inc. 15 Resource Management - 2 Geochemical Reaction Modeling Integration of reaction modeling with numerical reservoir simulation
Case studies
More directed studies appearing (Coso, Salton Sea, Onikobe)
Very advised use still needed, especially if modeling more than silica and calcite or elevated salinity and/or T
differences in thermodynamic equilibrium constants, activity coefficients (or ion-interaction parameters) and kinetics models can result in significant differences in predicted mineral precipitation and reservoir-porosity evaluation ... differences in calculation schemes typically produce less difference in model outputs ... (code comparisons by Andr and others, 2006)
16. 25-Sep-07 GeothermEx, Inc. 16 Resource Management - 3 Scaling and Wellbore Chemistry Modification Calcium carbonate inhibition now routine
Anhydrite scale inhibition appearing (Japan)
pH-mod for silica scale inhibition now routine (Salton Sea, various binary bottoming cycles)
Silica scale inhibitors still mostly under development
Silica deposition research remains common applied and theoretical (New Zealand, Iceland, USA, Russia)
alternation of acid and alkali injection (USA)
17. 25-Sep-07 GeothermEx, Inc. 17 Resource Management - 4 Scaling and Wellbore Chemistry Modification Hydroxide neutralization of acidic production
Steam (USA, Italy)
Liquid phase (Costa Rica)
18. 25-Sep-07 GeothermEx, Inc. 18 Resource Management - 5Reservoir Tracers Major improvements
Until mid-80s: Na-fluorescein, I-, 3H
Organic aromatic alcohols (USA)
toluenesulfonate, 1-naphthalene sulfonate, naphthalene disulfonates (1,5-, 2,5-, 2,6- etc.)
~0.2 ppb
simultaneous HPLC detection (up to 8 tracers)
expensive analysis (10x fluorescein)
19. 25-Sep-07 GeothermEx, Inc. 19 Resource Management - 6Reservoir Tracers Na-fluorescein still of interest (USA)
Thermal decay constant slow at <180C, severely fast at >250C (USA)
Side-by-side tests with aromatic tracer have shown amounts lost in excess of thermal degradation (Indonesia)
Analysis by HPLC with laser fluorometer highly sensitive (40 ppq) (USA)
20. 25-Sep-07 GeothermEx, Inc. 20 Resource Management - 7Reservoir Tracers Vapor Phase Tracers (USA)
sulfur hexafluoride, hydrofluorocarbons
hydrochlorofluorocarbons abandoned due to ozone depletion
chain alcohols (ethanol, n-butanol, etc) (Japan, USA)
disadvantages: lower T stability, higher detection limits (but improving)
advantages: water solubility, easier handling, easier sampling, vapor pressure similar to water, range of vapor pressures
21. 25-Sep-07 GeothermEx, Inc. 21 Resource Management - 8Tracer Flow (Enthalpy) Testing Measures flow rates of liquid and vapor in a two phase flow line (USA, New Zealand)
e.g. sodium benzoate in liquid
e.g. SF6 in steam
Smaller, lighter equipment new developed
22. 25-Sep-07 GeothermEx, Inc. 22 Challenges for Future Further refine understanding of geothermometers under conditions of cooling
Silica scale inhibitors
Test some of the ideas coming out of coupled simulation reaction modeling
e.g. alternate acid base injection for silica management (Coso)
Do the trench work of refining and improving thermodynamic databases and understanding how to model the highest temperatures and salinities
Look for further cost reductions in analyses of the new tracers
Better understanding of B behavior (e.g. in clays)
Further refine understanding of chalcedony vs. quartz control of SiO2
23. 25-Sep-07 GeothermEx, Inc. 23 Thanks To GRC for invitation to deliver this paper
As a geochemist and member of the industry
to research scientists
to private concerns willing to share experience
to research funding organizations (e.g. USDOE, other government)
To my colleagues at GeothermEx