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New Climate Databases Management Systems (CDMSs) EXPERT MEETING ON METEOROLOGICAL INFORMATION FOR LOCUST CONTROL 18-20 October 2004, Geneva Hama Kontongomde. Main Achievements Provision of hardware and commercial software,
New Climate Databases Management Systems(CDMSs)EXPERT MEETING ON METEOROLOGICAL INFORMATION FOR LOCUST CONTROL 18-20 October 2004, Geneva Hama Kontongomde
Main Achievements Provision of hardware and commercial software, Improvement of computerized literacy of the local staff in developing countries was improved.. Improvement of expertise of computerized climate data processing (data entry, data quality control, data archiving and retrieval) Main deficiencies Still in DOS Cannot use different Database Management Systems, Not a Client / Server System , Internet Connections etc. No link to Geographical Information Systems (GIS) (The CLICOM Project )
Elements in the metadata Possibility to add more elements Possibility of supporting graphical elements Information on equipment and instruments Metadata
Station name station number/identifier date or date range latitude/longitude elevation country climate element (temperature, etc) Maps, photos etc.. other Metadata
Messages that can be imported (TEMP, METAR, SYNOP, CLIMAT…) Importation of multiples data files for one station Importation of multiples data files for multiple stations Import data from CLICOM Import of Digital Data
Quality control flags Are QC results stored System offers replacement estimates for fail QC QC validation Method of defining ranges values for comparison Spatial coherence Validation and Quality Controls
Training time for data extraction (1 hour, 1 day, more than a day..) GUI to enter data extraction parameters Examples for command line queries Data Extraction
Hourly data Daily data 10-day data Other (specify in Annex) Daily summary 10-day, monthly, annual summaries Extreme values Type of variables
Tabulated data (hourly, daily, …) Tabular summary of statistical analysis Typical types of statistical analyses (means, std, frequency analyses..) Graphical products (time series, Upper air sounding, contour analyses..) Output formats supported (ASCII, HTML, PDF, XML, CSV…) WMO messages (CLIMAT, CLIMAT TEMP, ..) Output Products
Build around the ORACLE RDBMS and associated management and data discovery tools professionally designed scalable for use in all sizes of climate data organizations provides multi-language support and flexible specification of quality control procedures. CLIDATA(Czech Republic)
CLISYS package is built using, primarily, open source software packages Major components: Linux operating system, Oracle RDBMS, ZOPE application server, and python scripting language capability. Plans are underway to test and evaluate use of the PostgreSQL RDBMS as an alternative to ORACLE an to develop a “light version” of Clisys. Stand-alone data entry module (ELIAD) that allows for off-line data entry without requiring a direct connection to the database. CLISYS(France)
CliWare is the most technologically advanced of the systems reviewed It uses a client-server model that can access data locally or over a network connection to a remote database through an http socket Communicates with the database uses JDBC calls that allow for different database engines to be utilized for the underlying data store (Oracle, SAP DB, PostgreSQL RDBMS ...) CLIWARE(Russian Federation)
Real-time data collecting Omega subsystem • Synop • Ship • Upper air • CLIMAT • Bathy • Tesak • Buoys • Coastal • Grib • Metar • Speci • Taf Receiving Selecting Decoding QC control Writing in DB WMO GTS Relational DBMS Mecom
Cliware :Non real-time data collecting CliWare Internet Applications to load data User Relational DBMS
To disseminate data system uses TCP/IP public network Internet and provides two type of data access: Bach Client (Application) and User. Both types use HTTP protocol to data access. The data and products can be present in formats: MeteoXml, HTML, text tabulated data, graph images, Geo images, FM codes Cliware : Data dissemination
System specifically, to manage data collected from the network of climate data stations in Jordan Data tables and attribute definitions are tailoredAddition of different observation types and reporting intervals would require modification to the data system which is based on an ORACLE RDBMS It has been designed as a replacement system for CLICOM and generally follows the look and feel aspects of CLICOM. J C D M S (Jordan)
System designed to specifically to manage data collection for the Tunisia climate data stations Screen navigation is difficult to follow at times. The metadata structure was sound (Structured around station information) however the data entry and modification is complex. Data output is based on SQL scripts. It is planned to start developing standard output reports using Oracle Reports SDCLIM(Tunisia)
Climsoft was the only system that is based, entirely, on MicroSoft software and utilizes the MicroSoft Access RDBMS as the core of the system. Design based on the utilization of readily available software that would lower the cost of ownership and personnel required to manage and maintain the system. Targeted to small meteorological services (The data capacity is currently limited to 2 Gb of data imposed by limits of MS Access. The system was extremely slow access time in comparison with other systems evaluated. CLIMSOFT(Zimbabwe)
Estonia Latvia Lithuania Macedonia Kazakhstan CIMH Barbados Syria RA IV by end 2004 Barbados Cuba Dominican Rep Guyana Haiti Jamaica Trinidad & Tobago Antigua & Barbuda RA I by end 2004 Burkina Faso Cape Verde Chad Gambia Guinea Bissau Mali Mauritania Niger Senegal Libya Sao Tome & Princ. AGRHYMET (Niger) Ghana Madagascar Rwanda CDMS Implementations: completed; planned; under development System under development in Solomon Islands
URL : Results of the evaluation : http://www.wmo.ch/web/wcp/wcdmp/cdmsfuture/htm/evaluation.html Results